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Thank you for using CogniFit. To further improve our scientific brain training application we regularly post updates to Google Play. If you enjoy using CogniFit, please leave a review. This helps other users discover our App. If you have comments or questions, please send an email to support@cognifit.com. We'd love to hear from you.
° Updates for most games;
Thank you for using CogniFit. To further improve our scientific brain training application we regularly post updates to Google Play. If you enjoy using CogniFit, please leave a review. This helps other users discover our App. If you have comments or questions, please send an email to support@cognifit.com. We'd love to hear from you.
° Updates for most games;
Thank you for using CogniFit. To further improve our scientific brain training application we regularly post updates to Google Play. If you enjoy using CogniFit, please leave a review. This helps other users discover our App. If you have comments or questions, please send an email to support@cognifit.com. We'd love to hear from you.
° Updates for most games;
Thank you for using CogniFit. To further improve our scientific brain training application we regularly post updates to Google Play. If you enjoy using CogniFit, please leave a review. This helps other users discover our App. If you have comments or questions, please send an email to support@cognifit.com. We'd love to hear from you.
° Updates for most games;
° Added support for new type of research study;
Thank you for using CogniFit. To further improve our scientific brain training application we regularly post updates to Google Play. If you enjoy using CogniFit, please leave a review. This helps other users discover our App. If you have comments or questions, please send an email to support@cognifit.com. We'd love to hear from you.