Moodee: To-dos for your mood Mod Apk

Moodee: To-dos for your mood ハック - Mod Apk 3.4.4

開発者: 블루시그넘(BlueSignum Corp.)
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Moodee: To-dos for your mood mod apkGame screenshot Moodee: To-dos for your mood hackGame screenshot Moodee: To-dos for your mood apk download


あなただけの小さなムードガイド、Moodee をご紹介します。

誰でも悪い日はあります。 Moodee で気分を管理する方法を見つけてください。


自分の感じていることに名前を付けるのが難しい場合があります。研究によると、自分の感情にラベルを付けるだけで、それに対処するのに非常に役立つ可能性があります。 Moodee では、今この瞬間に感じていることを正確に特定するのに役立つさまざまな感情タグにアクセスできます。自分の感情を振り返り、自分自身をより深く理解することに時間を費やすことを日課にしてください。


感情に圧倒されているとき、それを改善するために何をすべきかを考えるのは困難です。気分が明るいときも落ち込んでいるときも、Moodee がその日をより良くするための厳選されたクエストの推奨事項を提供します。すぐに試せる小さな To Do やルーティンを見つけてください。

■ あなたの感情記録の詳細な分析

頻繁に記録される感情から ToDo の好みまで、あなたに関する詳細な統計を確認します。月次レポートと年次レポートを入手して、自分自身についてより深い洞察を得て、自分が何を感じ、何が好きで、何が必要かを理解します。

■ トレーニングで脳を再配線して考え方を変える

気分が悪くなる思考習慣はありますか?神経可塑性理論では、繰り返し練習することで脳の配線を再構築できると言われています。 Moodee のトレーニングを使用すると、さまざまな架空のシナリオを体験し、より楽観的になったり、日々の罪悪感を軽減したりするなど、別の方法で考える練習をすることができます。

■ インタラクティブなストーリーで動物の友達と会話


■ あなたの最もプライベートな感情日記

Moodee を毎日使用するだけで、自分だけのプライベートで正直な感情日記を作成できます。安全なパスコードを使用して Moodee アプリをロックすると、あなた以外の誰もあなたの正直な気持ちにアクセスできなくなります。いつでも、言いたいことを遠慮なく言ってください。


• Chloe is back with a new story! Meet her and find out how she has been doing.
• You can now talk with Moodee up to 30 times a month! (Premium-exclusive)
• Chloe is back with a new story! Meet her and find out how she has been doing.
• You can now talk with Moodee up to 30 times a month! (Premium-exclusive)
• Chloe is back with a new story! Meet her and find out how she has been doing.
• You can now talk with Moodee up to 30 times a month! (Premium-exclusive)
• We've fixed some speed issues in traveling to Moodee's forest.
• Now your music will not be cut off when you visit Moodee!
It looks like Moodee is in the Christmas spirit! Make sure to check out our special Christmas music, only available for the season.
It looks like Moodee is in the Christmas spirit! Make sure to check out our special Christmas music, only available for the season.
• You can now talk to Moodee about how you are feeling, and get a curated quest!
Meet the new Moodee!
• Moodee has found a new forest home, where the scenery changes from day to night.
• Moodee has come alive! Tap your Moodee for an adorable surprise.
• If you want to find out more about Moodee, check out the My Page tab.
Meet the new Moodee!
• Moodee has found a new forest home, where the scenery changes from day to night.
• Moodee has come alive! Tap your Moodee for an adorable surprise.
• If you want to find out more about Moodee, check out the My Page tab.
Now it's easier than ever to record how your mood has changed after a quest. We'll keep track of what quests you found helpful and improve our recommendations.
Now you can leave a short memo about each emotion you record! Jot down a few words to help yourself remember why you felt this way.
You can now protect all your honest emotions with a passcode lock.
A fresh new batch of quests have been added! Tell Moodee how you feel and get a quest for the day.
A few chat quests have been added!(Beta feature) Membership subscribers can now have a short conversation with Moodee, and who knows? Maybe someday Moodee will be able to talk with you about so much more!
A few chat quests have been added!(Beta feature) Membership subscribers can now have a short conversation with Moodee, and who knows? Maybe someday Moodee will be able to talk with you about so much more!
A brand new quest type has been added. Your mission for the day: try out a photo quest!
Some small changes - try tapping on Moodee's words!
To thank everyone for supporting Moodee in taking our first steps, we are launching a special membership for our early users! From upgraded emotion stats to changing skies and all future content, you'll be able to use everything Moodee has to offer at the lowest possible price :)
- Now you can freely edit your emotion and keyword lists. Add what you want, and delete what you don't need.
- 'User-recommended' content are being added one by one. If you've sent a suggestion, there may be an update in 'Made by me'!
Share your mood and get a tailored to-do list that matches your vibe.

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ダウンロード Moodee: To-dos for your mood MOD APK 3.4.4

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2.43万 件のレビュー