Caliverse - Bodyweight Fitness Mod Apk

Caliverse - Bodyweight Fitness ハック - Mod Apk 3.1.3

開発者: Caliverse SIA
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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宇宙全体の体操-これが私たちの使命であり、これがキャリバーです。誰もが美容体操とは何か、そしてそれを正しく実行する方法を学ぶ機会を与えます-私たちの友人であるUnited Calisthenics Groupは、すべてがどのように行われるかを正確に示します!





-トレーニングのあらゆる側面をカスタマイズします-カスタムエクササイズ、トレーニング、トレーニングプランを作成します。 300以上の体重運動と100のトレーニングのライブラリを閲覧します。トレーニングの計画方法については完全に自由です。



-アプリで直接プライベートコーチングを試して、トレーニングをフォローし、すべての質問に答える、カスタムメイドのワークアウトプランを入手してください。 Caliverseは、家を離れることなくパーソナルトレーナーを雇う機会を提供する唯一のアプリです。



Caliverse PROには何が含まれていますか?








ニュース、インスピレーション、トレーニングについては、info @ caliverse.appまでお問い合わせいただくか、ソーシャルメディアで@caliverseappをフォローしてください。 Caliverseで目標を達成しましょう!


The latest Caliverse version contains the following:
∙ System updates to support latest operating system version
∙ Fixed many minor bugs to improve the experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
The latest Caliverse version contains the following:
∙ Rebuilding how workout scheduling works to make it easier to understand
∙ Fixed bug that didn't close the bottom sheet after scheduling workouts
∙ Fixed many minor bugs to improve the experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
The latest Caliverse version contains the following:
∙ Improvements to the home screen by making it cleaner and more informative
∙ Analytics improvements to better understand your progress
∙ Fixed many minor bugs to improve the experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
The latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ Fixed bug that broke Today view if a challenge has been scheduled
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
Latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ Analytics improvements to better understand your progress
∙ Fixed many small bugs to improve experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
Latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ Fully reworked onboarding experience
∙ Fixed many small bugs to improve experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
Latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ Fixed many small bugs that might have an impact on usability and performance
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
Latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ Fixed bug that incorrectly scheduled your workouts
∙ Onboarding experience improvements
∙ Fixed many small bugs to improve experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
Latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ Fixed bug that prevented to see the correct time left until league is finished
∙ Fixed many small bugs to improve experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
Latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ Improvements when playing sound
∙ Loading featured products from Caliverse Shop
∙ Dynamically loading latest blog post from Caliverse blog
∙ Major system upgrades to ensure that the platform is working even smoother
∙ Fixed many small bugs to improve experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
Latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ Fixed bug that caused an app to crash for some users when started
∙ Fixed many small bugs to improve experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
Latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ Fixed bug that caused Strava login not to work
∙ Behind the scenes version updates
∙ Fixed many small bugs to improve experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.
Latest Caliverse version contains:
∙ New podcast by our coach Woj in Learn section
∙ Custom exercise description can be added when creating a new workout
∙ Share your feedback about the workout you just finished
∙ Fixed many small bugs to improve experience
We work hard to make Caliverse the best calisthenics app out there. If you see a bug please write us an email to [email protected] so we can get on fixing it right away.

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