Slopes:スキー&スノボ滑走記録・スキー場ゲレンデマップ Mod Apk

Slopes:スキー&スノボ滑走記録・スキー場ゲレンデマップ ハック - Mod Apk 2025.4

開発者: Breakpoint Studio LLC
カテゴリー: スポーツ
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Slopes:スキー&スノボ滑走記録・スキー場ゲレンデマップ mod apkGame screenshot Slopes:スキー&スノボ滑走記録・スキー場ゲレンデマップ hackGame screenshot Slopes:スキー&スノボ滑走記録・スキー場ゲレンデマップ apk download



・ 日本400箇所以上のスキー場を含む、世界約3,500以上のスキーリゾートに対応!
・ 簡単操作!ワンタップで距離、滑走時間、最高速度など、雪山でのアクティビティログを記録できる!
・ 友達と滑りを比較したり、ランキング機能で競い合える!

1. UIデザインを刷新、さらに使いやすく

2. 次世代デジタルマップを2,000以上のスキー場に導入

・日本ではニセコユナイテッド、Hakuba Valley、野沢温泉などを含む230以上のスキー場に対応

・ スキーやスノーボードの滑走記録を残したい方
・ スキー場の情報や雪のコンディションを事前に調べたい方
・ 友達や仲間と一緒にウィンタースポーツを楽しみたい方
・ 自分の滑走パフォーマンスを詳しく分析したい方
・ どこで最高速度が出たか、誰が一番長い距離を滑ったか気になる方
・ 日本にとどまらず、世界中のゲレンデを回っている方
・ スキーやスノーボード、ウィンタースポーツをこよなく愛している方
・ シーズン中に何度もスキー場へ出向く方
・ GPSを使用して速度や距離を計測してみたい方
・ 自分の滑りを3Dのマップ上で再生し、振り返りたい方








アプリ内の「ヘルプとサポート」からお問い合わせいただくか、 にアクセスしてください。



・ 回数無制限のGPS追跡・記録
・ 主要滑走データ、シーズン概要の確認
・ リアルタイム位置情報共有
・ 天気、雪のコンディション確認
・ ゲレンデマップ

Slopes Premiumは、滑走ごとの統計とパフォーマンスをより詳しく計測するためのパワフルな分析をご提供いたします。

・ 滑走ごとのリアルタイム統計
・ インタラクティブなゲレンデマップでリアルタイム計測
・ 1 日をタイムラインで確認
・ 最高速度に到達した場所と、最長滑走距離を確認
・ より詳しいデータで友達と滑走を比較できる

プライバシー ポリシー:




- New merch! Ride in Japan to unlock the "JPow" shirt.

- Friend stat items within the activity summary screen's leaderboard can be tapped to open the compare view.

- Fixed an issue with the URL generated when sharing a resort feature.
- That elusive interactive map search crash is finally resolved! 🙌
- Fixed several crashes related to app state restoration and unsupported language codes.

- Fixed some threading issues with recording state saving and map elevation and terrain data querying that could sometimes cause the app to become lag or become unresponsive.
- Resorts search can be opened from a more prominent search bar and - more importantly to some - automatically opens the keyboard.

- Added some debug logging to try to resolve an elusive interactive map search issue.
- The recording screen got some much need UX improvements that make it much more streamlined.
- By default the seasonal leaderboard will now only show people who have actually recorded this season.

- Fixed an issue where trip dates were showing a day earlier. Time zones (and especially DST) are the bane of my existence.
- Fixed a timeline editor issue where lifts / runs were not aligning with the altitude graph.
- For resorts with Slopes HD Maps we've added new building details that show shops, restaurants, and amenities such as ticket offices, rental shops, and lockers.

- At resort with Slopes HD Maps, you can now text-search by peak/bowl name, amenity type ("ticket office", "lockers", etc), and base names ("Spruce Village") to let you find results matching those criteria.

- Fixed an issue with the "Hide Closed Runs" toggle not working.
- Added a bit of "thank you" delight after you support us by subscribing to Slopes Premium or purchasing a pass.

- Fixed 2 crashes caused by some bad number formatting when the device language is set to Spanish or Japanese.
- Fixed an issue where day passes were appearing as expired when they definitely were not. Sorry!
- Resort Map Search & Details: Search for runs / lifts by name, on-mountain facilities like bathrooms and food, and tap runs / lifts to get details like elevation graphs, vertical, slope, etc.
- 1,500+ New Interactive Trail Maps: Open Street Map data fills in the gaps for resorts we haven't hand-mapped yet (630 and counting!).
- 3D Maps: Interactive resort maps support being viewed in 3D, in both winter and satellite modes. Great for spotting those flat catwalks before it is too late!
- Photos: Automatically show pictures taken from Google Photos on the logbook, daily summary, and timeline screens.
- New, faster, start recording screen: No more picking a resort - Slopes will figure all that in the background - just pick your activity type.
- Multi-resort support: Auto-resort tagging is here! This is big for European users; for example hopping from Méribel to Courchevel will tag the activity as "Les 3 Vallées" instead of just Méribel.
Splitting activities: Whether you accidentally record overnight or want to split an activity into different equipment, head over to the edit screen to make the change.

Fixed an issue where season and lifetime stats was showing incorrect data.
- OpenSnow integration! Resort snowfall forecasts are now powered by OpenSnow and include temperature estimates.
- For more details beyond the 5-day snowfall estimate, you can tap to get directly into OpenSnow (either on the web or the app it's installed).

Can I just nerd out for a second? OpenSnow is my go-to for forecasts. I'm super excited to bring their data to all of you. Make sure you head over to them and sign up to check out their full data (this is not a sponsored post).
- Side-by-Side Run Comparisons: Play back and analyze two runs side-by-side. Compare your own or vs someone you rode with.
- Heart Rate Integration: Analyze the heart rate data from Google Fit or Health Connect to see how hard you pushed yourself on the mountain.
- Garmin Integration: Connect Slopes to your Garmin account to automatically import your skiing and snowboarding activities and heart rate.
- Merch: Record to unlock exclusive merch like pins and shirts.
Improved support experience: We've improved the in-app support experience for when you experience an issue or would like to request a feature.
Winter is here in the Southern Hemisphere, and we've been busy prepping. We've added digital trail maps for all resorts in Australia and New Zealand including Perisher, Craigieburn Valley, and more.

ハッキング方法 Slopes:スキー&スノボ滑走記録・スキー場ゲレンデマップ

ダウンロード Slopes:スキー&スノボ滑走記録・スキー場ゲレンデマップ MOD APK 2025.4

ダウンロード MOD APK


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