Deepstash: Smarter Every Day! Mod Apk

Deepstash: Smarter Every Day! ハック - Mod Apk 18.3.3

開発者: Deepstash
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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わずか 5 分で新しいことを学びましょう。わずか 4 つの簡単なステップで、人気の書籍、記事、ポッドキャスト、ビデオなどからの 200,000 以上の強力なアイデアに毎日無制限にアクセスできます。

ソーシャルメディアのスクロールをやめましょう ⇨ Deepstash をダウンロード ⇨ 1 日 5 分間使用してください ⇨ この部屋で一番賢くなりましょう。

300 万人以上の賢い人々に加わっ​​て、新しいアイデアを発見し、新しいことを学び、自分自身を向上させ、他の人にインスピレーションを与えましょう。

Deepstash の知識はアイデアの形で提供され、一目で読める小さなカードとして表現されます。アイデアは、深い考えを簡単な文に凝縮した短いメモです。それは、本や記事からの最高のアイデア、感動的な引用、あらゆるトピックに関する実践的なヒントなどです。それぞれのアイデアは #マーケティング から #リーダーシップ 、 #哲学 までのトピックに属しており、フォローすることができます。

アイデアはあなたと同じユーザーによって生み出されます。本や記事を読んだり、ポッドキャストを聞いたりして、保存、記憶、共有する価値のあるコンセプト、考え、引用を見つけたら、それに関するアイデアを Deepstash に追加できます。アイデアの源はフィードに表示されます。


賢くなる (より多くのことを知るようになるでしょう!)
よりクリエイティブ (より多くの点を結ぶことができます)
より幸せ (より良い習慣、より少ない不安)

それは、インスピレーションを与え、人生を変えるストーリーやアイデアの毎日の情報源です。記事を読み、スキルを学び、生産性のヒントを取得し、ライフハックを発見してください。 Deepstash の魔法は、自分のアイデアを投稿したり、他のスタッシャーからアイデア カードを収集したりするなど、行うことすべてが知識ライブラリを構築することです。好奇心を刺激して、日々賢くなっていきましょう。


興味のあるトピックと方向性 (生産性の向上、より良い習慣の構築、より多くの収入など) をいくつか選択し、好きなときに Deepstash を使用してください。あなたがアイデアを読んで保存すると、私たちはあなたの好みを学び、毎日あなたに表示する最高のストーリー、記事、書籍、ポッドキャスト、その他のトップコンテンツを見つけます。そのために働く必要すらありません。

アイデアを読んだり保存したりすればするほど、どのような記事やトピックが気に入っているかがわかります。推奨事項は 1 日に複数回更新されるため、新しいアイデアが不足することはありません。





独自のアイデアを追加してナレッジ ライブラリに隠しておき、いつでも手元に置いておけます。

自分自身のアイデアや見つけた他のアイデアを Whatsapp や Facebook で友達や同僚と共有したり、Facebook、Twitter、Tiktok、Instagram、Linkedin、または Quora でフォロワーに送信したりできます。 Deepstash の一口サイズのアイデア フォーマットは、これに最適です。

ユーザーが Deepstash を好む理由:

「ソーシャルメディアから離れるのに役立ちました。何かを学ぶのはとても素晴らしく、費やした時間は貴重だったように感じます。また、毎朝約10分間トピックを選んで楽しんでいます。素晴らしいアプリ、よくやったと称賛します。」 -ロン・ロナルド

「1 日 5 分でも思考力は向上します。私は新しいアイデアに出会い、モチベーションを高め、自信を持ち、より幸せになるために既存の方法を改善する方法を学びました。」 - ガザラ・ベガム


「良い習慣、健康習慣などを時間内に学びましょう。個人の成長を管理しやすくなります。」 - Mashable

「200,000 を超える革新的なアイデアをすぐに利用できる」 - MacWorld

「Deepstash は、常に最新情報を入手したいが時間がない起業家に最適です。」



We’ve been working hard to enhance your experience! Celebrations are now smoother and less intrusive, and we’ve fixed bugs to keep everything running flawlessly. Enjoy a more seamless Deepstash!
We’ve been working hard to enhance your experience! Celebrations are now smoother and less intrusive, and we’ve fixed bugs to keep everything running flawlessly. Enjoy a more seamless Deepstash!
This update contains improvements and bug fixes!
Get Ready! Year in Review is Now Available!
Fresh new look! Check out our updated theme for an even better experience
Fixed some minor bugs!
Polished the app with some new cool UI
We fixed some minor bugs.
We've fine-tuned personalized recommendations and addressed pesky bugs for a smoother experience.
The new update just arrived:
- A tasty small redesign for the post cards.
- Creators will get PRO for free.

Keep learning and keep reading!
Bugs Begone!
We’ve been hard at work sweeping away pesky bugs, ensuring an uninterrupted reading journey. Dive back into your favorite ideas with the assurance of a smoother experience.
Why did the OLED screen become an astronomer? It wanted to study the dark matter!

In this update:
- We've redefined our initial onboarding experience to make your first steps as smooth as possible.
- New Dark OLED theme alongside the current dark theme. You asked, we delivered.
- Get a bird's-eye view of all unfinished and completed journeys on the All Journeys page. Search, filter, and hop on your next learning spot.
What's new? Save for later, see your progress, and jump right back into reading:
- Read later: Save the cool stuff you find and come back to read them later. Don't "save and forget" though.
- Peek past 30 days in your streak milestone history
- See the # of ideas your read today, below your avatar.
- One tap to continue your journey. We keep your progress and automagically let you jump into your collection. You can also stop a journey a now.

Don't miss the summer discount offer for Pro.
In this update:

- We are trying to be more welcoming to new users with a new welcome screen. Hi there!
- We're giving you a bit more context on the feed, telling you why each activity is there.
- We've fixed the latest issues to ensure it's all running smmmoooooth.

So, what's your current streak?
BIG update! Get ready to unlock, explore, and conquer:
- Home Sweet Home: Discover and Explore now merged for better browsing.
- Finer Streaks: Read one idea daily. Get freezes for off days, compete with friends, and enjoy milestones with rewards.
- Use the app for five days and unlock your unique profile.
- View Trends: Get insights into your reading personality, habits and interests, after unlocking your profile.

And that's a wrap, folks. Now get out there and unlock that profile!
This update is not just sweet on the eyes but also makes your home screen work for you.

- Big redesign of most areas in Deepstash. Better colors, nicer fonts. Overall just easier to look at.
- Your home screen now functions as a high-level view with everything you got to explore.
- Easily turn a collection into a personal journey. Just tap on one in home.
- Fixed a few small interface issues.

Let's read something today!
Once upon a time, a person sought to grow,
To gain new knowledge and let their curiosity flow.
They searched high and low for a tool to aid their quest,
And found our app, which put their growth journey to the test.

Start unlocking your potential!
Deepstash is going to some cool places, moving forward. Here's our latest intermediate update:
- You now share ideas with full text. Just makes it better. Try it!
- We "buzz" you less to complete your profile. Like it should be.
- Easier to choose favorite stashes. They are now ordered by most recent, when saving an idea.
- Small question on how you heard of us, at app install. Please help a bro out :-)

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
Deepstash is going to some cool places, moving forward. Here's our latest intermediate update:
- You now share ideas with full text. Just makes it better. Try it!
- We "buzz" you less to complete your profile. Like it should be.
- Easier to choose favorite stashes. They are now ordered by most recent, when saving an idea.
- Small question on how you heard of us, at app install. Please help a bro out :-)

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
Deepstash is going to some cool places, moving forward. Here's our latest intermediate update:
- You now share ideas with full text. Just makes it better. Try it!
- We "buzz" you less to complete your profile. Like it should be.
- Easier to choose favorite stashes. They are now ordered by most recent, when saving an idea.
- Small question on how you heard of us, at app install. Please help a bro out :-)

"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door."
Valentine's is over so let's get back on track and learn some new things.
And how better to see what you learned than… QUIZZES! Find them scattered in the wild, after reading some content.

Other things in this release:
- Every friend you bring gives you 30 DAYS of Pro. So, bring in a few and you’ll be Pro for a while.
- You'll get better content in your notifications. We automagically did some GPT Expecto Contentum.
In this update:
- We show you better challenge & streak progress status
- Briefly see the source screen before reading your ideas, when opening a link or tapping on notifications.
- We’re improving notifications content, to get you more into stuff you love.

Did you do today’s challenges?
If you didn't know, you can invite people in Deepstash and get one Free month of Pro subscription for each new friend you bring in!

In this update:
- You get better recommended content in the first few days after registering
- See your best friends in the invite screen. Get that Free 1 month of Pro :-)
- You can now change your password within the app
- We suggest new friends you might know in Deepstash

Start reading something useful today!
Sharing is caring, and we feel like rewarding those who share is the right thing to do.
In the latest update, you can:
- Easily add your friends on Deepstash
- Invite people to Deepstash for nifty rewards
- Secure your profile by adding your phone number
- Brag about your reading streak with fancy statuses
- Change the app icon
- Unlock even more achievements
- More easily navigate throughout the app

“The miracle is this: The more we share, the more we have.”
Your home screen is now beautifully crafted to enjoy reading more ideas! And it's also more fun, with gamified progress. A lot more to come in the next months.
In this update:
- New home screen experience. We bet you'll read more now. We do :-)
- Achievements have been reworked. Look them out.
- New sounds and haptics to enjoy
All in all, a really bad week for crypto. Knowledge never runs out of tokens, though. Invest now.
This release is just the bomb! Lots of new things got here & others got improved:

- Brand new Reader achievement as well as level-ups on topics
- Polished home screen for an amazing reading experience
- New navigation bar and Discover screen
- You can now search your library of ideas
- Better progress screen (tap your streak above)
- See reading progress in any source screen
- Issues fixed: rare animation crash, images not being displayed, text positioning & others

Learn something new today!
We want more, faster, better. May that be grasping knowledge, advancing in line paying taxes or watching cool cat videos. We just don't have the patience anymore to focus.

And social media made it worse in the recent years. Your attention span is going down with every swipe on Youtube, Reddit, Tiktok or basically, anything.

We got you. In this update, you'll get an opportunity to test a new way to consume ideas, that's making you stay engaged longer and consume more of what matters.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Or 3 days for that matter. Neither will your knowledge library and personal growth. But you can certainly see everything that Deepstash has to offer in 3 days and make up your mind if you want to start building your Rome.
In almost every culture and continent dogs live peacefully alongside people. Which makes them more successful at socializing than people

This update is all about better listening to ideas:
- Listen function explained better.
- Play ideas straight from the source page (improved player UX).
- FINALLY listen to ideas while Deepstash is in the background.

So why would you listen instead of read? Oh, I don't know... because you cook, drive, poop, workout or code. Not necessarily in that order.
We worked hard on this update. All your knowledge now better belongs to you:
- Your library is now the center of your knowledge: automagically store all your ideas and explore at will. Better navigation speed, filtering and search.
- Main navigation is now simplified & easier to use: Read -> Explore -> Library.
- Tap on your avatar (top left) to get a birds-eye view. Access your public profile from here.

All in all, it's a good week to start reading stuff that matters.
This update focuses on improving the overall experience in Deepstash.

- Revamped source images.
- Collection articles now collapse for a better reading experience (just like regular articles).
- Cool new splash screen when opening the app :-)
- Shinier new Explore tab with new illustrations.
- Widgets are now fixed. Finally, you can get your ideas front and center.

Read something new today!
We've talked to so many of you folks and we decided: content is free. That's what Deepstash is about.
So starting with this update, all content is freely available with limits on saving ideas. If you want to save unlimited ideas, get Deepstash Pro.

- We took out distractions when reading (top/bottom collapses).
- New Today screen. Redesigned elements.
- Redesigned topic screen.
- Explore screen is now better and more accessible.
- New, better profiles.
- Lots of other cool improvements.
Listen! Did you know that if you're 45 or older, the world population doubled since you were born? Now you do.

This update is totally wicked! Here's what's going on:
- A simpler, cleaner reading experience for your Read tab.
- Hit Explore and check out the whole catalogue of content.
- Cool chat improvements (find it in the header now, see when messages are read, and more).

Go ahead, read a few ideas & learn something new.

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ダウンロード Deepstash: Smarter Every Day! MOD APK 18.3.3

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