Star Trek Lower Decks Game Mod Apk

Star Trek Lower Decks Game ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: East Side Games Studio
カテゴリー: シミュレーション, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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公式 Star Trek:Lower Decks Idle Game!

最後に、さらに別の退屈な任務の名簿の後、U.S.S.のローワーデッキの乗組員は、Cerritos は、Zebulon Sisters のコンサートでパーティーをする準備ができています!テンディは初めてのチューチューダンスなので、さらに興奮しています!しかし、最初に、ボイムラーが組織することを任されているホロデッキでの定期的な訓練演習を完了する必要があります。ボイムラー?力で?それが良かったのはいつですか?

ダンスを楽しみたくて、乗組員はシミュレーションを終了しようとしましたが、Cerritos のコンピューターが不正な AI Badgey によってハイジャックされたことがわかりました。彼は彼らをホロデッキに閉じ込め、すべての安全プロトコルを無効にしました。ボイムラー、テンディ、ラザフォード、マリナーは、現実の世界に戻ることができるように、おなじみのスタートレックのストーリーと新しいスタートレックのストーリーを読み解かなければなりません。ただし、注意してください。成功しないと、本当に死んでしまいます。さらに悪いことに、彼らはパーティーに参加できなくなります!


Star Trek Lower Decks Mobile では、Lower Decks のユーモラスなスタイルで古典的なスタートレックのストーリーをタップする機会が与えられます。新鮮で面白いひねりを加えたお気に入りのストーリーラインをお楽しみください。また、新しいエンディングを与えることもできます!


すべてのホロデッキシミュレーションでは、Cerritos の乗組員が大きな悪いボスと対峙し、出口に到達するために倒さなければなりません。科学、エンジニアリング、セキュリティ、コマンドの訓練演習とミニゲームで乗組員をレベルアップ!


ここでプレイできるのは Cerritos の Lower Decks 乗組員だけではありません。Badgey には、スタートレックの世界から集めて交換できるさまざまなキャラクターがいます!定期的なイベントを完了して、特別なキャラクターのロックを解除し、乗組員を強化しましょう!


週に 2 回のミニイベントと毎週末のメインイベントで、常に新しいシミュレーションを探索できます!たとえ忙しくても、あなたは見逃すことはありません - あなたが離れている間にあなたの乗組員を訓練するように自動化することができます!

サポートについては、 [email protected] までお問い合わせください。


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New Adventures Await in Star Trek: Lower Decks Mobile!

Episode 112 - The Tiny Town Incident: Shrink to the challenge as Tendi and Rutherford tackle spiroid radiation and a warp core crisis!

Event 38 - Galaxy Spiral: Join Leah Brahms in a drill that tests Rutherford’s skills—and emotions—like never before!

New Characters: Add Keiko and Leah Brahms to your roster.

Update now and continue your journey through the final frontier!
Dive into holiday fun with a new episode and exclusive event!

Join Worf and Dax in Episode 109, “I Can't Stop The Rain”, as they uncover a stormy surprise on Risa. Celebrate with our new event, "Welcome To The Party, Pals," and save the day from holiday hijinks.

Plus, enjoy updated game enhancements, balance adjustments, and fresh, festive costumes!
Minor bugfix to support account changes
Episode 66 "Tribble Threat" featuring a new member of the Lower Deckers!
Episode 67 "Nom"
Balancing tweaks and improvements.
Base install size reduced, and memory improvements to reduce crashes.
Keep an eye out for a new Main Event in the next week! Hope you like baseball...
Episode 66 "Tribble Threat" featuring a new member of the Lower Deckers!
Episode 67 "Nom"
Balancing tweaks and improvements.
Base install size reduced, and memory improvements to reduce crashes.
Keep an eye out for a new Main Event in the next week! Hope you like baseball...
Attention all crew members, we've detected some minor issues in Star Trek Lower Decks: The Badgey Directive, but don't worry, we've fixed them in the latest update! Update your game now and keep exploring the final frontier.
Red alert, Lower Deckers! Badgey's been up to no good, but we've got everything under control with the latest update. We've fixed some issues and made some improvements, so don't forget to update your game and stay ahead of Badgey's tricks!
Lower Deckers, Badgey's been causing some trouble, but we've put a stop to it with the latest update. We've fixed some issues and made some improvements, so don't forget to update your game!
- Fixed visual issue preventing some players from entering the game.
Attention all crew members! Badgey's been playing games with the latest update for Star Trek Lower Decks: The Badgey Directive, but we've fixed everything up. Download the new update now and continue your adventure in the final frontier!
- Fix for store chips not appearing until a store refresh.
- Join the furball frenzy with the new Main Event "Revenge of the Tribbles"
- Play the odds in the new Episode 56 "Always Bet On Badgey"
- Explore uncharted territory in the new Episode 57 "Where No One Wants To Go Again”
- New prizes incoming, including the Gorn Suit, Nomad, and Jadzia Dax!
- Blast off into the unknown with the new Generator: Cetacean Ops!
Find us over at Reddit r/LowerDecksGame to join our community and add your suggestions for what updates you want to see in the future!
Trans-dimensional energy intruders have begun sneaking into the holodeck to mess with the crew! Tap them as they zip across your screen to bag a little bonus! They will begin to appear across your holodeck over the coming weeks, so keep a lookout!
We've also fixed some bugs to make your gaming experience even smoother.
Check out our new episodes, 54 and 55!
Come and find us on Reddit at r/LowerDecksGame to help suggest future changes and join in on the fun!
Lower Deckers, Badgey's been causing some trouble, but we've put a stop to it with the latest update. We've fixed some issues and made some improvements, so don't forget to update your game!
- Stability improvements, especially around ads
- Fix for some players unable to see events
Attention all cadets! Badgey's been up to his old tricks again, but don't worry, we've fixed the issues in the latest update. Download it now and get back to exploring the galaxy!
- Fixed Dilithium price bug on Store Chips.
- Fix for some players unable to see Events.
- Fix for stability issues on launch
- Fix for repeating notification
Lower Decks Captains we’ve sent a new update to your holodeck!
- Cloud Saves are here! We are slowly rolling this out across regions, so please be patient if you don't see it in your Settings screen yet.
- Introducing a new simulation; Quark's Bar! Pull up a seat and pour yourself a drink.
- New Episodes (46 and 47).
- Bug Fixes and Improvements.
Beam into the game now and join the action!
- Cloud Saves are here! We are slowly rolling this out across regions, so please be patient if you don't see it in your Settings screen yet.
- Introducing a new simulation; Quark's Bar! Pull up a seat and pour yourself a drink.
- New Episodes (46 and 47).
- Bug Fixes and Improvements.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @LowerDecksGame and find us on Reddit at /lowerdecksgame to join our community, keep up with the latest news, and let us know what you think!
Googleplay cloud saves. Some bugfixes and improvements.
Hotfix for some live issues:
- Removed repeated notifications
- Character upgrade cost is now visible at all levels
- Simulations no longer freeze when the app loses focus
- Dilithium ad prompt has returned to the top of the holodeck after a brief holiday
Fixes to prevent time cheating.
UX improvements to the character chip screens.
Many bugfixes and improvements.
Hotfix for 'test user' appearing on leaderboards and analytics bugs.
Bug fixes and improvements:
- Fix for some players unable to enter the event
- Fix for players entering the event too early
- Stability and Crash improvements
- UI/UX improvements
-Hotfix removing the 'device below minimum spec' popup.
A new release is upon us!
-Bugfixes and Quality of Life Improvements
-Global credit functionality
Hotfix to allow you to send ratings from the Settings menu.

ハッキング方法 Star Trek Lower Decks Game

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