Free Fire Mod Apk

Free Fire ハック - Mod Apk 1.109.1

開発者: Garena International I
カテゴリー: アクション
価格: 無料です


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Free Fire は、モバイルで利用できる世界的に有名なサバイバルシューティングゲームです。各 10 分間のゲームで、プレイヤーは離れた島に移動し、生存を目指す他の 49 人のプレイヤーと対戦します。プレイヤーはパラシュートで出発点を自由に選択し、できるだけ長く安全地帯にとどまることを目指します。車を運転して広大なマップを探索したり、荒野に隠れたり、草や裂け目の下に身をかざして見えなくなったりします。待ち伏せし、狙撃し、生き残る。目標はただ一つ。生き残って任務に応えること。



[10 分、50 人のプレイヤー、壮大なサバイバルが待っています]
高速でライトなゲームプレイ - 10 分以内に、新しい生存者が現れます。あなたは義務の要求を超えて、輝く光の下にいる人になりませんか?

[4 人チーム、ゲーム内ボイスチャット付き]
最大 4 人のプレイヤーで分隊を作成し、最初の瞬間に分隊とのコミュニケーションを確立します。義務に応え、友達を勝利に導き、頂点に立っている最後のチームになりましょう。

ペースの速い 4v4 ゲームモード!経済を管理し、武器を購入し、敵の分隊を倒しましょう!




[MyZone] Make the BR battlefield your zone with the event's workshops!
[Device Item] More items can now fit into the device slot, and the user experience has been improved.
[Lone Wolf] Teammate matching is now available, and the map design has been improved.
[New Character - Oscar] Oscar can catch his enemies off guard by using the extraordinary power of his battle suit to break through their defenses.
[Winterlands: Aurora] Winterlands brings new Aurora Events and the Frosty Machines.
[Frosty Track] Glide along Bermuda's tracks for swift travel and thrilling combat encounters.
[Map Update] Bermuda is blanketed in snow, with the Clock Tower adorned with colorful lights, snowmen, and more!
[New Character - Koda] Koda can locate enemies behind cover and swiftly chase them down.
[New Weapon - M590] A new single-shot shotgun with explosive rounds that deal area damage.
[New Mode] Zombie Hunt mode returns with a bigger map, more monsters, and enhanced buffs!
[Peak Rework] Bermuda's Peak has undergone major changes and the area will now be available in Clash Squad.
[New Character] Suzy will earn you in-match currency for your eliminations.
[Clash Squad] Loot the Cyber Airdrop for rarer equipment.
[Battle Royale] Capture the Defense Arsenal and try out Solo Dare, a new revival method.
[Training Grounds] Reworked Target Range for more effective training sessions.
[New Mode] Zombie Hunt mode returns with a bigger map, more monsters, and enhanced buffs!
[Peak Rework] Bermuda's Peak has undergone major changes and the area will now be available in Clash Squad.
[New Character] Suzy will earn you in-match currency for your eliminations.
[Clash Squad] Loot the Cyber Airdrop for rarer equipment.
[Battle Royale] Capture the Defense Arsenal and try out Solo Dare, a new revival method.
[Training Grounds] Reworked Target Range for more effective training sessions.
[New mode] Brand new, time-limited Duo Active Skills mode in CS-Ranked.
[New system] Achievement system now live. Celebrate your accomplishments!
[Quick Messages] Customize your list of quick messages.
[Character Awakening] Alok "the Booyah Man".
[New character] Sonia: A game changer during critical moments!
[Rank Season] Clash Squad S19: Starting June 1, 17:00 GMT+8.
1. Character system rework: Purchase characters using Gold and enjoy max. level skills immediately upon unlocking. Optimized skill equipping.
2. New character: Orion. His active skill prevents from taking damage and absorbs enemy HP.
3. Character Awakening: Alvaro.
4. New in Battle Royale: In-game Quests and Super Revival.
5. Optimized Clash Squad Protection Points. Rank up smoother!
6. New modes coming soon: Pet Smash and Triple Wolves.
7. Clash Squad Season 18: Starting March 22, 12:00 GMT+8.
1. Character skill slots are available for free! Mix and match your character skills at zero cost!
2. 2 Loadout presets allow for switching easily to a different skill combo before battle.
3. New Regional Weapon Glory Leaderboard.
4. New character, Santino, with an active skill that teleports.
5. New BR feature: Find high-level rare loot at the Arsenal!
6. Clash Squad Season 17 - Begins on 1/11 20:30 GMT+8.
1. New PvE mode: Zombie Hunt! Pick your Talents and Boosts to fight against zombies.
2. Football Fire: new football gameplay on Social Island.
3. New Lone Wolf Map: Ice Ground. (Coming soon.)
4. Weapon Mastery system: Use your favorite weapon to build your mastery and earn exclusive skins!
5. Reworked Loadout: Enhanced strategic importance. The CS mode now supports loadouts.
6. BR and CS adjustment: Faster game pace.
7. New Weapon: Trogon.
8. Clash Squad Season 16 - Begins on 11/16 20:30 GMT+8.
1. Clash Squad Season 15 - Begins on 9/21.
2. New Character: Tatsuya.
3. New Map - NeXTerra now available in CS mode.
4. Battle Royale mode optimization.
5. New System - Weapon Skins Lifetime Progress.
6. Instant Report Feedback.
7. New Weapon: Treatment Laser Gun.
8. Craftland Custom Room Free-Plays.
1. Clash Squad Season 14 - Begins on 7/21, 17:00 GMT+8.
2. New look & feel! UI complete revamp.
3. Daily mission update: new interface and more rewards.
4. Battle Royale mode optimization.
5. Quick deploy of Gloo Walls.
6. New spinner selector for Med Kits, Grenades, and Quick Msg.
7. Character skill rework: Miguel.
8. New Weapon: Bizon.
1.クラッシュ部隊ランクシーズン13 - 5/26 17:00 GMT+8に開放

ハッキング方法 Free Fire

ダウンロード Free Fire MOD APK 1.109.1

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