Daraz Online Shopping App Mod Apk

Daraz Online Shopping App ハック - Mod Apk 9.10.2

開発者: Daraz Mobile
カテゴリー: ショッピング
価格: 無料です


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Daraz 11.11 今年最大のセールが開催されます!
10 月 25 日より、Daraz では何千ものブランドからお買い物ができ、すべて最低価格でご利用いただけます。一年最大のセールですので、お見逃しなく!
Daraz 11.11 があなたに提供するものは次のとおりです。
新規購入者は、最初の注文で特別割引を受けられます。さらに割引を受けるには、今すぐ Daraz アプリをダウンロードしてください
Daraz でお気に入りの商品をどこよりも低価格で購入しましょう!
• 任意の 3 つのセール: 任意の 3 つのアイテムを 6 ドルで購入
• 毎日の低価格: 1 米ドル未満から最適な予算を見つけることができます
• 11.11 セール: 期間限定のフラッシュ セールから最大 90% オフのメガ セールまで、幅広い割引をお楽しみください。
DARAZ ライブ ストリーム
Daraz でのライブ ストリーミングを利用した楽しくインタラクティブなショッピング方法です。
購入する前に、Daraz Live にチャンネルを合わせて、お気に入りのインフルエンサーが商品を紹介している様子をご覧ください。さらに、Daraz Live 視聴者には追加の割引が適用されます。
ダラズ キャンディ
11.11 中に Daraz Candy をプレイすると、購入額を相殺してサイズアップした報酬を獲得できます。
DARAZ ですべてを購入
• 健康と美容、エレクトロニクス、ファッション、ホームとリビングなどを含む幅広いカテゴリーから閲覧してショッピング
• Daraz Mall で公式ブランドの 100% 本物の商品を入手
• ご希望の支払い方法で取引します - 代金引換(代金引換)、銀行振込、またはクレジットカード
DARAZ 保証付きで安心してお買い物
• 無料で簡単な返品: 商品が期待を満たしていない場合は、7 日以内 (Daraz Mall の場合は 14 日) 以内に、わずか 5 つの簡単な手順で商品を返品してください。
• 安全で安全な支払い: 当社は PCD-DSS に準拠しています。つまり、すべての取引データが暗号化され、システムは不審なアクティビティがないか監視され、安全が確保されます。
• 年中無休のライブサポート: サポートが必要ですか?私たちはいつでもあなたのためにここにいます - ご質問がございましたらお問い合わせください

技術的な問題が発生した場合は、[email protected] までご連絡ください。


- Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Spot the firework vouchers on your favorite products while scrolling through the app.
- Performance Improvements and bug fixes
- Grab a discounted bundle offer when you buy any 3 items!
- Enhance your shopping experience with improved review summaries and advanced sorting and filtering.
- Discover our revamped fashion product descriptions, focusing on size and variations.
- Enjoy Rich Media Push Notifications for engaging content.
- Benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes for a smoother app experience.
Introducing seamless PDP checkout for a faster and more efficient shopping experience!
Performance improvements and bugs fixes
- See similar and related product recommendations for groceries
- Performance Improvements and Bug Fixes
- View the summary of grocery products at a glance
- Visit category page in Mart to see full range of products
- Performance Improvements & Bug Fixes
Whats New for 6.8.0

- Performance Improvements & Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements & Bug Fixes
For What's new please find the following content
- Explore the new ChatGPT-powered Daraz Shopping Assistant - your smart, personalized guide to seamless online shopping!
- Discover page displaying our assortment of fashion and beauty products.
- Search for your favourite products easily with relevant filters and improved design.
- Club Members would have Daraz club badge to avail exclusive discounts on products, Shipping & bank promotions
- Performance Improvements & Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements & Bug Fixes
- Trust your purchases from Daraz! We now have 'Daraz Verified' tags on items we're sure wont disappoint you.
- Performance improvements & bug fixes.
Whats New for 6.2

- New and improved suggestions to enhance your search experience
- More accessible cart inside Mart enabling you to keep track easily
- Feel more confident about your selected products through top-rated item tags
- Performance improvements & bug fixes
Whats new for 6.1:

- Now you can see applicable vouchers and packing size while searching for grocery items.
- Navigate through Mart categories in a seamless manner with the improved look & feel.
- Conveniently reorder your favorite grocery items directly from Mart homepage
- Performance improvements & bug fixes.
Whats new for current release:

- Introducing a more refined homepage. Keep exploring new products and shop away!
- Now feel more confident about your selected products through top rated item tags on checkout.
- You now have better visibility over your cross border items delivery time at multiple touch points.
- Our help center has also been revamped. Don't hesitate exploring for answers or reaching out to us for support.
Whats new for current release:

Don't miss out. Find the latest campaigns and promotions in the Just For You section.
Make better purchase decisions through live & pre-recorded videos on the product pages.
Now Top-up faster than ever before with our latest revamp. Save contacts, fetch from your Daraz profile or phonebook, and add to your favorites.
Keep up to date with our latest features through in-app update pop-ups.
See how many coins you're earning per order!
- Now you can see the multiple variations of the product directly from the product image, and select the best option for yourself to checkout quickly!
- Look out for products that mention "Get it Today" on the product page and get same day delivery!
- Performance improvements & bug fixes
- Now you can see the multiple variations of the product directly from the product image, and select the best option for yourself to checkout quickly!
- Look out for products that mention "Get it Today" on the product page and get same day delivery!
- Performance improvements & bug fixes
- Now you can see the multiple variations of the product directly from the product image, and select the best option for yourself to checkout quickly!
- Look out for products that mention "Get it Today" on the product page and get same day delivery!
- Performance improvements & bug fixes
- We've added a delivery location setting on Homepage for a more localised shopping experience
- Our Search now supports filtering by Express Delivery
- Performance improvements & bug fixes
Lots of new features right before 11.11!
-You can now receive verification codes on WhatsApp and Viber for a smooth journey.
-See when items are low in stock, how many people have added them to their Wishlist.
-Easily identify Mega Deals & Top Reviewed items to help you make the right choice.
-To make things even better, you can now also collect applicable vouchers from the product page or during checkout to save more.
-Important security updates in compliance with Google policies included.
Lots of new features right before 11.11!
-You can now receive verification codes on WhatsApp and Viber for a smooth journey.
-See when items are low in stock, how many people have added them to their Wishlist.
-Easily identify Mega Deals & Top Reviewed items to help you make the right choice.
-To make things even better, you can now also collect applicable vouchers from the product page or during checkout to save more.
-Important security updates in compliance with Google policies included.
We made improvements and squashed bugs so Daraz is even better for you.
We made improvements and squashed bugs so Daraz is even better for you.
We made improvements and squashed bugs so Daraz is even better for you.
We made improvements and squashed bugs so Daraz is even better for you.

ハッキング方法 Daraz Online Shopping App

ダウンロード Daraz Online Shopping App MOD APK 9.10.2

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.8 点満点中 5
402万 件のレビュー