Brightmind Meditation Mod Apk

Brightmind Meditation ハック - Mod Apk 3.28.0

開発者: Brightmind Community LLC
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Brightmind Meditation mod apkGame screenshot Brightmind Meditation hackGame screenshot Brightmind Meditation apk download


#WeArePlay 賞受賞者 -- Google

私たちが気に入った新しいアプリ -- Apple


- 赤ちゃんのように眠る
- オンデマンドのストレス解消法をマスターする
- スピリチュアルな洞察を体験してください
- 仕事に集中する
- 健康的な習慣を始めましょう
- 不健康な習慣をやめる
- 運動パフォーマンスを向上させる
- 芸術表現を洗練する
- 慢性的な痛みから解放されます


- 毎日のガイド付き瞑想
- ポッドキャスト
- 1対1のコーチング
- 毎月4時間のライブリトリート
- 毎日のコミュニティシート
- サポート的なチャットコミュニティ

瞑想を教えるブライトマインドのアプローチは、「瞑想をできるだけシンプルにする、しかしそれ以上にシンプルにすることはできない」ということです。そのため、私たちは深く革新的な概念と実践を取り上げ、シンプルかつ実践的な方法で説明します。物事をできるだけシンプルにするが、これ以上シンプルにすることはできません。 、効率的かつ効果的な学習と成長につながります。

***** 「他の瞑想アプリはすべて試しました。ブライトマインドを見つけるのは金を掘り出すようなものでした!」 — ヴァネッサ

***** 「これですべてが変わります!よりシンプルであるため、非常に適応性が高く、効果的です。」 — クリス



We kindly asked several bugs to leave and updated the app with racing stripes.
You can now access the first four meditations, without even having to start your free trial. Enjoy!
We kindly asked several bugs to leave and updated the app with some sweet racing stripes.
One of the most common questions we get--especially from Brightminders that have made it past Level 2 Graduation--is, "So should I continue with the Journey meditations, or practice one of the techniques I liked so far?" This question opens up several related questions, so we added a nice diagram and some explanation under Level 2 to help you make this decision; it's an important question! We also added checkmarks, so you can easily tell which meditations you've played. Enjoy!
I talk with Brightminders everyday. Something I keep hearing is that you're really motivated for the first few days, and then life happens, you break your streak, and breaking your streak is really demoralizing. So in this new version, we adjusted how streaks work. Now, once you earn certain total minute badges (e.g. 100 total minutes), you can miss days without messing up your streak. Hopefully, this will help keep you motivated. You got this! -- Toby
In this update, we improved how we customize meditations based on your goals. You can also now fast forward and fast backward from your phone's lock screen. Enjoy!
Welcome to 3.12! In this new version, we improved how we customize meditations based on your goals. We also added more Progress badges and even gave Progress its own tab! Enjoy : )
Welcome to 3.11.1! Apps are often built using SDKs (software development kits) and other tools. Every once in a while, you have to update these tools to keep your app working smoothly. That's mostly what we did in this build--update all our SDKs. You could say it's like house cleaning. Importantly for you, this means Brightmind should work even more smoothly, load faster, etc. Enjoy!
Welcome to 3.8! We added celebratory gifs after each meditation : ). The app can now send push notifications when we release new content or features. Stay tuned! We also fixed a bug that caused the meditation to stop if someone called you and your ringer was on silent. Enjoy!
Welcome to 3.7! We kindly asked several bugs to leave and updated our app with some sweet racing stripes.

ハッキング方法 Brightmind Meditation

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