FAIRTIQ ハック - Mod Apk 7.3.4

開発者: FAIRTIQ Ltd
カテゴリー: 地図&ナビ
価格: 無料です


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FAIRTIQ を使用すると、事前にチケットを購入したり、目的地を指定したり、適切なゾーンを見つけるのに苦労したりする必要はありません。ご旅行が完了すると、常に利用可能な最良の料金が請求されます。何度方向を変えても、電車、バス、路面電車を乗り継いでも問題ありません。 FAIRTIQ なら面倒な手続きや複雑な手続きは一切なく、公正な価格でスムーズかつ簡単な旅行が可能です。


電車、バス、路面電車、船などの乗り物に乗る直前に、FAIRTIQ アプリの「開始」ボタンをスワイプするだけです。最終目的地を入力する必要はありません。

コンパニオン モード: この新機能を使用すると、有効なチケットを簡単かつ便利に取得できるだけでなく、他の同伴者も取得できます。

有効範囲の概要については、https://fairtiq.com/en/passengers/area-of-validity をご覧ください。


当社のサポート チームは、ご質問にお答えし、アドバイスを提供し、さらなる情報を提供いたします。 Facebookまでご連絡ください。


Improvements in version 7.3.4:

• Adding passes using SwissPass login
• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.3.3:

• Feed for user information
• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.3.2:

• Feed for user information
• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.3.1:

• Feed for user information
• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.3.0:

• Feed for user information
• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.0.6:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.0.5:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.0.4:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.0.3:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.0.2:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.0.1:

• This is the last version supporting Android 7, starting next we will only support Android 8 and higher
• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 7.0.0:

• This is the last version supporting Android 7, starting next we will only support Android 8 and higher
• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.2.7:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.2.5:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.2.3:

• Companion mode: With this new function, you and your fellow companions get a valid ticket conveniently.
• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.2.1:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.1.10:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.1.6:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.1.5:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.1.4:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.1.3:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].
Improvements in version 6.1.0:

• Various improvements and bug fixes

Thanks for using FAIRTIQ! We care about the quality of our app and continuously improve it. Thanks to your feedback we implemented a number of improvements and bug fixes.

Want to see your feature in this list? We would like that too. Send us any feedback on how to improve FAIRTIQ at [email protected].

ハッキング方法 FAIRTIQ

ダウンロード FAIRTIQ MOD APK 7.3.4

ダウンロード MOD APK