My Disney Experience Mod Apk

My Disney Experience ハック - Mod Apk 8.6

開発者: Disney
カテゴリー: 旅行&地域
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot My Disney Experience mod apkGame screenshot My Disney Experience hackGame screenshot My Disney Experience apk download


- 新しい Disney Genie サービスを利用して、パーク時間を最大限に活用しましょう。このサービスは、列に並ぶ時間を短縮し、「次は何だろう」という当て推量をなくすのに役立つヒントとともに、テーマパーク内をガイドするパーソナライズされた旅程を生成します。
- リアルタイムの待ち時間、パーク営業時間、キャラクターグリーティング、ショータイムなどに素早くアクセスします。
- インタラクティブな GPS 対応マップを使用してリゾートを探索し、最寄りの飲食店、観光スポットなどを簡単に確認できます。
- ステップバイステップの指示に従って、自分の進む道を見つけてください。
- レストランのメニューの閲覧、食事の予約、既存のメニューの変更、さらには選択した場所からの食事をモバイル注文することもできます。
-メモリー メーカーを購入したら、休暇中にディズニー フォトパス® の写真とビデオをダウンロード、編集、共有できます。
- アクティビティを検索およびフィルターして、探しているものを正確に見つけます。
- My Day & Plans を使用すると、選択したディズニー リゾートのホテルの予約、ダイニング プラン、アクティビティをすべて 1 か所にまとめて管理できます。
- ディズニーリゾートホテルのチェックインプロセスをアプリから直接開始して時間を節約します。
-MagicBand+ をアプリ上でディズニー アカウントにリンクし、魅惑的な魔法のタッチを解除します。
- カーロケーターを使用して、選択した駐車場所の駐車情報を保存します。
- ディズニーリゾートの予約、チケット、マジックバンド、カードを管理し、他の人とプランを共有します。
- 4 つのテーマ パーク (マジック キングダム® パーク、エプコット®、ディズニー ハリウッド スタジオ® & ディズニー アニマル キングダム® パーク)、2 つのウォーター パーク (ディズニー タイフーン ラグーン & ディズニー ブリザード ビーチ ウォーター パーク) を含む、ウォルト ディズニー ワールド リゾートの公式コンテンツを発見、ディズニー スプリングス®、一部のウォルト ディズニー ワールド リゾート ホテル、ESPN ワイド ワールド オブ スポーツ コンプレックス。
ご質問、問題、コメント、ご提案がありますか? [email protected] までご連絡ください。
公園内でのインターネットへの接続: インターネット信号が強いと、待ち時間、公園の営業時間、スケジュールが正確に更新されない場合があります。デバイスが正しく接続されているかどうかは、[設定] で確認できます。
注: このアプリの一部の機能では、氏名、国、生年月日、メール アドレス、位置データへのアクセスが必要です。デバイスで Bluetooth が有効になっている場合、このアプリは待ち時間などのパーク内のエクスペリエンスを向上させるために、ビーコン技術を通じて正確な位置情報も収集します。サインイン プロセスを容易にするために、アプリはアカウント マネージャー内に保存されているメール アドレスへのアクセスも必要とします。
このアプリは、メディアのキャプチャとバーコードのスキャンのためにカメラへのアクセスを要求する場合があります。一部の Disney PhotoPass レンズは、デバイス上の情報を使用して顔と手の座標を検出する場合があります。アプリは、オフライン閲覧用に特定のデータをキャッシュするために外部ストレージへのアクセスを要求する場合があります。
オプションの計画ツールでは、旅行パーティーの詳細の提供を求められる場合もあります。このアプリの一部の機能には購入機能が含まれており、Wi-Fi または携帯通信会社のデータ接続が必要です。メッセージ、データ、ローミング料金が適用される場合があります。可用性は携帯電話機の制限および機能の影響を受け、携帯電話機またはサービスプロバイダーによって異なる場合があります。カバレッジとアプリストアはどこでも利用できるわけではありません。購入できるのは 18 歳以上である必要があります。
ダウンロードする前に、このアプリには実際のお金がかかるアプリ内購入が含まれていることを考慮してください。このアプリには、パークまたはディズニー リゾート ホテルへの訪問に関する情報のプッシュ通知を受け取るオプションが用意されています。
ディズニー フォトパス レンズに関する重要な情報: important-notice-about-attribute-lenses


We’ve enhanced our maps with new filters—so it’s easier to find what you need.
We fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
We fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
We fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:
Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.
We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:
Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.
We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:
Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.
We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:
Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.
We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:
Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.
We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:
Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.
We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

- Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
- Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
- Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

- Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
- Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
- Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

Plus, D23 members can see their affiliation reflected in the app and eligible member discounts will automatically be applied.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

- Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
- Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
- Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

Plus, D23 members can see their affiliation reflected in the app and eligible member discounts will automatically be applied.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

- Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
- Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
- Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

Plus, D23 members can see their affiliation reflected in the app and eligible member discounts will automatically be applied.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

- Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
- Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
- Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

Plus, D23 members can see their affiliation reflected in the app and eligible member discounts will automatically be applied.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, Tip Board can tell you if you are eligible to:

- Move between Walt Disney World Resort theme parks on the same day.
- Choose a Lightning Lane arrival window for select attractions.
- Make individual Lightning Lane purchases.

We introduced car locator to help save your parking information.

Plus, D23 members can see their affiliation reflected in the app and eligible member discounts will automatically be applied.

We also fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, we’ve introduced Disney Genie service. Using this complimentary interface, you’ll have access to new features, including:
- A custom Tip Board, which can display estimated wait times for your top attractions and dining experiences.
- A personalized daily itinerary creator that regularly updates as your plans change—and offers forecasted wait times.
- The opportunity to purchase Disney Genie+ service.
Additionally, we fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, we’ve introduced Disney Genie service. Using this complimentary interface, you’ll have access to new features, including:
- A custom Tip Board, which can display estimated wait times for your top attractions and dining experiences.
- A personalized daily itinerary creator that regularly updates as your plans change—and offers forecasted wait times.
- The opportunity to purchase Disney Genie+ service.
Additionally, we fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, we’ve introduced Disney Genie service. Using this complimentary interface, you’ll have access to new features, including:
- A custom Tip Board, which can display estimated wait times for your top attractions and dining experiences.
- A personalized daily itinerary creator that regularly updates as your plans change—and offers forecasted wait times.
- The opportunity to purchase Disney Genie+ service.
Additionally, we fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.
With this release, we’ve introduced Disney Genie service. Using this complimentary interface, you’ll have access to new features, including:
- A custom Tip Board, which can display estimated wait times for your top attractions and dining experiences.
- A personalized daily itinerary creator that regularly updates as your plans change—and offers forecasted wait times.
- The opportunity to purchase Disney Genie+ service.
Additionally, we fixed bugs and improved overall app performance.

ハッキング方法 My Disney Experience

ダウンロード My Disney Experience MOD APK 8.6

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4.5 点満点中 5
14.9万 件のレビュー