- 一部のマップアセットを置き換えました。
- ギルドメンバーの最終ログイン日が、有効な日付が見つからない場合に「不明」と表示されるようになりました。
- 翻訳の微修正を行いました。
• 次回のライブイベントの準備。
• サーバー通信を最適化し、パフォーマンスを向上。
• サーバー関連の問題をより確実に処理するための追加のフェイルセーフとフォールバックを追加。
• iOS 14.5未満を実行しているデバイスで発生していた起動問題を修正。
• クリスマス装飾を削除。
• マップの外観を少し更新しました。
• ユーザーが自分自身を招待できてしまう友達紹介システムの問題を修正しました。
• ライブイベントの改善。
• 軽微な安定性の向上。
• 軽微な翻訳修正。
•Re-implemented guild challenge board functionality, because of missing progress and cheating issues
•Fixed guild challenge tracking bug, which did not show the correct direction for the guiding arrow
•Improved recently introduced lag/stuttering issues on some devices
•Removed white arrows from the battle scene, which should not be there
•Fixed some medium helmets, which should not hide the hair of the character
•Disabled the sell button on the guild trade tab while the tab data is still loading
• Email account binding was added as the new default option.
• Opening multiple shells did not count correctly for the challenges.
• Re-implemented chat & portals because of missing messages/portals (caused a reset for both, sorry!).
• Guild chat does now support a longer history.
• Deprecation warning added to the guild trade tab.
• Quest indicators do not point to raided enemy settlements anymore.
• IronSource offerwall removed.
• Stability improvements.
•Auto opening changelog added.
•Fixed free movement return button, it did not return to watch tower & guild portal location.
•Improved chat stability (caused a reset of the chat, sorry!) + added timestamp to each message.
•Fixed guild renaming issue.
•Improved wrong guild portal end time issue.
•It’s not possible to buy/sell from/to the guild & open a guild portal anymore when not connected to the guild.
•Fixed issue with shields & quivers which could be equipped with unsupported items.
- New snow & desert regions added to the map.
- Re-distributed creatures across regions.
- Settlements do now use the player name.
- Report button added for inappropriate/offending player names.
- Reduced amount of taverns & stables on the map.
- Reduced companion points from caves & shipwrecks slightly.
- Quest target indicator does now also point towards creatures in rescue / cave & shipwreck POI’s.
- Fixed multi-attack damaging dead creature and hiding remaining enemy in caves/shipwrecks.
- Fixed rare map loading issue.
- Small event system fixes.
- Minor localization fixes.
App icon replaced
Buy/sell/deconstruct all options added
Improved monsters in cave enter screen
Cleared died enemy in caves to prevent glitches
Axe symbol mirrored
Fixed cave model being replaced by creature
Fixed first strike in caves, it applied to all enemies
Fixed stun in caves, it applied to the wrong enemy
Fixed POI’s becoming visible in a battle
Fixed boss fight health bar position
Fixed vulnerabilities & attack types of new enemies
Fixed item selector, it's state did not always update
- New cave POI type added.
- Dungeon POI redesigned.
- Health bar now disappears when enemy attacks.
- Several battle environments updated and added.
- New shipwreck battle mode added.
- Enemy health bars redesigned.
- Improved arrow / bolt aiming.
- Fix for random crash on some devices.
Map and battle scene graphics update.
- Fixed push notifications not opening the app.
Replaced all weapons, quivers and shields. And they can now be painted!
- New Mythic item rarity added.
- Improved Fog of War effect.
- Map tweaked.
Minor bug fixes & stability improvements.
- Event improvements.
- Fixed minor map decoration issues.
- Improved settlement raid rewards.
- Improved event system.
- Fixed some translations for the new raid mode.
- Fixed POI icon.
- Fixed interaction range bug.
- Fixed missing main quest text for collecting missions.
- Fixed main quest progress which did reset when interacting with the same NPC.
- Settlements of other players are now visible on the map.
- Added new guard towers to the settlement with one companion slot.
- Increased settlements houses capacity.
- Translations for Swedish, Japanese and Arabic added.
- Fixed broken timer/progress issue which could happen after idling for a while.
- The language selection screen now uses the language names instead of country flags.
- Removed coupon system.
- Disabled favourite button input while selling multiple items.