HeyJapan: Learn Japanese Mod Apk

HeyJapan: Learn Japanese ハック - Mod Apk 2.8.1

開発者: Language Skills Studio
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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1 日 15 分 - ゼロから日本語を学びましょう

日本語を学ぶのは簡単なことではありません。特に、ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字、そして何千もの日本語の語彙という 3 つのアルファベットを覚えなければならない場合にはなおさらです。学習方法は退屈で、実際に適用するのが難しく、すぐに諦めてしまいます。もっと効果的に日本語を学ぶ方法を探しているなら、HeyJapan があなたの素晴らしいパートナーです。

世界中の 700 万人以上の日本語学習者から賢く信頼されている HeyJapan は、日本語を簡単かつ興味深く学習するのに役立つ主要なアプリです。ユニークなアニメのテーマは、学習と遊びを組み合わせたスマートなアプローチで、刺激的な学習の世界を開きます。

✔ 3 つのアルファベットをすべて学習: ひらがな、カタカナ、漢字を集中的に学習
✔ 基本的な日本語の46文字を上手に使いましょう
✔ アルファベットゲームやシビゲームを通じて、最初の音の書き方と発音を練習します。

1,000 以上の日本語の語彙と文法構造を収集
✔ イラストやフラッシュカードを通じて語彙を学習すると、学習効率が 3 倍になります
✔ 暗記を容易にするために、文法構造が具体的な例に含まれています
✔ レッスン中に散りばめられた多肢選択式の質問を通じて語彙を総合し復習します

日本語コミュニケーション: すぐに使えるようになる
✔ Shibi チャット機能は、単純な会話から複雑な会話まで練習するのに役立ちます
✔ コミュニケーション反射神経を練習: Shibi が質問し、状況を提示し、正確に応答できるようにガイドします。これにより、日本語の語彙を習得し、コミュニケーションで文法を自然に適用できるようになります。
✔ 正しい発音: HeyJapan の聞いて繰り返す機能は、発音を適切に練習し、多くの学習者が犯す基本的な発音の間違いを避けるのに役立ちます

JLPT 試験に向けて十分な準備を整えてください
✔ 解答と詳しい解説付きのJLPT試験対策
✔ 高品質の JLPT 試験システム、実際の試験問題のようなテスト構造、レベルごとに継続的に更新



📩 私たちはいつでも問題を解決し、あなたの意見に耳を傾ける準備ができています。 HeyJapanは常に最高の日本語レッスンを提供するよう努めています。ただし、エラーは避けられないため、アプリケーションを改善するために皆様からのフィードバックをお待ちしております。フィードバックは電子メール [email protected] まで送信してください。


New Update: HeyJapan Birthday
We update the app regularly to bring you the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the latest version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Happy New Year 2025! 🎉
✨ Let’s start a year full of excitement! ✨

New Update: Send your New Year wishes to your loved ones and spread the joy of the New Year!

We deeply appreciate your support throughout the journey. Your encouragement inspires us to continuously improve and provide you with even better learning experiences.

💖 Thank you for choosing HeyJapan! 💖
Happy New Year 2025! 🎉
✨ Let’s start a year full of excitement! ✨

New Update: Send your New Year wishes to your loved ones and spread the joy of the New Year!

We deeply appreciate your support throughout the journey. Your encouragement inspires us to continuously improve and provide you with even better learning experiences.

💖 Thank you for choosing HeyJapan! 💖
Merry Christmas! <3

New Update: Christmas Event
We update the app regularly to bring you the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the latest version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Merry Christmas! <3

New Update: Christmas Event
We update the app regularly to bring you the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the latest version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
* New Update:
- Improved speaking feature in speaking practice exercises

We update the app regularly to bring you the best learning experience. Upgrade to the new version with the latest improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
* What's new:
- Black Friday Event

We update the app regularly to provide the best learning experience for you. Please upgrade to the new version with the latest improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
We regularly update the app to bring you the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the latest version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.
We update the app regularly to provide you with the best learning experience. Please upgrade to the new version with new improvements. Thank you for supporting HeyJapan.
Synthetic alphabet pronunciation.

ハッキング方法 HeyJapan: Learn Japanese

ダウンロード HeyJapan: Learn Japanese MOD APK 2.8.1

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