戦闘戦車一戦車 戦 争 ゲーム (Battle Tanks) Mod Apk

戦闘戦車一戦車 戦 争 ゲーム (Battle Tanks) ハック - Mod Apk 6.4.15

カテゴリー: アクション, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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多種多様な戦車。史実に基づく車輌や他の有名な架空世界の車輌が戦場で激突します。30 両以上の個性的な車輌がゲームに登場します!



奥の深いレベルアップシステム。Tier I 軽戦車から強大な Tier X 重戦車まで、数々の車輌を研究しましょう。拡張パーツを搭載し迷彩を装備して、車輌を自分の戦い方に合ったものへと調整しましょう。


リアルなマップ上で戦い、伝説上の戦車を手に入れ、ミッションを完了して他のプレイヤーから評判を獲得しましょう。 これらすべてを一つの無料オンライン型戦車シューティングゲーム、Battle Tanks: World War IIで手に入れることができます。

VK - https://vk.com/battletankslegend
Discord - https://discord.gg/VZR6JteW77
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/battletankslegends/
Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/app/782670


Update 6.4
Preparing for the New Year!
+ New Hangar!
+ New Music!
+ New Equipment!
+ New Cosmetics!
+ New Activities!
+ Festivale Decorations!
Sounds of hitting different surfaces
Improved visuals of some tanks
Many technical fixes
Update 6.4
Preparing for the New Year!
+ New Hangar!
+ New Music!
+ New Equipment!
+ New Cosmetics!
+ New Activities!
+ Festivale Decorations!
Sounds of hitting different surfaces
Improved visuals of some tanks
Many technical fixes
Update 6.3.10

* Preparation for the new Battle Pass season and Halloween-themed events
* Changed the interface of the main Hangar window
* Fixed the "shaking" of the tank and crosshair while driving
* Fixed incorrect interaction between fire and the fire extinguisher
* Added sound for vehicle destruction
* Numerous other technical fixes and optimizations
4.94 Update

* New event quest chains
* Service panel in the interface for handling inquiries
* Implementation of a gift for VIP players in the store
* Enhanced full-screen notifications about promotions
* x2 for the first purchase
* Integration of a more stable advertising module
* Updated the engine and all plugins to the latest version
* Revised control layout for gamepad
* A LOT of technical fixes in the game

Special thanks to our players, beta-testers!
4.94 Update

* New event quest chains
* Service panel in the interface for handling inquiries
* Implementation of a gift for VIP players in the store
* Enhanced full-screen notifications about promotions
* x2 for the first purchase
* Integration of a more stable advertising module
* Updated the engine and all plugins to the latest version
* Revised control layout for gamepad
* A LOT of technical fixes in the game

Special thanks to our players, beta-testers!
4.93 Update

New Feature - Battle Medals!

Introducing the vehicle comparison feature!

Lots of improvements to Custom Game

Store Enhancements!
-Changed the order of tabs
-Improved clarity in displaying benefits during promotions
-Plus, there will be a daily gift available there!

Localization fixes for different languages

Implemented measures for more accurate gamepad functionality

Updated login rewards

Numerous technical fixes (bugs, crashes, errors)
4.92 Update
-Shot into the ground now causes craters
-Improved shot effects
-Improved anti-cheat system
-Added a timer to wait for the start of the battle
-Added convenient view of vehicles in the hangar
-Improved "Battle Results" screen
-Fixed various bugs that caused "application closing" and other bugs - on all platforms. This means that the operability of the game is improved for most players
-Improvement of the "Custom Game" mode featutes
-Multiple localization edits on player feedback
Update 4.91.5
* A lot of matchmaker and battle starting fixes
Update 4.91.1
* New game type - Custom Game

* Found and fixed a bug with the inability to connect players to each other
* Fixed crashes from the game on some mobile devices on certain maps
* Fixed a bug with the end of the battle when the game is accidentally minimized
* Fixed a bug with clan research
* Fixed critical zones of Nightmare tanks, fixed sights of some tanks
* Other technical fixes
* The new season tank Nightmare[P]
* Rounded wheels
* Displaying the latest messages from the chat on the Main Screen
* Cannon angles - now depends on the design features of the vehicle
* Reworked aiming
* Added support for deferred payments on PlayMarket
* Removed texture compression on default quality settings
* Multiple technical changes in the core of the game - for a fundamentally new functionality
* New seasonal premium tank - Phoenix
* Increase the reward for capturing the base
* Improved work of critical zones of Spring Spirit, some decorative elements were removed from NY's tanks
* New lvl 11 Tanks
* Chat to the channel system with the ability to switch
* Removed some pop-ups at the start of the game
* Improved spectator mode
* Number of slots for tanks up to 15
* Rebalance of consumables
* Fixed indication in the hangar
* Lots of technical fixes
* Simplified battles for beginners
* Added new profile levels, new rewards and titles to them
* Added tracks effects behind tanks
* Optimization of the hangar
* Fixed problems with the invite to the clan window
* New clan icons/Reward rebalancing/New premium vehicles (will be available later when all platforms are updated)
* Lots of other fixes

ハッキング方法 戦闘戦車一戦車 戦 争 ゲーム (Battle Tanks)

ダウンロード 戦闘戦車一戦車 戦 争 ゲーム (Battle Tanks) MOD APK 6.4.15

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