Science News & Discoveries Mod Apk

Science News & Discoveries ハック - Mod Apk 4.4.2

開発者: Loyal_Apps
カテゴリー: ニュース&雑誌
価格: 無料です


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- 繰り返しの記事のないクリーンなフィードを特徴とする、最高の情報源からのトップ記事の要約。タップするだけで、あらゆるストーリーをカバーしたすべてのソースを表示します

- 著名なストーリーのプッシュ通知を購読する

- 新しい発見、インタビュー、調査結果、研究、有益な講演 - 主要なビデオ チャンネルからお届けします

- あなただけのニュースフィード - フォローしたいトピックとブロックしたいトピックを選択します - ストーリーを長押ししてソースをブロックします

- アプリ内の投稿とコメント システム、記事のタグ付け、評判ポイントとバッジを備えた科学愛好家のアクティブなコミュニティに参加しましょう!

- 宇宙探査や天文学から物理学、生物学、気候、環境、地球科学に至るまでのトピック - サイエンス マガジン、サイエンス ニュース、ネイチャー&サイエンティフィック アメリカン、PBS、ナショナル ジオグラフィックなどの情報源から宇宙の謎を発見し、私たちの惑星について学びましょうもっと。

- 素晴らしいウィジェット

- 無料の後で読む機能が組み込まれています - 興味のある記事を保存して後で読むことができます




Dear readers,

Update the app for major fixes and performance improvements

We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected]. Thanks!

The Newsfusion team.
Dear news fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options!

We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected]. Thanks!

The Newsfusion team
Dear news fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options!

We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected]. Thanks!

The Newsfusion team
Dear news fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options!

We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected]. Thanks!

The Newsfusion team
Dear news fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options!

We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected]. Thanks!

The Newsfusion team
Dear news fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options!

We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected]. Thanks!

The Newsfusion team
Dear news fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options!

We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected]. Thanks!

The Newsfusion team

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