For full patch notes, please refere to following site.https://blog.apeironnft.com/s/patch-notes
- Added transformation ticket for seed planets
- Added a new Anima ticket boost
- Improved high latency environment smoothness
- Fixed a bug that may cause characters to move out of the arena
- Fixed a bug with the battle pass UI after claiming free animus
- Fixed a bug causing Dark Mystic phase 2 to turn pink
- Fixed a bug on mobile with mercenary apostles UI
For full patch notes, please refere to following site.
## Quality of Life Changes
- Made some optimizations to improve the game's loading time
## Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing **Rage of the Sands** to be cancelled by CC after casting
- Fixed a bug with **Revenant's Domain** dash cooldown reduction
- Fixed a bug causing the enemy avatar to not be highlighted in red
For full patch notes, please refere to following site.
## Systematic Changes
- Players can now transform their seed planets to different types in the cradle
## Quality of Life Changes
- Startup loading time has been decreased
- New players will now enter the tutorial immediately after logging in for the first time
For full patch notes, please refere to following site.
## Systematic Changes
- The Fury Class is now testable
- All Avatar skills now have a standardized 0.5s casting time
- Players can now hire mercenary apostles from the merchant
- Players can now talk to any gods wandering around the cradle
- The Domakase is now free 3 times per day
- Players can now double tap cards to auto cast (Mobile)
For full patch notes, please refere to following site.