FITR - Client App Mod Apk

FITR - Client App ハック - Mod Apk 1.11.1

開発者: Fitr. Holdings Limited
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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FITR は、コーチがオンラインおよび対面でプログラムを提供できるようにする世界的なパーソナル トレーニング ソフトウェアです。 FITR クライアント アプリを使用して、登録したプログラムにアクセスしてフォローし、世界中のどこからでもコーチと連絡を取り合いましょう。

- コーチが設定したトレーニング計画とワークアウトに従ってください
- フォームチェックなどのファイルやビデオを共有
- 長期にわたるトレーニング指標をログに記録して追跡する
- 詳細な分析で進捗状況を確認
- どこからでもトレーニングスケジュールを管理
- 統合チャットを使用してコーチと連絡を取り合いましょう
- 独自のプログラムとワークアウトを作成してフォローする

コーチからのオンライン トレーニング プログラムにサインアップし、このアプリをダウンロードしてサインインします。


This update includes a powerful new feature, TRACKS. Coaches can provide a variety of tracks within a single program to deliver a comprehensive experience, or sell multiple programs for a single price. This allows clients to simply switch between tracks anytime, using the FITR Client App.

This update also includes minor bug fixes and improvements.
We've got some exciting news! We've added a brand-new feature called Sets & Reps. Now, you can easily mark off completed sets and log any extra effort you put in.

Look out for more updates coming soon to this and other features!
This release includes small bug fixes and improvements.
This release includes small bug fixes and improvements.
This release includes custom app icons, minor bug fixes, and improvements, such as displaying upload progress.
This release includes small bug fixes and improvements.
This update includes minor bug fixes and improvements.
Get the new and improved Fitr Client App.

This release includes small bug fixes and improvements.
Introducing the evolution of White Label!

Coaches can now customise the look and feel of the App even further! Choose 12 areas of the app to customise, including 6 new ones; four background colours and two main text colours.

Choose different colours for light and dark mode to make sure your brand looks perfect in any setting.

Plus, connect your favourite apps and automate business processes using the new Zapier integration.

Other bugs and improvements included.
Get the new and improved Fitr Client App.

This version includes a speed and usability improvements.
Other small bug fixes and improvements.
Get the new and improved Fitr Client App.

This version includes a speed and usability improvements.
Other small bug fixes and improvements.
Easily search logged workouts, exercises or benchmarks.
Review your prior training notes before switching back to the workout you are currently performing.
Other small bug fixes and improvements.
Get the new and improved Fitr Client App.

This release includes:
Design improvements, bug fixes and enhancements.
Thanks for supporting Fitr.

This version includes bug fixes, updated designs, and usability improvements.

Love the app? Please rate us, we’d love to hear from you.
The Fitr Team!

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ダウンロード FITR - Client App MOD APK 1.11.1

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