Covve CRM App: Manage Contacts Mod Apk

Covve CRM App: Manage Contacts ハック - Mod Apk 29.3.0

開発者: Covve Visual Network Limited
カテゴリー: 仕事効率化
価格: 無料です


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Covve の CRM アプリを使用すると、仕事上の関係と個人的な関係の両方を簡単に管理できます。この CRM ツールを使用すると、名刺をスキャンしたり、フォローアップ リマインダーを設定したり、連絡先に関するメモを残したりしながら、連絡先の最新ニュースを入手したりすることができます。

▶ 高速名刺スキャン ◀
• 名刺を瞬時にスキャンして保存し、高速で正確な結果を CRM に直接保存します。

▶ パーソナライズされたデジタル名刺 ◀
• 独自のデジタル名刺を作成して共有し、CRM 内に保存すると、ウィジェット経由でも簡単に共有できます。

▶ スマートリマインダー ◀
• 強化されたフィルターと複数選択オプションを使用して、フォローアップと連絡を維持するための自動リマインダーを取得し、CRM 管理を容易にします。

▶ CRM に個人的なメモを保存します ◀
• 連絡先やグループでのやり取りに関するメモを追加します。これらはすべて CRM の「最近」セクションで確認できます。

▶ CRM でのインタラクションを追跡 ◀
• CRM 内のすべてのカード交換の詳細を含む、読みやすい統計情報を使用して、週次および月次のネットワーキング アクティビティを監視します。

▶ 通知で最新情報を入手 ◀
• 連絡を取る前に、連絡先のキャリアや興味に関するニュースをすべて CRM で入手できます。

▶ タグで整理 ◀
• 連絡先をタグで簡単に整理し、すぐにアクセスできるようにして、CRM をより効率的にします。

▶ データのプライバシーとセキュリティ ◀
• メモは CRM 内のエンドツーエンド暗号化によりデバイス上で完全に暗号化され、あなただけがアクセスできるようになります。私たちでさえ、暗号化キーがなければ CRM データのロックを解除することはできません。

▶ CRM のための AI 電子メールアシスタント ◀
• 24 時間年中無休の AI アシスタントとのコミュニケーションを管理し、CRM をよりスムーズに使用できるように最適化されたインターフェイスを備えています。

▶ CRM ネットワーキング アプリのリーダーとして認められています ◀
• 「これまで見たことのないようなビジネス関係に革命をもたらす、シンプルでありながら最先端の CRM アプリ」 – Inc
• 「ベスト CRM 連絡先アプリ」 – Tom’s Guide 2023
• 「iPhone 向けの最高の CRM アドレス帳アプリ」 – NewsExaminer
• 「CRM コミュニケーションの未来を破壊する」T-Mobile & Nokia プログラムの優勝者

なぜコーブなのか? Covve は CRM ベースのネットワーキングをシンプル、効率的、安全なものにし、関係の構築と維持を容易にします。今すぐ Covve CRM をダウンロードしてネットワークを簡素化してください!

CRM に関するサポートが必要な場合は、当社のサポート チームがいつでもサポートいたします。[email protected]


Get ready for a major milestone in privacy! v29 brings end-to-end encryption, the gold standard in privacy, to your data. From notes and interactions to reminders and family info—everything is now encrypted directly on your device.

This is a huge leap forward in protecting your sensitive information, giving you complete peace of mind. Don’t forget to save your unique encryption key when you update. Only you have access to it, not even Covve can recover it for you!
Get ready for a major milestone in privacy! v29 brings end-to-end encryption, the gold standard in privacy, to your data. From notes and interactions to reminders and family info—everything is now encrypted directly on your device.

This is a huge leap forward in protecting your sensitive information, giving you complete peace of mind. Don’t forget to save your unique encryption key when you update. Only you have access to it, not even Covve can recover it for you!
Get ready for a major milestone in privacy! v29 brings end-to-end encryption, the gold standard in privacy, to your data. From notes and interactions to reminders and family info—everything is now encrypted directly on your device.

This is a huge leap forward in protecting your sensitive information, giving you complete peace of mind. Don’t forget to save your unique encryption key when you update. Only you have access to it, not even Covve can recover it for you!
Get ready for a major milestone in privacy! v29 brings end-to-end encryption, the gold standard in privacy, to your data. From notes and interactions to reminders and family info—everything is now encrypted directly on your device.

This is a huge leap forward in protecting your sensitive information, giving you complete peace of mind. Don’t forget to save your unique encryption key when you update. Only you have access to it, not even Covve can recover it for you!
The latest app release gives a vibrant touch to relationships that don't have a photo, along with a few bug fixes that improve performance and usability
- Get immediate access to your AI assistant with Covve v24.7 and be ready to elevate your networking experience. Dive right into the smarter way of managing your relationships, all through your email. Tap on settings and "AI Assistant" to get started
- An enriched recent interactions section, now detailing your latest activity and conversations
- Snooze scheduled reminders for 1 month, aligning your networking schedule with your real-world commitments.
- Get immediate access to your AI assistant with Covve v24.7 and be ready to elevate your networking experience. Dive right into the smarter way of managing your relationships, all through your email. Tap on settings and "AI Assistant" to get started
- An enriched recent interactions section, now detailing your latest activity and conversations
- Snooze scheduled reminders for 1 month, aligning your networking schedule with your real-world commitments.
Learn from the best with Covve's updated Insights. From interviews with thought leaders to research on how to maximise your networking effectiveness, Covve Insights will give you practical ways to improve your relationships.

- Dive into the science of relationship building with Oxford University's renowned Professor Robert Dunbar.
- Learn how to use networking for your career with career coach Doug Lester
- Drive business growth through your relationships with executive coach Mo Bunnell
Learn from the best with Covve's updated Insights. From interviews with thought leaders to research on how to maximise your networking effectiveness, Covve Insights will give you practical ways to improve your relationships.

- Dive into the science of relationship building with Oxford University's renowned Professor Robert Dunbar.
- Learn how to use networking for your career with career coach Doug Lester
- Drive business growth through your relationships with executive coach Mo Bunnell
Learn from the best with Covve's updated Insights. From interviews with thought leaders to research on how to maximise your networking effectiveness, Covve Insights will give you practical ways to improve your relationships.

- Dive into the science of relationship building with Oxford University's renowned Professor Robert Dunbar.
- Learn how to use networking for your career with career coach Doug Lester
- Drive business growth through your relationships with executive coach Mo Bunnell
This version brings various optimizations and bug fixes.
Love the app? Rate us! We love to improve Covve thanks to your feedback, lets keep this going!
This version brings various optimizations and bug fixes.
Love the app? Rate us! We love to improve Covve thanks to your feedback, lets keep this going!
Introducing custom interaction types. In addition to Covve's built-in ìnteraction types you can now specify exactly how you got in touch with someone whether it was over dinner, at a conference or any other way.
Better control and information on your relationships' birthdays and special dates:
- Specify your own special dates in addition to birthdays and namedays
- Birthday reminders now show how old the person is turning (similarly for other special dates)
- Faster editing of special dates
Draft with AI
- Can't find the right words for an important email? Struggle no more!
- Instantly craft personalized messages, no more templates and repetitive texts.
- Adapt the communication to any situation with the right tone.
- Just tap the magic button at the top of your homepage to try it out!
Introducing reminder batch actions!
- You can now reschedule your missed reminders all at once and clear them if they are not relevant anymore.
- Plan your upcoming weeks and organize your whole schedule fast and efficiently.
- Use the select icon on the top right of the reminders screen, choose the reminders you want to action and organize them, at a tap of a button.
Introducing Reminders quick actions, to make your networking even more efficient:
You can now quickly act on your reminders without leaving the homepage. Tap on the 3-dots icon and get in touch, dismiss or reschedule right away
- Now you can add multiple relationships in one go. Just pick few contacts at once, add how frequently to be reminded and select the tags that best describes the group.
- Control your default frequency for keeping in touch with new relationships. You can find this on the Relationship Settings.
- A new activity type “Video” is now available, so you can log your online interactions that happened through a video call.

v23.5.1 resolves an issue with tags not appearing when viewing a relationship
A fresh contact details screen is now accessible by tapping on a person's name or picture, allowing you to focus on what's important - your notes, reminders and news.
- All your relationships, now in one place. Anyone you've kept notes about, or have added reminders to or tagged, you can now find in your Relationships section. They’ll be included in your stats and their birthdays will appear in your schedule.
- Search results clearly indicate whether each person is a relationship. It’s easier than ever to start organizing your info about a person.
- Organize your reminders faster with filters and search when viewing all reminders
- Reminders and relationships now get the "Losing touch" flag when you haven't got in touch for more than two auto-reminder periods
- By popular demand, tags are now available when tapping a reminder or viewing a relationship

v23.2.5 brings some fixes and optimizations
- Organize your reminders faster with filters and search when viewing all reminders
- Reminders and relationships now get the "Losing touch" flag when you haven't got in touch for more than two auto-reminder periods
- By popular demand, tags are now available when tapping a reminder or viewing a relationship
We have completely redesigned the reminders section, giving you full control:

- View your missed reminders and action them
- Review your upcoming reminders and better plan for the weeks ahead
- See when each automatic reminder is scheduled for and adjust if needed

It's that simple and it's never been so powerful!

v23.1.7 resolves an issue affecting certain birthday reminders.

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ダウンロード Covve CRM App: Manage Contacts MOD APK 29.3.0

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