Easily drag/drop todos.
Dashboard to track and share goals with other members.
Major interface improvements and seamless transitions to give you the boost you're looking for in your life!
Now you have more rich text editing options including linking to external websites within your content, better chat notifications, and a more streamlined interface.
You can now share reminders to anyone, including your phone contacts, email addresses, and other ILN members. Remind everyone of important events, get-togethers, or even simple positive thoughts.
You can now do much more rich formatting features when creating entries (goals, ideas, notes, projects), including headers, mentioning members, and linking to other entries.
You can now use AI for text-to-image generations.
Ability to edit your uploaded account files and images in the app.
Tips & How-Tos' section to help you easily learn how to navigate around.
Enhanced push notifications which include sound and images.
Brand new easier to use navigation and categorization system. New layouts for todos and schedules, making it even easier and more intuitive to manage your life!