Multiple Accounts: Dual Space Mod Apk

Multiple Accounts: Dual Space ハック - Mod Apk 4.6.9

開発者: MA Team
カテゴリー: ツール
価格: 無料です


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幅広い人気のソーシャル、メッセージング、ゲーム アプリのクローンを作成し、複数のアカウントで同時に使用します。

- 1 台のデバイスで複数の WhatsApp または Facebook アカウントを使用したいですか?
- 個人アカウントと仕事アカウントをそれぞれの二重スペースに分離したいですか?
- あなたは、お気に入りのモバイル ゲームで優位性を求めている競争力のあるゲーマーですか?

複数のアカウントを選択してください!市場で最もダウンロードされ、最も評価の高いクローン アプリの 1 つとして、当社は何百万人ものユーザーが、WhatsApp、Facebook、Instagram、Line、Google Play Services などのトップ ソーシャル アプリやゲーム アプリでデュアル アカウントまたは複数のアカウントを実行できるように支援しています。 FreeFire、Mobile Legends、LOL、Rise of Kingdoms などのモバイル ゲーム!


人気のソーシャル アプリやゲーム アプリのクローンを作成します。 1 台のデバイスで複数のアカウントに同時にアクセスします。
✓ ほぼすべての主要なアプリとトップゲームのサポートをお楽しみください!複数の WhatsApp、デュアル Facebook、または重複した Instagram アカウントを同時に使用します。
✓ トップモバイルゲームのデュアルアカウントでアドバンテージを獲得し、楽しさを2倍にしましょう!
✓ これらのアカウントのデータが他のアカウントに干渉することはありません。

✓ 良好なワークライフバランスを維持し、プロフィールを分離してください。
✓ 仕事用アカウントと個人用アカウントを簡単に切り替えることができます。
✓ 仕事用データや連絡先が個人データと決して混ざらないようにしてください。

VIP メンバーになると、限定機能にアクセスできるようになります。
✓ 同じアプリ内に無制限のアカウントを持ち、オンラインで同時に使用できます!
✓ セキュリティ ロックで機密データを保護します。
✓ アプリをシークレットゾーンに移動すると非表示になり、プライバシーを確​​保できます。


★ 安定性、安全性、効率性、使いやすさに優れ、幅広いアプリやデバイスをサポート。
★Android 14、Android 15に対応しました!

• 権限: 複数のアカウントが正常に動作するには、すべての主要なアプリが要求するのと同じ権限が必要です。複数アカウント アプリは、これらの権限を他の目的に使用しません。
• データとプライバシー: ユーザーのプライバシーを保護するために、Multiple Accounts は個人情報を収集または保存しません。
• リソース: 複数のアカウントは、アプリの実行に追加のメモリ、バッテリー、データを使用しません。ただし、複製されたアプリは実行時に通常の量のこれらのリソースを使用します。
• 通知: デバイスの複数アカウント設定で関連する通知権限をすべて有効にして、ログインしているすべてのアカウントから通知を確実に受信できるようにします。

ご質問、懸念事項、ご提案がある場合は、複数アカウント内の「フィードバック」機能からご連絡いただくか、[email protected] に電子メールを送信してください。

複数のアカウントの使用に関するヒントについては、Facebook ページをフォローしてください:


1.Discontinued support for app cloning for apps that declare the REQUIRE_SECURE_ENV flag.
2.Fixed some known bugs.
3.Fully compatible with Android 14.
1.Discontinued support for app cloning for apps that declare the REQUIRE_SECURE_ENV flag.
2.Fixed some known bugs.
3.Fully compatible with Android 14.
1.Discontinued support for app cloning for apps that declare the REQUIRE_SECURE_ENV flag.
2.Fixed some known bugs.
3.Fully compatible with Android 14.
1.Discontinued support for app cloning for apps that declare the REQUIRE_SECURE_ENV flag.
2.Fixed some known bugs.
3.Fully compatible with Android 14.
1.Discontinued support for app cloning for apps that declare the REQUIRE_SECURE_ENV flag.
2.Fixed some known bugs.
3.Fully compatible with Android 14.
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 13.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 12.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 12.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 12.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;
1.Support Android 12.
2.Fix crash of Free Fire;
3.Fix crash of Free Fire Max;
4.fix failure of KaKao;
5.fix issues for TikTok.
6.Fix crash of WhatsApp;
7.Fix crash of Google Maps;
8.Support latest version of Twitter;
9.Fix crash issue on latest version of COC;
10.Support multiple accounts, i.e., second , third, fourth account, etc., all on line at the same time;
11.Support app-lock feature;
12.Support private app feature;
13.Support Shortcut On Android O(8.0 and above);
14.Fix Some Crash Issues;

ハッキング方法 Multiple Accounts: Dual Space

ダウンロード Multiple Accounts: Dual Space MOD APK 4.6.9

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.0 点満点中 5
33.7万 件のレビュー
