Evite: Email & SMS Invitations Mod Apk

Evite: Email & SMS Invitations ハック - Mod Apk 72.1.0

開発者: Evite
カテゴリー: ソーシャルネットワーク
価格: 無料です


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私たちが離れていても、一緒に生活する方が良いです。 Eviteは、子供の誕生日からハッピーアワーまで、人生で最も重要な瞬間につながるのに役立ちます。私たちは、あなたとあなたの愛する人のために、事実上または対面で、楽に、そしてさらに思い出深いものになることを毎日実現します。


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• Quickly add guests from prior events you’ve hosted.
• Easily view your upcoming events and RSVPs from the home page.
• Jump back into draft events straight from the home page.
This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements.
This version restores Google Sign-In functionality.
This version contains critical bug fixes.
Introducing Greeting Cards! Find all of your sent and received greeting cards from the My Events screen. If you've sent a card, you can view the recipient list and manage the scheduled send date. If you've received a card, you can send a reaction to the person who sent it to you.
Just in time for summer parties, our latest app release is here to make party planning feel like a day at the beach (minus the sand everywhere)!
- We made our checkout page easier to navigate.
- We started showcasing Premium features in the free invitation creation process to offer users the option to see what Premium invitations offer and easily upgrade.
- We added more details about our different invitation types to help hosts select the right one for their event.
Just in time for summer parties, our latest app release is here to make party planning feel like a day at the beach (minus the sand everywhere)!
- We made our checkout page easier to navigate.
- We started showcasing Premium features in the free invitation creation process to offer users the option to see what Premium invitations offer and easily upgrade.
- We added more details about our different invitation types to help hosts select the right one for their event.
We’ve made it easier to find your favorite invitation and even squashed a few bugs along the way. Bye, bye, bugs and hello, parties!
Thanks for using Evite! This version includes a brand new Event Overview experience where hosts can manage their guestlist, RSVPs, event details, and event settings from one place. We also updated our Invitation page so that both hosts and guests can view their invitation and all event details in a beautiful new layout.
We have updated the app to fix some bugs and make creating invitation easier! Thanks for partying with us.
We have updated the app to fix some bugs and make creating invitation easier! Thanks for partying with us.

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