Nitro Nation ドラッグ&ドリフトレース Mod Apk

Nitro Nation ドラッグ&ドリフトレース ハック - Mod Apk 7.9.2

開発者: Creative Mobile Games
カテゴリー: レース
価格: 無料です


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ドリフトモードがNitro Nationにやってきた!一番熱いドラッグレーシングゲームがスライドする!


ドリフトしよう - 最もリアルで高度なドリフトモードがドラッグレーシング界に来た!

豊富な車種 – スーパーカー、エキゾチックカー、チューニングカー、ストリートレーサー、クラシックカーから最新の車種まで、様々なラインアップからあなただけの車を選べます!その上、新たな車種が日々ゲームに導入されているので、選びたい放題です!ドラッグレース用の車が好きなあなたのために、Acura, Liberty Walk, Nissan, Subaru, Honda, Mazda, Audi, BMW, Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz、150種類以上の実在するトップブランドの車をご用意しています!

フェアプレー – このゲームには車の燃料が回復するまでの待ち時間や、新車入手時やアップグレードに発生する待ち時間などは存在しません。さらに、全ての車種に競争力があり、「プレミアム」なアップグレードなどもございません。プレーヤーに必要なのは、運転技術と情熱のみです!

プレーヤー同士のレースとチーム – マルチプレイヤー機能を搭載しているこのゲームでは、常にオンライン上のストリートとトラックで、あなたとレースをしたがっているプレーヤーたちが存在しています。200メートルの短いコースや1マイルのフルコースでレース対決をしたり、チームを作り上げて、仲間たちと共にトーナメントを勝ち進んでオンラインランキングを駆け上ったり、賭けレースで度胸試しをすることもできます。ドラッグアンドドリフトシーズンの賭けライブレースでバトルしましょう。ポイントやキャッシュ、更にはゴールドまで獲得できます!

詳細なアップグレード –3種類のアフターマーケット市場の設計図を活用して、33種類の独特な車パーツをアップグレードして、世界に一台だけのドラッグレース用の高速カスタムカーを作って、あなたのスピードに対する欲望を満たしましょう。たとえ普段は800 HP Volkswagen Golfのような車を乗っているあなたでも、Nitro Nationの世界では素晴らしいカスタムスポーツカーを乗りこなすことができます!4つの新しいサスペンションアップグレードを使ってお気に入りの車をローライダーにしたり、誰もが目を見張るスタンスにしてみましょう。スプリングやダンパーを調整して、コントロールやトラクションを最適化しましょう。

自由にカスタム – カッコいいステッカーを好きなように貼ったり、好みの色で車をペイントすることはもちろん、本物のトーヨータイヤ、TEC Speedwheelのホイール、好みのバンパー、エアロパーツ、スポイラーなどを選び抜いて、世界に一台だけのカスタムカーを作り上げよう!ドリフトのコントロールのバリエーションは20種類以上!移動したり、サイズを変えて自分だけのコントロールにしよう!

カーマニア大歓迎 – このゲームはCarX物理エンジンを搭載しており、現在市場に存在するゲームとしては最もリアルな車の可動を再現しています。現実と寸分違わないリアルな動作を楽しんでください。さらに、細かいスペック、ダイノグラフ、ギアチャート、そして高度なレース情報などといった細かいレース知識を元に、ギアを最大限にチューニングすることができます。サスペンションスライダー調整システムによってドリフトロックキットや、フロントコイルオーバー、レアコイルオーバー、アンチロールバーを自由に設定して、極限までドリフトしよう!



Hey, Racers!
This update includes tech fixes and improvements.
Good luck on the tracks!
Hey, Racers!

We've got your feedback and made the Upgrade and Redraw cards universal, so they're now suitable for any car in your garage! It will be a nice addition to the recent changes that have made it possible to get more cards from Fortune Wheel, Daily Quest, and Crates.

Additionally, we fixed Subscriptions, including daily reward notifications. New players will also enjoy smoother gameplay improvements in the Career up to the 4th stage.

Try it out and share your thoughts!
Hey, Racers!

We've got your feedback and made the Upgrade and Redraw cards universal, so they're now suitable for any car in your garage! It will be a nice addition to the recent changes that have made it possible to get more cards from Fortune Wheel, Daily Quest, and Crates.

Additionally, we fixed Subscriptions, including daily reward notifications. New players will also enjoy smoother gameplay improvements in the Career up to the 4th stage.

Try it out and share your thoughts!
Hey, Racers!
This update includes minor tech fixes and improvements.
Good luck on the track!
Hi everyone!
For this update, we focused on bug fixes and improvements.
Also, from now on, only blueprints of different quality are dropped in the Underground Tournament. You can still get boosters, wildcards, redraw or upgrade cards from Race Pass or free crates, and we plan to add more options to get them in the future.
Your feedback is welcomed — please share your thoughts via community or in-game support.
See you on the tracks!
Hi everyone!
For this update, we focused on bug fixes and improvements.
Also, from now on, only blueprints of different quality are dropped in the Underground Tournament. You can still get boosters, wildcards, redraw or upgrade cards from Race Pass or free crates, and we plan to add more options to get them in the future.
Your feedback is welcomed — please share your thoughts via community or in-game support.
See you on the tracks!
Hey, Racers!

Gear up for Earth Day with our latest update, featuring:
- A new stunning and electrifying supercar offering unexpected experience when it comes to upgrades, tuning, and racing;
- Special Car Series to test this powerful ride and score valuable prizes;
- A couple of improvements and fixes.

This is our first step towards a new racing experience in Nitro Nation, and we want to get your thoughts on it. Join our community for details, and get ready to dust your opponents!
Hey Racer! We've improved the Сrate rewards:
- Now featuring cars, wildcards and upgrades (including suspension parts)
- Transparent % chances for all rewards
- Exclusive cars guaranteed for opening a certain number of Crates
- Black wildcard dropping every 10 Crates
- One free Crate to get from the Store daily
New Crates will gradually be available to everyone soon.
Good luck on the track!
Hey, racers!
Ready for some exciting news? First things first, we've added a new feature — a mailbox. It won't let you miss any important info. For your convenience, we will soon add the rewards for time-limited events there as well, so you can claim them yourself.
Moreover, you may check out the new Lobby interface and more cars unlocked in the Car Dealer. Also, we made some technical fixes for the game's stability and continue to improve ads' integration.
Good luck on the track!
Hey, racers!
Ready for some exciting news? First things first, we've added a new feature — a mailbox. It won't let you miss any important info. For your convenience, we will soon add the rewards for time-limited events there as well, so you can claim them yourself.
Moreover, you may check out the new Lobby interface and more cars unlocked in the Car Dealer. Also, we made some technical fixes for the game's stability and continue to improve ads' integration.
Good luck on the track!
Hey, racers! For this release, we've updated the first two stages of the Career, so the gameplay from the very start becomes even more thrilling and comfortable for all newcomers. Our long-time players can notice some changes either: check out the new Lobby interface, more cars unlocked in the Car Dealer, and remember to leave your feedback in our community. Also, we continue to work on the game stability and have disabled some ad integrations for testing purposes. Good luck in the races!
This is an optional update with minor tech fixes.
Also, there is a new car hidden for the next race pass.
Hello, racers! In this update, we've fixed the bug with customization purchases, so now you can buy the items you need again. Should you have contacted customer support regarding customization issues with your existing cars, don't worry — we will restore customization to all players within a day of the update release. We also prepared new animated emojis for multiplayer, something we hope you'll enjoy. And good luck on the track!
Hello, racers! In this update, we've fixed the bug with customization purchases, so now you can buy the items you need again. Should you have contacted customer support regarding customization issues with your existing cars, don't worry — we will restore customization to all players within a day of the update release. We also prepared new animated emojis for multiplayer, something we hope you'll enjoy. And good luck on the track!
Hello, racers! In this update, we've fixed the bug with customization purchases, so now you can buy the items you need again. Should you have contacted customer support regarding customization issues with your existing cars, don't worry — we will restore customization to all players within a day of the update release. We also prepared new animated emojis for multiplayer, something we hope you'll enjoy. And good luck on the track!
Hello, racers! If you are just starting to explore Nitro Nation, this release is for you: we tried to make your gameplay as cool and comfortable as possible. And we want to remind our long-time players that we haven't forgotten about the issues with customization and clan icons – we are committed to fixing them for the next update. Good luck on the road!

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143万 件のレビュー