Ultra GPS Logger Lite Mod Apk

Ultra GPS Logger Lite ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: FlashLight
カテゴリー: ツール
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Ultra GPS Logger Lite mod apkGame screenshot Ultra GPS Logger Lite hackGame screenshot Ultra GPS Logger Lite apk download


Ultra GPS Loggerのこのライトバージョンでは、最大1週間コア機能をテストできます。


UOS / Web経由で公開

Ultra GPS Loggerは、GPSまたはGLONASS対応のAndroidデバイスでNMEA、KML、および/またはGPXログを生成できるGPSトラッカーです。スタンバイ中にGPSをオンに保つことができるため、デバイスとの対話を必要とせずに長時間ログを記録できます。

Ultra GPS Loggerは、未加工のNMEAセンテンスを記録します!これは、毎分記録する他の製品よりもはるかに正確です...また、実際の動きのみを記録するインテリジェントKML / GPX出力もサポートしています。 Ultra GPS Loggerを使用すると、GPSの修正が失われた場合に、デバイスを振動させてLEDを点滅させることもできます。さらに、GoogleマップまたはOpen Street Map上のトラックを表します!

ユーザーのフィードバックは大歓迎です。 Ultra GPS Loggerは、ハイキング、セーリング、車/バイク/ヨットレース、ジオタグなどのさまざまなアクティビティに使用されます。 Ultra GPS Loggerの使用目的を教えてください:-))


- オンラインサービス
-Dropbox、OneDrive、Google Drive

クイックスタートガイド: http://ugl.flashlight.de/QuickStart
ユーザーガイド(PDF): http://ugl.flashlight.de/UserGuide

お使いのデバイス。 省エネ設定のヘルプ


- Android 14 changes
- OneDrive + GDrive upd
- SatView changes
- dual freq chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance fix
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 14 changes
- GDrive updates
- SatView changes
- dual freq chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance fix
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 14 changes
- GDrive updates
- SatView changes
- dual freq chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance fix
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 13 changes
- GDrive updates
- SatView changes
- dual freq chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance fix
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 13 changes
- GDrive updates
- SatView changes
- dual freq chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance fix
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 13 changes
- GDrive updates
- SatView changes
- dual freq chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance fix
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 13 changes
- SatView changes
- dual frequency chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance option fixed
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 13 changes
- SatView changes
- dual frequency chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance option fixed
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 13 changes
- dual frequency chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance option fixed
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 13 changes
- dual frequency chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance option fixed
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 12 changes
- dual frequency chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance option fixed
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 12 changes
- dual frequency chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance option fixed
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)
- Android 12 changes
- dual frequency chipset support (L1+L5)
- share POI improvement
- plugin corrections
- info panel
- track colors
- SatView enhancements
- GPX additions

- POI by distance option fixed
- live map on main screen
- option OSM and Mapsforge on live map

- security improvements
- tweaks to file permissions
- MarkPOI in ActionBar
- more TTS options
- option to lock custom grid
- init NMEA cmds
- import of RTK data via BT (subscription required)

ハッキング方法 Ultra GPS Logger Lite

ダウンロード Ultra GPS Logger Lite MOD APK

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.2 点満点中 5
3330 件のレビュー