Football Transfers & Trades Mod Apk

Football Transfers & Trades ハック - Mod Apk 4.4.3

開発者: Loyal_Apps
カテゴリー: ニュース&雑誌
価格: 無料です


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移籍期間が閉まる前に、サッカー移籍の最新ニュースと噂をすべて入手しましょう!あなたのお気に入りのチームが選手を売買しているとき、このアプリを使えばあなたはそれを最初に知ることができます。移籍期間が終了する前に、ヨーロッパのフットボールの移籍に関するすべてのニュースを 1 つのアプリで入手できます。

プロは、プレミア リーグ、ラ・リーガ、セリエ A、ブンデスリーガ、リーグ 1 などのリーグ、レヴァンドフスキ、メンディ、メッシ、サラーなどの選手、FC バルセロナ、レアル マドリード、マンチェスター ユナイテッド、チェルシーなどのチームの最新情報をこのアプリに依存しています。 。


- すべてのソースからの記事を重複なく網羅したニュース概要 - 簡単なタップで任意の記事をカバーしたすべてのソースを表示

- サッカー、フットボール、サッカー愛好家のアクティブなコミュニティに参加して、ストーリーや投票を投稿し、ストーリーにコメントし、記事にタグを付けてバッジを獲得しましょう!

- 注目のストーリーやお気に入りのチームや選手をプッシュ通知でお知らせします!

- あなただけのカスタム ニュース フィード - フォローしたいトピックを選択したり、興味のないトピックをブロックしたりできます。勝ち、負け、予測など。

- ソースをブロック - 記事を長押ししてブロックします

- すばらしいウィジェットをホーム画面に追加すると、アプリを閉じていても取引の最新情報を確認できます。

- 後で読みたい項目を保存できるアプリ内「Read Later」機能

- 折りたたみモード - ニュースをざっと読んでください



Dear Fans,

Update the app for major fixes and performance improvements

We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected]. Thanks!

The Newsfusion team.
Dear Fans,

Update the app for major fixes and performance improvements

We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected]. Thanks!

The Newsfusion team.
Dear fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options! We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected].

Yours, The Sportfusion team
Dear fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options! We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected].

Yours, The Sportfusion team
Dear fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options! We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected].

Yours, The Sportfusion team
Dear fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options! We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected].

Yours, The Sportfusion team
Dear fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options! We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected].

Yours, The Sportfusion team
Dear fans, it's time for an app update! We've worked hard to deliver a release that is more stable, compatible with more devices and is generally more pleasant to use. As usual, we're working daily to deliver you the most relevant news.

Check out our new ad free subscription options! We hope you like it - if you do, please give the app a rating! Having issues? Please write us at [email protected].

Yours, The Sportfusion team

ハッキング方法 Football Transfers & Trades

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