Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG Mod Apk

Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG ハック - Mod Apk 0.5.0

開発者: Blockchain Game Partners, Inc. dba GALA GAMES
カテゴリー: ロールプレイング, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG mod apkGame screenshot Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG hackGame screenshot Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG apk download


Dragon Strikeは、帝国シミュレーションとマッチ3の融合にPvPアリーナ戦闘のテイストを加えた、新感覚のマッチ3-RPGです!

• 建設 - 強大な帝国を作ろう!
• バトル - コンボをつなげて強烈なドラゴンストライクを放て!
• 召喚 - 数百を超える頼もしいヒーローやドラゴンを召喚!
• レベルアップ - 帝国、ヒーロー、ドラゴンを成長させよう!
• アリーナ - 世界中のプレイヤーと戦える、壮大なPvPバトル!
• 同盟 - 同盟を結んで勢力を強化。グローバルランキングを駆け上がれ!
• ファンタスティックな世界観 - 美麗なファンタジー世界を探索。危険に満ちた冒険や山ほどの宝が待っています!



Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce that the Gala Games integration is here! With that comes true player ownership of your DragonStrike Heroes!

Thank you for your ongoing support, and stay tuned for more updates and exciting features coming your way.
Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce that the Gala Games integration is here! With that comes true player ownership of your DragonStrike Heroes!

Thank you for your ongoing support, and stay tuned for more updates and exciting features coming your way.
Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce that the Gala Games integration is here! With that comes true player ownership of your DragonStrike Heroes!

Thank you for your ongoing support, and stay tuned for more updates and exciting features coming your way.
Exciting news! We're thrilled to announce that the Gala Games integration is here! With that comes true player ownership of your DragonStrike Heroes!

Thank you for your ongoing support, and stay tuned for more updates and exciting features coming your way.

ハッキング方法 Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG

ダウンロード Dragon Strike: Puzzle RPG MOD APK 0.5.0

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.3 点満点中 5
1.34万 件のレビュー