EduRev Exam Preparation App Mod Apk

EduRev Exam Preparation App ハック - Mod Apk 8.1.0_edurev

開発者: EduRev: Learning, Mock Test & Exam Preparation App
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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EduRev は、重要なことを確実に勉強し、最小限の時間、労力、お金で次の試験をクリアできるようにします。

あなたの個人教師と同じように、EduRev は「最高のビデオ、ノート、テスト」の提供から「進歩の分析」、「疑問の解決」まで、すべてをあなたのために行います。

1 Cr+ ユーザーから信頼され、Google から学習に最適なアプリとして表彰されました。 EduRev は毎分 10 人の新しいユーザーを追加します。

教育革命である EduRev は、生徒の 3 つの目標に貢献します。
- 重要なことだけを勉強し、最小限の時間と労力で高得点を獲得します。
- 教育は退屈でストレスの多いものではなく、幸せな学習プロセスであるべきです
- あなたやあなたの両親は、質の高い教育やコーチングのために多額の費用を支払う必要はありません

学習に EduRev を選択する必要がある理由は次のとおりです。

📕すべての試験とクラスの準備: すべての入学試験のすべての科目とすべてのクラス (クラス 1 ~ クラス 12) について体系化されたコースを受講します。

🎯ビデオと集中コース: 試験のシラバスに重点を置き、実際の試験で問われる内容と 100% 一致したビデオ講義で学習します。

✅ 模擬テストと練習問題 (全インドランキング付き) で自分自身をテストする: 75,000 以上のテストに 1,500,000 問を超える質問があり、学習するすべてのトピックについて自分自身をテストできます。

🤩あなたの個人分析を備えた完璧な教師 アプリは、あなたがアプリで学習する際にあなたを理解し、長所、短所、改善方法を教えてくれます


✔ すべての重要な書籍の要約: NCERT、Nitin Singhania、Spectrum、Laxmikanth、GC Leong、Ramesh Singh
✔ 歴史、地理、政治、経済 (静的および動的両方)
✔ 毎日の時事問題、ヒンドゥー教の分析
✔ エッセイ執筆、模擬テスト、短期集中コース
✔ ヒンディー語/英語での UPSC の解決策を含む前年度の質問

✔ 生物学、物理学、化学に関する 500 以上のテスト、ノート、ビデオ講義
✔ ニート模擬テスト、マインドマップ、ニート試験準備のためのレベル別テスト
✔ NCERT ベースのテスト、DC Pandey の質問、および 28 年前に解決された論文
✔ ニート、AFMC、JIPMER、SRMJEE向けの短期集中コースと模擬試験シリーズ

✔ 定量的適性、言語的推論、論理的推論、データ解釈 (LRDI) のテストで最高の CAT 試験準備
✔ CAT 模擬テスト シリーズ、CAT サンプル用紙、CAT 過去の論文、重要な公式

JEE メインと JEE アドバンス
✔ 最高の JEE 試験準備アプリ: 化学、物理学、数学
✔ JEE Mains 模擬テスト、サンプル用紙、過去の論文

✔ CLAT 模擬試験シリーズ、過去問と解答

学校試験 (UKG、LKG、クラス 1 ~ 12)
CBSE 過去問、CBSE 過去問、数学、英語、ヒンディー語、EVS の CBSE 問題集、ワークシート、NCERT 教科書、CBSE NCERT ソリューション。芸術/人文科学、地理、歴史、政治学、英語。医療/非医療、化学、物理学、数学、生物学

すべての州の PCS 試験

✔ UPPSC (アップ)
✔ BPSC (ビハール州)
✔ MPPSC (マディヤ・プラデーシュ州)
✔ RPSC RAS (ラジャスタン州)
✔ APPSC (アーンドラプラデーシュ州)
✔ HPSC (ハリヤナ州)
✔ ケララ州 PSC KAS
✔ MPSC (マハラシュトラ州)
✔ HPPSC HPAS (ヒマーチャルプラデーシュ州)
✔ APPSC (アーンドラプラデーシュ州)
✔ OPSC (オリッサ州)


✔ グレ
✔ EmSAT を達成する
✔ 行動する
✔ 1 年目 - 12 年目
✔ グレード 1 ~ グレード 12

✔ 銀行試験 SBI 銀行 PO および事務員試験、RBI グループ B オフィサー
✔ 防衛試験 NDA/CDS/AFCAT/空軍、SSB の準備
✔ エンジニアリング試験: GATE Civil/Mechanical/Electrical.CSE.ECE/ESE/ISRO
✔ アカウント試験 CA CAPT、CFA

EduRev のコンテンツの半分は無料で、すべてのユーザーがアクセスできます。残りは EduRev Infinity プランでロックを解除でき、数冊の本よりも安く済みます。
ユーザーは、デスクトップ Web、モバイル PWA 上のすべての有料および無料のテストにアクセスできます。


⏳ Stay organized with the new Course Scheduler – set your timeline, and we’ll break your course into daily goals
📈 Track progress with Course Completion % – know exactly what you’ve covered!
📚 Learn better with refreshed Flashcards – vibrant colors and a more engaging way to revise
📊 New profile screen – view progress with timelines, graphs, and charts, all in one place!
🛠️ Fixed issues and improved PDF viewing for a seamless experience
🏃 Improved app speed and performance
⏳ Stay organized with the new Course Scheduler – set your timeline, and we’ll break your course into daily goals
📈 Track progress with Course Completion % – know exactly what you’ve covered!
📚 Learn better with refreshed Flashcards – vibrant colors and a more engaging way to revise
📊 New profile screen – view progress with timelines, graphs, and charts, all in one place!
🛠️ Fixed issues and improved PDF viewing for a seamless experience
🏃 Improved app speed and performance
⏳ Stay organized with the new Course Scheduler – set your timeline, and we’ll break your course into daily goals
📈 Track progress with Course Completion % – know exactly what you’ve covered!
📚 Learn better with refreshed Flashcards – vibrant colors and a more engaging way to revise
📊 New profile screen – view progress with timelines, graphs, and charts, all in one place!
🛠️ Fixed issues and improved PDF viewing for a seamless experience
🏃 Improved app speed and performance
🎓 Seamlessly switch between learning and practice with a new button on home
📚 Effortlessly browse your courses with a Netflix-style grid
🤖 Have your questions solved in real-time with EduRev AI
🎯 Easily stay on track with custom countdown for your exam
🖥️ Enjoy a smoother & better app experience on tablets
⏲️ Set question-wise time limits & other features while creating your own tests
🏃 Navigate faster with speed improvements
🎓 Seamlessly switch between learning and practice with a new button on home
📚 Effortlessly browse your courses with a Netflix-style grid
🤖 Have your questions solved in real-time with EduRev AI
🎯 Easily stay on track with custom countdown for your exam
🖥️ Enjoy a smoother & better app experience on tablets
⏲️ Set question-wise time limits & other features while creating your own tests
🏃 Navigate faster with speed improvements
🛒 Brand New Store tab to view all study packages and partner courses at one place
➕ A reimagined flow of the app with new rewards
🌙 Sharpest dark mode view we have ever made
✅ Major performance and UI improvements for a faster performance and bug-free experience
🇮🇳 Now you can access the complete app in हिंदी language
📚 Get recommendations on what to study next based on your previous learning activity
🛒 Brand New Store tab to view all study packages and partner courses at one place
➕ A reimagined flow of the app with new rewards
🌙 Sharpest dark mode view we have ever made
✅ Major performance and UI improvements for a faster performance and bug-free experience
🇮🇳 Now you can access the complete app in हिंदी language
📚 Get recommendations on what to study next based on your previous learning activity
🛒 Brand New Store tab to view all study packages and partner courses at one place
➕ A reimagined flow of the app with new rewards
🌙 Sharpest dark mode view we have ever made
✅ Major performance and UI improvements for a faster performance and bug-free experience
🇮🇳 Now you can access the complete app in हिंदी language
📚 Get recommendations on what to study next based on your previous learning activity
🛒 Brand New Store tab to view all study packages and partner courses at one place
➕ A reimagined flow of the app with new rewards
🌙 Sharpest dark mode view we have ever made
✅ Major performance and UI improvements for a faster performance and bug-free experience
🇮🇳 Now you can access the complete app in हिंदी language
📚 Get recommendations on what to study next based on your previous learning activity
Here's what's new:
🎯 Make a commitment to your learning with our daily learning goal feature. Take our 7 day challenge and build a habit of learning every day
📚 Study more efficiently by getting personalised learning recommendations based on your learning activity
😇 Get your personalized analysis and performance insights with new Analysis button in sidebar and improve your study approach
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content.
Here's what's new:
🎯 Make a commitment to your learning with our daily learning goal feature. Take our 7 day challenge and build a habit of learning every day
📚 Study more efficiently by getting personalised learning recommendations based on your learning activity
😇 Get your personalized analysis and performance insights with new Analysis button in sidebar and improve your study approach
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content.
Here's what's new:
🎯 Make a commitment to your learning with our daily learning goal feature. Take our 7 day challenge and build a habit of learning every day
📚 Study more efficiently by getting personalised learning recommendations based on your learning activity
😇 Get your personalized analysis and performance insights with new Analysis button in sidebar and improve your study approach
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content.
Check out these new features to help you ace your exam:

😇 Get your personalised analysis and performance insights with new Analysis button in sidebar
😊 Find all your doubts and test questions organised neatly at one place in Questions button on Discuss Tab
🔎 Improved Search feature
⏰ Never miss your daily study schedule, add reminders to Google Calendar from app
Pretty cool release by our android team that you can't afford to miss.

Some highlights
🗣️ Listen to docs on the go with new Text to Speech feature
🔎 Improved Search feature with category filter
⏰ Never miss your daily study schedule, add reminders to Google Calendar from app
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content
📝 Practice for multiple chapters at once with new dynamic test 2.0 module

Update the app now to get more features :)
Pretty cool release by our android team that you can't afford to miss.

Some highlights
🗣️ Listen to docs on the go with new Text to Speech feature
🔎 Improved Search feature with category filter
⏰ Never miss your daily study schedule, add reminders to Google Calendar from app
🤩 New "Continue where you left" block on Course Screen to quickly check your last viewed content
📝 Practice for multiple chapters at once with new dynamic test 2.0 module

Update the app now to get more features :)
#StudyWhatMatters easily with the latest EduRev App Update! 💯🤩
- New screen to view all docs of a course & videos of a course at one place
- Improved reading experience with scroller
- New graphs in analysis section to give you more accurate insights
- New quick review option on test screen
- Introduced new cheaper & flexible multi-year plans with quick checkout option

Experience faster search results, improved dark mode, smoother learning and much more by updating your EduRev App now!

ハッキング方法 EduRev Exam Preparation App

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