CARS24 UAE | Used Cars in UAE Mod Apk

CARS24 UAE | Used Cars in UAE ハック - Mod Apk 12.6

開発者: CARS24 Services Private Limited
カテゴリー: 自動車
価格: 無料です


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2015 年にインドで設立され、現在はアラブ首長国連邦に拠点を置いています。当社は Global Access Cars Automobile Trading LLC という法人として登録されています。
当社は、UAE での中古車の購入方法に革命を起こすことを目指しており、評価額 10 億ドルを超える急成長中の次世代 e コマース プラットフォームです。


3 つの簡単なステップで CARS24 から車を購入できます -
1. オンラインで予約する: まずは、ここにリストされている多種多様な車を閲覧することから始めます。当社のカーファインダーを使用すると、選択したスタイル、ブランド、色に応じて車を絞り込むことができます。これらはすべて 150 以上のパラメーターで検査されています。完璧な車を見つけたら、その機能を確認したり、写真を見たり、360 度ビューであらゆる角度から車を観察したりできます。さあ、返金可能なわずかな料金を支払って予約してください。
2. 試乗する: ドライブに行って、品質に満足できるかどうか、購入するかどうかを決めます。そうしない場合、デポジットは全額返金されます。
3. 支払いと配送: この車を自分のものにしたい場合は、支払いを完了してください。ここでは、所有権をお客様に譲渡するための書類作成や書類作成も行っていただけます。その後、車はご自宅に配送されます。または、最寄りの CARS24 ハブからの受け取りも選択できます。あなたは今、新しい車を手に入れました。おめでとう!
4. 7 日間の試用または全額返金: この車を気に入っていただけると確信していますが、丸 7 日間、その車を運転し、心ゆくまでテストしていただく時間を与えます。ご満足いただけない場合は、7 日以内にご返品いただければ、質問なしで全額返金いたします。

CARS24 で購入する理由
CARS24 は、UAE での中古車の購入方法に革命をもたらしています。私たちは、車の購入が購入者にとって重要かつユニークな決断であることを理解しています。

中古車を購入する最も賢い方法 - 車を完全にオンラインで購入し、ボタンをクリックするだけで幅広い品揃えの中から自宅で快適に購入を完了できます。
1. 最長 12 か月の無料保証 - 当社のすべての車には最長 12 か月の無料保証が付いています。
2. 7 日間の簡単な返品、100% 返金 - 7 日間の返品があれば、気が変わっても大丈夫です。 7 日以内に車が気に入らない場合は、オンラインで注文した他の商品と同様に、返品して 100% 返金を受けられます。
3. 無料宅配 - 配送料無料であなたの夢を玄関先までお届けします。


完全にオンラインで中古車を購入し、アブダビ、ドバイ、シャルジャ、アジュマーン、ウンム アルカイワイン、フジャイラ、ラス アル ハイマのどこにでも配達してもらいます。当社の価格には登録料、保険料、送料が含まれているため、表示されている価格が車の代金となります。


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ブロック 08 / ショップ No. 70、スーク アル サヤラート - 新規


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We’ve been working hard to make your used car buying and selling experience even smoother.

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Cars on Sale: Quickly find cars on sale with the lowest prices ever!
Improved Performance: The smoothest app experience to make your car buying or selling journey seamless.

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Thank you for choosing CARS24!

We’ve been working hard to make your used car buying and selling experience even smoother.

Update now to enjoy:
Introducing ‘Coming Soon’ cars, giving you early access to book these cars for viewing
Cars on Sale: Quickly find cars on sale with the lowest prices ever!
Improved Performance: The smoothest app experience to make your car buying or selling journey seamless.

Love CARS24? Rate us and spread the word to your friends and family!
Thank you for choosing CARS24!

We’ve been working hard to make your used car buying and selling experience even smoother.

Update now to enjoy:
Introducing ‘Coming Soon’ cars, giving you early access to book these cars for viewing
Cars on Sale: Quickly find cars on sale with the lowest prices ever!
Improved Performance: The smoothest app experience to make your car buying or selling journey seamless.

Love CARS24? Rate us and spread the word to your friends and family!
Thank you for choosing CARS24!

We’ve been working hard to make your used car buying and selling experience even smoother.

Update now to enjoy:
Introducing ‘Coming Soon’ cars, giving you early access to book these cars for viewing
Cars on Sale: Quickly find cars on sale with the lowest prices ever!
Improved Performance: The smoothest app experience to make your car buying or selling journey seamless.

Love CARS24? Rate us and spread the word to your friends and family!
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it. Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE.
1. Find your dream car with our improved car discovery process.
2. Test drives available at your home and multiple hubs across UAE.
3. Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it. Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE.
1. Find your dream car with our improved car discovery process.
2. Test drives available at your home and multiple hubs across UAE.
3. Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it. Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE.
1. Revamped similar car section.
2. Improved car buying section.
3. Test drives available at your home and multiple hubs across UAE.
4. Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process.
5. Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it. Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE.
1. Revamped seller flow section.
2. New car loan section.
3. Test drives available at your home and multiple hubs across UAE.
4. Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process.
5. Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it. Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE.
1. Revamped seller flow section.
2. New car loan section.
3. Test drives available at your home and multiple hubs across UAE.
4. Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process.
5. Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it. Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE.
New car loan section.
Test drives available at your home and multiple hubs across UAE.
Revamped seller flow section.
Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process.
Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it. Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE.
New car loan section.
Test drives available at your home and multiple hubs across UAE.
Revamped seller flow section.
Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process.
Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it.
Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE
1. New car loan section.
2. Revamped seller flow section.
3. Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process, now with improved home & listing pages.
4. Improved navigation & test drive process.
5. Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it.
Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE
1. New car loan section.
2. Revamped seller flow section.
3. Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process, now with improved home & listing pages.
4. Improved navigation & test drive process.
5. Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it.
Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE
1. New car loan section.
2. Revamped seller flow section.
3. Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process, now with improved home & listing pages.
4. Improved navigation & test drive process.
5. Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best 'Click it.
Drive it. Buy it.' experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE
1. New car loan section.
2. Revamped car details section.
3. Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process, now with improved home & listing pages.
4. Improved navigation & test drive process.
5. Simplified and customised journey to sell your car at the best price.
Keep your app updated for the best ‘Click it.
Drive it. Buy it.’ experience! The benefits of buying and selling used cars with CARS24 UAE
1. Find your dream car with our simple car discovery process, now with improved home & listing pages
2. Improved navigation & test drive process
3. Simplified and customized journey to sell your car at the best price
Keep your app updated to experience the Click it. Drive it. Buy it. Value of used car buying and selling in UAE
1. Car booking and checkout made easy
2. Improved listing & homepage for easier discovery of used cars
3. Simplified and customized seller journey
Keep your app updated to experience the Click it. Drive it. Buy it. Value of used car buying and selling in UAE
1. Car booking and checkout made easy
2. Improved listing & homepage for easier discovery of used cars
3. Simplified and customized seller journey
Keep your app updated to experience the Click it. Drive it. Buy it. Value of used car buying and selling in UAE
1. Improved listing & homepage for easier discovery of used cars
2. Car booking and checkout made easy
3. Simplified and customized seller journey
Keep your app updated to experience the Click it. Drive it. Buy it. Value of used car buying and selling in UAE
1. Improved listing & homepage for easier discovery of used cars
2. Car booking and checkout made easy
3. Simplified and customized seller journey

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