Fitness First Asia Mod Apk

Fitness First Asia ハック - Mod Apk 2.1.4

開発者: Evolution Wellness Holdings Pte Ltd
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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Fitness First Asia アプリは、マレーシア、フィリピン、シンガポール、インドネシア、タイのユーザーに完全な Fitness First エクスペリエンスを提供します。

Fitness First アプリの機能をテストし、アプリの使用感を共有してください。アプリから「フィードバックを送信」セクションでフィードバックを送信してください。

Fitness First でフィットネスをさらに強化したいですか?

- お気に入りのクラスの時間割にアクセスしたり、クラス (選択したクラス) を予約したりできるので、常に先を行くことができます。

- アプリ経由でジムフロアへのアクセスを予約することもできます (一部の国に適用されます)

- 途中でチャレンジを完了したりバッジを収集したりすることで、移動するにつれてさらに多くの情報を獲得できます。 Fitness First クラブをより頻繁に訪問して、より多くのバッジを獲得し、レベルアップすることで報酬を獲得しましょう。

- Fitness First 認定フィットネス コーチとの 1 対 1 の時間を予約してください (近日公開予定)。

- まだフィットネスファーストの会員ではありませんか?お近くのクラブの場所や施設、利用可能なクラスを検索してください。


We update the app regularly to continually improve your experience. Here is the list of the enhancements you’ll find in the latest update:
- Added a new banner specifically for MY users.
- Introduced a new tile for quick access to the FireFit timetable.
- Removed the mobile inbox feature due to third-party service changes.
- Bug fixes and technical debt improvements
We update the app regularly to continually improve your experience. Here is the list of the enhancements you’ll find in the latest update:

New feature: Update class detail screen with class capacity, and app notification improvement.
Bugfix: User prompted to re-enter personal details every time the app is launched.
We update the app regularly to continually improve your experience. Here is the list of the enhancements you’ll find in the latest update:

- Issue where app crashes when booking classes
- Minor issues with customer experiences survey
We update the app regularly to continually improve your experience. Here is the list of the enhancements you’ll find in the latest update:

New feature: Integration of customer experience surveys powered by Medallia
Bugfix: rare issue where user couldn't book a free class
We update the app regularly to continually improve your experience. Here is the list of the enhancements you’ll find in the latest update.
We update the app regularly to continually improve your experience. Here is the list of the enhancements you’ll find in the latest update:
- Improved in-App feedback page
- Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
We update the app regularly so that we can make it better for you. Here are a couple of the enhancements you’ll find in the latest update:
- Some minor bug fixes and general improvements
We update the app regularly so that we can make it better for you. Here are a couple of the enhancements you’ll find in the latest update:

- Refer a friend improvements
- Delete your mobile account option
- Some minor bug fixes and improvements
We update the app regularly so that we can make it better for you. Here are a couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Play Store compliance update
We update the app regularly so that we can make it better for you. Here are a couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Fix bug that prevented challenges for showing in some cases
We update the app regularly so that we can make it better for you. Here are a couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Refer a friend
- Improved checkout screen
- Bug fixes

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5390 件のレビュー