ポーカーレジェンド - テキサスホールデム Mod Apk

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カテゴリー: カジノ
価格: 無料です


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* ウィークリーリーグベースのトーナメント:ウィークリートーナメントに参加して何百万ものチップを獲得し、リーダーボードのトップに登り詰めましょう!

* シットアンドゴーモードで競い、大勝利

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* フェアプレイ保証:同じハンドは 2 つとありません。フェアプレイシステムにより、すべてのハンドが公平で公正であるため、安心してプレイできます。

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* プライベートルームで、友達や家族とより独占的で親密なポーカー体験を体験してください。

* ユニークなポーカーハンドリプレイシステム:テーブルでの特定のハンドの勝敗について混乱していますか?今すぐ任意のゲームのインスタントリプレイを取得し、何が起こったのかを調べてください。

* ハンドストレングスヘルパー:ポーカーの遊び方を学び始めたばかりですか?ハンドストレングスヘルパーは、あなたのハンドの強さと、ゲームで役立つポーカーの組み合わせに勝つことを示します!







Version: 0.8.74
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.8.69
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.8.59
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.93
♠ New Languages added : French and Canadian French
♠ New Achievements added
♠ Bug fixes and other improvements

Version: 0.7.86
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.83
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.72
♠ New Languages added: Finnish and Dutch
♠ Social Share feature
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements
Version: 0.8.63
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.8.59
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.8.48
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.93
♠ New Languages added : French and Canadian French
♠ New Achievements added
♠ Bug fixes and other improvements

Version: 0.7.86
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.83
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.72
♠ New Languages added: Finnish and Dutch
♠ Social Share feature
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements
Version: 0.8.22
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.8.19
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.99
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.93
♠ New Languages added : French and Canadian French
♠ New Achievements added
♠ Bug fixes and other improvements

Version: 0.7.86
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.83
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.72
♠ New Languages added: Finnish and Dutch
♠ Social Share feature
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements
Version: 0.7.93
♠ New Languages added : French and Canadian French
♠ New Achievements added
♠ Bug fixes and other improvements

Version: 0.7.86
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.83
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.72
♠ New Languages added: Finnish and Dutch
♠ Social Share feature
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.48
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements
♠ Added Auto Re-Buy and Auto Top-Off options
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.7.33
♠ Bug Fixes and Improvements
Version: 0.5.74
♠ Introducing Poker Clubs

Version: 0.5.65
♠ Update to latest android build target

Version: 0.5.44
♠ Introducing Special Tournaments
♠ Introducing World Reward for all ranks

Version: 0.5.05
♠ Improved Monthly Streaks
♠ Improved Profile Frames
♠ Improved Table Effects

Version: 0.4.99
♠ Introducing Monthly Streak
♠ Introducing Avatar Frames

Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements
Version: 0.5.65
♠ Update to latest android build target

Version: 0.5.44
♠ Introducing Special Tournaments
♠ Introducing World Reward for all ranks

Version: 0.5.05
♠ Improved Monthly Streaks
♠ Improved Profile Frames
♠ Improved Table Effects

Version: 0.4.99
♠ Introducing Monthly Streak
♠ Introducing Avatar Frames

Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank
Version: 0.5.44
♠ Introducing Special Tournaments
♠ Introducing World Reward for all ranks

Version: 0.5.05
♠ Improved Monthly Streaks
♠ Improved Profile Frames
♠ Improved Table Effects

Version: 0.4.99
♠ Introducing Monthly Streak
♠ Introducing Avatar Frames

Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables
Version: 0.5.42
♠ Introducing Special Tournaments
♠ Introducing World Reward for all ranks

Version: 0.5.05
♠ Improved Monthly Streaks
♠ Improved Profile Frames
♠ Improved Table Effects

Version: 0.4.99
♠ Introducing Monthly Streak
♠ Introducing Avatar Frames

Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables
Version: 0.5.24
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.5.05
♠ Improved Monthly Streaks
♠ Improved Profile Frames
♠ Improved Table Effects

Version: 0.4.99
♠ Introducing Monthly Streak
♠ Introducing Avatar Frames

Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables
Version: 0.5.16
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.5.05
♠ Improved Monthly Streaks
♠ Improved Profile Frames
♠ Improved Table Effects

Version: 0.4.99
♠ Introducing Monthly Streak
♠ Introducing Avatar Frames

Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables
Version: 0.5.05
♠ Improved Monthly Streaks
♠ Improved Profile Frames
♠ Improved Table Effects

Version: 0.4.99
♠ Introducing Monthly Streak
♠ Introducing Avatar Frames

Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables

Version: 0.3.81
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard
Version: 0.4.99
♠ Introducing Monthly Streak
♠ Introducing Avatar Frames

Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables

Version: 0.3.81
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard
Version: 0.4.95
♠ Introducing Monthly Streak
♠ Introducing Avatar Frames

Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables

Version: 0.3.81
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard
Version: 0.4.65
♠ Fixes and improvements

Version: 0.4.57
♠ Introducing Private Tables

Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables

Version: 0.3.81
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard
Version: 0.4.27
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables

Version: 0.3.81
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard

Version: 0.2.78
♠ Introducing Tournament Hall Of Fame
♠ Introducing FairPlay Stats

Version: 0.2.36
♠ Introducing Heat-Mode for Tournaments
Version: 0.4.25
♠ Fixes and Improvements

Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables

Version: 0.3.81
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard

Version: 0.2.78
♠ Introducing Tournament Hall Of Fame
♠ Introducing FairPlay Stats

Version: 0.2.36
♠ Introducing Heat-Mode for Tournaments
Version: 0.4.15
♠ Introducing Piggy Bank

Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables

Version: 0.3.81
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard

Version: 0.2.78
♠ Introducing Tournament Hall Of Fame
♠ Introducing FairPlay Stats

Version: 0.2.36
♠ Introducing Heat-Mode for Tournaments

Version: 0.2.20
♠ Show cards option at end of hand even if you folded.
♠ Online status for Buddies
♠ 5x spin option in Slot Machine and Spin Wheel
Version: 0.4.00
♠ Introducing SitNGo tables

Version: 0.3.81
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard

Version: 0.2.78
♠ Introducing Tournament Hall Of Fame
♠ Introducing FairPlay Stats

Version: 0.2.36
♠ Introducing Heat-Mode for Tournaments

Version: 0.2.20
♠ Show cards option at end of hand even if you folded.
♠ Online status for Buddies
♠ 5x spin option in Slot Machine and Spin Wheel
Version: 0.3.81
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard

Version: 0.2.78
♠ Introducing Tournament Hall Of Fame
♠ Introducing FairPlay Stats

Version: 0.2.36
♠ Introducing Heat-Mode for Tournaments

Version: 0.2.20
♠ Show cards option at end of hand even if you folded.
♠ Online status for Buddies
♠ 5x spin option in Slot Machine and Spin Wheel
Version: 0.3.75
♠ Introducing Daily Challenges

Version: 0.2.95
♠ Country specific leaderboard

Version: 0.2.78
♠ Introducing Tournament Hall Of Fame
♠ Introducing FairPlay Stats

Version: 0.2.36
♠ Introducing Heat-Mode for Tournaments

Version: 0.2.20
♠ Show cards option at end of hand even if you folded.
♠ Online status for Buddies
♠ 5x spin option in Slot Machine and Spin Wheel

ハッキング方法 ポーカーレジェンド - テキサスホールデム

ダウンロード ポーカーレジェンド - テキサスホールデム MOD APK 0.8.74

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4.2 点満点中 5
3.94万 件のレビュー