Runic Formulas: Runes, Amulets Mod Apk

Runic Formulas: Runes, Amulets ハック - Mod Apk 6.4

開発者: Evansir
カテゴリー: エンタメ
価格: 無料です


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- 経験と知識に基づいてルーン文字の意味を学びます
- あなただけのルーンの旅で古北欧のルーンを感じてください
- 個人の成長と自己改善のためにルーンを使用する方法を学びます
- エッダとサガに基づいた北欧の神々を探索
- あらゆる状況に合わせてルーン文字のアミュレットやタリスマンを見つけたり、独自のものを作成したりできます
- バインドルーンとシジルの最大のコレクションをナビゲートします。
- Runic Notes を使用して個人的な経験を書きます
- パーソナルフォーミュラとバースルーンで自分自身をもう少し理解しましょう
- ユニークなバインドルーンをデザインする
- ルーン文字翻訳ツールを使用して古北欧人のように書く
- ハバマルと一緒にオーディンの知恵を学びましょう






アプリ内のテキスト データは DMCA で保護されており、一意です。ただし、個人的な目的であればご自由にお使いください。


Quotes of Wisdom and Havamol は、ヘンリー・アダムズ・ベローズによるパブリックドメインの詩的エッダ翻訳を使用し、AI と私が編集して現代生活に近づけています。


では、待つ理由は何でしょうか?ルーンの数式を使って、北欧の異教とルーンの意味の謎への旅を今すぐ始めましょう! Hovamol と一緒にルーン文字を学び、北欧神話の世界とオーディンの知恵を探索しましょう


Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Improved runes keywords
Added energy colors to runes
Bug fixes
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Bug fixes
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Added achievements
Bug fixes
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Improved runes descriptions based on the latest experience
Added bindrune
Improved generated images for share
Fixed known bugs
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Reworked widgets for better performance
Reworked Bindrunes section
Improved Favorites section
Bug fixes
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Added Idunn and Bragi to the Gods section
Added new formulas
Added pronounce to runes
Bug fixes
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Reworked the Birth Rune section and improved the description
Sigils from The Galdrabok are categorized into categories
Added rounded runes to Binrunes designer
Bug fixes
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Fixed known bugs in Bindrunes Designer
Reworked formulas widget (Please, recreate all widgets)
Added Bindrune Designer widget
From now you will be able to also backup Bindrunes Designer database
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Improved and reworked runes descriptions to connect with my latest research
Added Skadi and Ullr to the Gods section
Added Anglo-Saxon, Younger Futhark, and Medieval runes to the Translator section
Improved app startup time
Bug fixes
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Norse mythology, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Added Italian translation to Book of Runes (Thanks to Sere!)
Added description of Freyr and Freyja to Norse gods section
Added new bindrunes
Improved Runic Journey description
Added indicator of Runic Journey on the main screen
Other bug fixes and interface improvements
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Added new section with Norse pagan gods (Still in work)
Added "Favorite" feature
Added new sigils
Bug fixes and interface improvements
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Witchcraft!

What's new:
Improved text and fixed missplenning
Fixed problem with a keyboard appears on search screens
Last update:
"How to use" was renamed to "Introduction in Runic Magic" and rewritten its content
Rearranged main menu items for a better understanding of the learning curve
Added new Bindrunes and sigils
Bug fixes and interface improvements
Thank you for using Runic Formulas - Book of Elder Futhark Runes, Talismans, Amulets, Sigils, and Norse Pagan Magic!

What's new:
Fixed bug with Runic Journey notifications on Android 12

ハッキング方法 Runic Formulas: Runes, Amulets

ダウンロード Runic Formulas: Runes, Amulets MOD APK 6.4

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