Getaround - Carsharing Mod Apk

Getaround - Carsharing ハック - Mod Apk 10.7.9

開発者: Getaround
カテゴリー: 旅行&地域
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Getaround - Carsharing mod apkGame screenshot Getaround - Carsharing hackGame screenshot Getaround - Carsharing apk download


1 日 1 時間、または 1 週間に車が必要ですか? Getaround アプリで車をレンタルすれば、いつでもどこでも必要なときに車を手に入れることができます。

Getaround は、300 以上の都市に 70,000 台以上の車と 500 万人のユーザーを抱える世界有数のカーシェアリング プラットフォームです。

すべてのレンタルにはアリアンツによる全額保険が適用され、AA によるロードサービスが適用されます。

1. 周囲で利用可能な車を探す
2. あなたの旅行に最適なものを選択してください
3. 地元のオーナーから予約する
4. 携帯電話で車のロックを解除する

- フランス: パリ、リヨン、ボルドー、リール、マルセイユ、ストラスブール、モンペリエ、ニース、ロワシー シャルル ド ゴール空港...
- ドイツ: ベルリン、ベルリン・テーゲル空港、ハンブルク、ミュンヘン、シュトゥットガルト、フランクフルト、フランクフルト国際空港…
- スペイン: バルセロナ、バルセロナ・エル・プラット空港、マドリード、マドリード・バラハス空港
- ベルギー: ブリュッセル、アントワープ、リエージュ、ゲント...
- オーストリア

- 子供と一緒に休暇を過ごすためのファミリーカー
- 引っ越し用の広々としたバン
- 街中の用事にシティカー
- ビジネスミーティング用のプレミアムカー
- 友達とのドライブ旅行用のミニバス

Getaround を使用する目的
- 週末の休暇
- 家族の休日
- 街の外を探索する
- 友人や家族を訪問する
- 引っ越し
- 出張
- 用事を実行する
- 買い物に行く
- ロードトリップ
- クライアントとのミーティング

- 会社のクレジットカードで旅行代金を支払う
- 経費報告書用のレンタル領収書をダウンロード
- 顧客との約束のために高級車をレンタルする

- Getaround で車をレンタルしてお金を稼ぎましょう
- すべてのレンタルにはアリアンツによる包括的な保険が適用されます
- 当社のリモート共有テクノロジーである Getaround Connect を使用して、車を簡単に共有します
- アプリですべてのレンタルを簡単に管理

詳細については、 をご覧ください。

フィードバックをお送りください: [email protected]
Twitter @getaround_uk と Instagram @getaround_uk でフォローしてください。
Facebook で「いいね!」してください 
質問がありますか? にアクセスしてください


Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
This update introduces Dark Mode, giving Getaround a sleek new look that’s easier on the eyes in low-light environments.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
This update introduces Dark Mode, giving Getaround a sleek new look that’s easier on the eyes in low-light environments.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
This update introduces Dark Mode, giving Getaround a sleek new look that’s easier on the eyes in low-light environments.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
This update introduces Dark Mode, giving Getaround a sleek new look that’s easier on the eyes in low-light environments.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
We’re making pricing more flexible in the US. Pay by the half hour for all trips, no matter the length.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
We’re making pricing more flexible in the US. Pay by the half hour for all trips, no matter the length.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
We’re making pricing more flexible in the US. Pay by the half hour for all trips, no matter the length.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
We’re making pricing more flexible in the US. Pay by the half hour for all trips, no matter the length.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
We’re making pricing more flexible in the US. Pay by the half hour for all trips, no matter the length.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
Poor network? We've got you covered. You can now unlock cars in the US using Bluetooth.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
For more trust and transparency, we've added an interior inspection at the start and end of every rental.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
For more trust and transparency, we've added an interior inspection at the start and end of every rental.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
For more trust and transparency, we've added an interior inspection at the start and end of every rental.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
Take your favourite car for another spin by opening your last rental and tapping on 'Book again'.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
For more trust and transparency, we've added an interior inspection at the start and end of every rental.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
For more trust and transparency, we've added an interior inspection at the start and end of every rental.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the bonnet to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
Drivers from any country can now rent a car in the UK.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
We now show you an end-of-rental comparison between your pickup and return fuel readings.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
We now show you an end-of-rental comparison between your pickup and return fuel readings.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
We now show you an end-of-rental comparison between your pickup and return fuel readings.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Here's what to expect in the latest update:
Booking just got easier! You can now save your credit or debit card to any device, including our website.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!
Every two weeks, we check under the hood to fix any pesky bugs and make some performance improvements so everything runs smoothly.

Enjoying Getaround? Please leave us a review. Your feedback helps to steer us in the right direction!

ハッキング方法 Getaround - Carsharing

ダウンロード Getaround - Carsharing MOD APK 10.7.9

ダウンロード MOD APK


2.6 点満点中 5
4.79万 件のレビュー