Ella Verbs Spanish conjugation Mod Apk

Ella Verbs Spanish conjugation ハック - Mod Apk 2.17.1

開発者: Tauro Software
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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毎日の短い練習で 16 のスペイン語時制をすべてマスターし、2,300 以上の動詞をカバーできるガイド付きレベル。 Ella はあなたの弱点を学習して重点的に学習するので、より早く流暢に話せるようになります。

やあ!私たちはアイルランド人夫婦 (ジェーンとブライアン) でスペインに住んでおり、スペイン語を勉強しています。私たちはスペイン語動詞を改善し、スペイン語中級者から上級者に飛躍する方法を探していたため、Ella Verbs を始めました。私たちはスペイン語の文法を上達させるために多くの方法を試しましたが(本、アプリ、家庭教師など、何でも試してみました!)、ピンとくる方法は見つかりませんでした。それで私たちはそれを作りました!

私たちは典型的なスペイン語のフラッシュカードや動詞トレーナー アプリではありません。私たちの理念は「学び、クイズを出し、繰り返す」です。私たちはあなたに教え、次にクイズを出し、最も必要なときにコンテンツを再度表示します。クイズは集中力を高め、知識のギャップを特定し、長期的な記憶を維持するのに役立つことが証明されています (Roediger & Karpicke、2006)。動詞を記憶に定着させるためのスマート クイズをお楽しみください。

私たち 2 人だけなので、すべてのフィードバック メールとレビューを個人的に読んで返信します。アイデア、問題、質問などがありましたら、ぜひご連絡ください。私たちは皆様からのフィードバックを真摯に受け止め、定期的に新機能をリリースし、既存の機能を改善しています (現在までに年間 30 以上のアップデートをリリースしています!)。私たちは一緒に、スペイン語を学習しているすべての人が動詞をマスターできるよう支援したいと考えています:)

アプリ内からご連絡いただくか、[email protected] または [email protected] までメールでお問い合わせいただけます。あなたからの返信を楽しみにしています!


* 30 のレベル (6 つは無料) と 8 つのマイルストーン (2 つは無料) には、簡単なレッスンとスペイン語の活用クイズが含まれており、16 の時制を通してスペイン語の動詞の活用をマスターすることができます。
* 2,300 以上の動詞 (101 は無料) の動詞テーブル。 * 完全な * 英語翻訳、同義語、不規則語のハイライト付き。活用形から検索することもできます!
* 複数のデバイスで進捗状況を追跡し、毎日継続的にモチベーションを維持します。
* 動詞ドリルの解答が不正解だった場合のステップバイステップの活用ガイド。
* あなたの CEFR レベル (例: A1、A2、B1、B2、C1、C2) を推定し、自分の立ち位置を把握します。
* あなたのレベルと進歩に合わせてカスタマイズされた毎日のスマートなクイズを取得します (Pro のみ)。
* 発音を助けるために答えを声に出して読み上げます (サポートされているデバイスのみ – 内蔵の音声ライブラリを使用します)
* ヨーロッパ (「vosotros」を含む) とラテンアメリカのスペイン語の両方をサポートします。
* 高度にカスタマイズ可能なクイズ ビルダーを使用して独自のクイズを作成します (Pro のみ)。
* 学習する動詞の独自のカスタム リストを作成します (Pro のみ)。
* すべてのコンテンツにオフラインでアクセスできるので、どこでも学習できます。
* ダークモードと多くの設定オプション。
* CEFR レベルを測定します。 GCSE、Leaving Certificate、SATスペイン語、DELE(スペイン語ディプロマ・コモ・レングア・エクストランヘラ)、CELU(スペイン語証明書:レングア・イ・ウソ)の練習をしている学生に最適です。

Ella は、3 つのムードにわたる 16 のスペイン語動詞時制をカバーしています。

* 指示現在 (El Presente)
* 直説法現在進行形 (El Presente Progresivo)
* 直説法現在完了 (El Futuro Proximo)
*直説的プレテリテ (El Pretérito Perfecto)
* 直説法不完全 (El Pretérito Indefinido)
* 直説法過去完了 (El Pretérito Imperfecto)
* 非公式未来形 (El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto)
* 示唆的な未来 (El Futuro Simple)
*直説未来完了 (El Futuro Perfecto)
* 直示的条件文 (El Condicional Simple)
*直説的条件完了 (El Condicional Perfecto)
*接続法現在 (El Presente de Subjuntivo)
*仮定法不完全 (El Imperfecto Subjuntivo)
*接続法現在完了 (El Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo)
*接続法過去完了 (El Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo)
* 命令法 (肯定と否定) (El Imperativo – afirmativo y negativo)

Ella Verbs を使用すると、利用規約 (https://ellaverbs.com/terms) およびプライバシー ポリシー (https://ellaverbs.com/privacy) に同意したことになりますのでご注意ください。当社について詳しくは、https://ellaverbs.com をご覧ください。


New conjugation screen is here!

* New conjugation screen for the app (thank you for all of the feedback on the beta!)
* Custom practice (on the home screen/page), Smart Quizzes, and Progress quizzes now honour the "include all verbs" setting.
* Lots of other little bug fixes
* Performance improvements

We hope Ella Verbs is helping you with your Spanish! If you have any questions or feedback, please send it to us at [email protected] :)

All the best,
Jane and Brian
Big update including:

* Option to open on your current level
* Speaking quiz improvements
* Improved design for large font sizes
* Fixed encantar and interesar to be subject reflexive
* Sync My Verbs list beta
* New conjugation screen design in beta

We hope the app is helping you with your Spanish! Any feedback, please email us :)
– Jane & Brian
All the small things!

* We now handle verbs with multiple conjugations in certain tenses, e.g. contradecir
* Speed up app loading time
* Add option to not speak pronouns in sound settings
* Do not auto accept a non reflexive verb missing "se"
* Some speaking quiz improvements
* Do not generate smart quizzes for tenses that haven't been quizzed enough
* Fix some text-to-speech issues
* Attempt to fix duplicate reflexive answers

Any feedback, please send it our way :)
Jane and Brian
Some small improvements and bug fixes after the last big update! Also some beta updates – get in touch if you'd like access :)

We hope the app is helping you and wish you all the best,
Jane & Brian
In this update we've improved the filters in the verb library! Previously, you could only filter by one group of verbs, but now you can apply multiple – e.g. show me all the reflexive AR verbs with irregular past participles. Let us know what you think!

And, we've fixed a bug affecting people using the app offline – sorry about that. It should work fully offline again now :)

We sincerely hope the app is helping you.
– Jane & Brian
Here's what is new in this update:

- Lots of syncing improvements!
- Multiple choice question options are now more difficult (thanks for the feedback!)
- Lots of updates to integrate the web version of Ella Verbs with the app – contact us if you'd like to use it :)
- Verb selection is now saved from the Progress custom quiz
- Improved quiz performance
- Bug fixes

We hope the app is helping you with your Spanish! Remember to get in touch if you'd like to access the web version :)
Jane & Brian
- Lots of bug fixes and performance improvements
- Custom quiz is now saved when using the customise modal
- Some more beta additions – get in touch if you'd like to learn more :)

We hope Ella Verbs is helping you with your Spanish, and wish you all the best.
– Jane & Brian
Hey there! Another big update, and some news :)

- Lots more quiz types! You can now do conjugation flash card quizzes, multiple choice for verb vocabulary quizzes, and more!
- More Custom Quiz improvements
- Home screen improvements
- 100 new verbs!
- Fixed how verbs like gustar are handled in quizzes and in the verb library
- Lots of performance updates and some bug fixes (thanks for reporting them!)

And...we now have a web version! Contact us if you'd like to try it out :)
Jane & Brian
¡Hola a tod@s! Another big update for you! :)

* Big Custom Quiz update – now you can get really granular with the verbs you choose, with more filters.
* More speed and other improvements to the Verb library!
* Revamped the quiz completed screen, including the ability to add any verb to your My Verbs list :)
* And more: multiple answers, quiz verbs like gustar, more verbs, bug fixes + other small updates.

We hope you're finding Ella helpful! Please send feedback if you have any ☺️
Jane & Brian
¡Hola a tod@s! Another big update for you! :)

* Big Custom Quiz update – now you can get really granular with the verbs you choose, with more filters.
* More speed and other improvements to the Verb library!
* Revamped the quiz completed screen, including the ability to add any verb to your My Verbs list :)
* And more: multiple answers, quiz verbs like gustar, more verbs, bug fixes + other small updates.

We hope you're finding Ella helpful! Please send feedback if you have any ☺️
Jane & Brian
¡Hola a tod@s! Another big update for you! :)

* Big Custom Quiz update – now you can get really granular with the verbs you choose, with more filters.
* More speed and other improvements to the Verb library!
* Revamped the quiz completed screen, including the ability to add any verb to your My Verbs list :)
* And more: multiple answers, quiz verbs like gustar, more verbs, bug fixes + other small updates.

We hope you're finding Ella helpful! Please send feedback if you have any ☺️
Jane & Brian
¡Hola a todas y todos! We've added more verbs, and improved the verb library search :)

* Almost 100 new verbs! Bringing us to over 1,800! Thanks as always for the requests!
* Improved verb and conjugation search in the verb library. Now we always search conjugations too :)
* Some bug fixes, performance updates + other small improvements.

We sincerely hope you're finding Ella helpful! If you have any feedback or questions, please send them to [email protected] ☺️

Thank you,
Jane & Brian
¡Hola a todas y todos! This update includes bug fixes, sentence updates and other small improvements, ahead of some big updates coming soon :)

If you have any feedback or questions, please send them to [email protected]

Thank you,
Jane & Brian
¡Hola a todas y todos!

* More new verbs, bringing us to over 1,700! Thanks for the requests :)
* New option to speak full sentences.
* Loads of new sound options (and easier debugging).
* Split level 5 (present semi irregulars) into two, and added extra lessons and quizzes.
* Custom quiz now saves your previously chosen verbs (more updates coming soon).
* Progress improvements
* Sentence, quiz & loads of other small updates.

Please get in touch with any feedback ☺️

All the best,
Jane & Brian
¡Hola a todas y todos! Hot of the heels of the previous update, here's some more updates :)

* You can now choose specific verbs (a common request) within the Custom Quiz!
* We now save the level you currently have open, so you can pick up where you left off (instead of going to the highest level you were on).
* 20+ new verbs – thanks for the requests!
* Added an additional subjunctive present vs past lesson.
* Bug fixes + other small improvements.

We hope Ella is helping you ☺️
Jane & Brian
* Huge sentence updates: 100s of new sentences and guidance as to why a certain tense is used!
* Added sound to flash cards :)
* More verbs – we now have over 1,650!
* Split view and slide over now works for iPad!
* Added spellcheck to the verb library search, to help you find the verbs you wanted!
* Improved layout and spacing for smaller devices and large font sizes
* Quiz individual tenses on the conjugation tables!
* Other small improvements.

We hope you like the updates ☺️
Jane & Brian
Another update :)

* Big sentence improvements are on their way! Starting with milestone 4 for the past tenses in this update.
* Added exact conjugation matches to the verb search.
* 20 new verbs – thanks for the requests!
* Added more context in the incorrect answer modal.
* Bug fixes, performance updates + other small improvements.

Hope you're finding Ella helpful! If you have any feedback or questions, please send them to [email protected] ☺️

Thank you,
Jane & Brian
Another big update!

* Introducing flash cards for learning verb vocabulary. We've updated every level to contain key verbs to learn, along with flash cards before the quizzes. By working through all levels, you will learn the top 300 verbs!
* Added an "exact match" for the verb library filter!
* Lots more updates :)

Let us know what you think of the update! If you have any feedback (or questions!), please send them to [email protected] ☺️
Jane & Brian
A quick update based on the previous big release :) Hope you're enjoying it!

* Fixed an issue where a multiple choice quiz would sometimes use a timer when it shouldn't
* Fixed where the total questions via the verb library quizzes was ignored
* Some small lesson and sentence updates

All the best,
Jane & Brian

ハッキング方法 Ella Verbs Spanish conjugation

ダウンロード Ella Verbs Spanish conjugation MOD APK 2.17.1

ダウンロード MOD APK


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