バイナンス:ビットコイン/暗号資産(仮想通貨)を購入 Mod Apk

バイナンス:ビットコイン/暗号資産(仮想通貨)を購入 ハック - Mod Apk 2.95.3

開発者: Binance Inc.
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot バイナンス:ビットコイン/暗号資産(仮想通貨)を購入 mod apkGame screenshot バイナンス:ビットコイン/暗号資産(仮想通貨)を購入 hackGame screenshot バイナンス:ビットコイン/暗号資産(仮想通貨)を購入 apk download






Simple Earnで毎日報酬を獲得

Simple Earnサービスでは、ビットコイン(BTC)などの人気暗号資産の貸付によって利息を得ることができます。


Binance Japanは金融庁に登録されている暗号資産交換業者です。


Binance Japanの口座登録・本人確認はオンラインで完結でき、すぐにビットコインを購入できます。


Binance Japanは、日本語によるリアルタイムチャットを通じてカスタマーサポートをご提供しています。




1. 暗号資産は、日本円やドルなどのように国がその価値を保証している「法定通貨」ではありません。インターネット上でやりとりされる電子データです。
2. 暗号資産は、代価の弁済を受ける者の同意がある場合に限り代価の弁済に使用することができます。
3. 暗号資産は、価格の変動により損失が生じることがあります。暗号資産の価格が急落したり、突然無価値になってしまうなど、損をする可能性があります。
4. 暗号資産は、市場状況や流動性の変動により、注文した価格や量で取引ができなくなる可能性があります。
5. 暗号資産は、ブロックチェーンその他の記録の仕組みの破綻等により、その価値が失われる場合があります。
6. 暗号資産の価格は購入価格と売却価格に差があります。
7. 秘密鍵やパスワードを失った場合、保有する暗号資産を利用することができずその価値が失われること、及び当該情報を他者に知られた場合には、利用者の意思に関わらず保有する暗号資産を移転されるおそれがあります。
8. 当社はお客さまの資産を当社の資産とは分別して管理しておりますが、当社が倒産した場合には、預託された金銭及び暗号資産を返還することができない可能性があります。
9. お取引の際は、取引内容を十分に理解し、自己の責任をもって行ってください。

Binance Japan株式会社
暗号資産交換業者 関東財務局長 第00031号
一般社団法人 日本暗号資産等取引業協会会員


- New version of Pro homepage, providing more streamlined and important market information.
- The favorited trading pair supports multi-chart mode, which can display the candle charts of multiple trading pairs at one time.
- Crypto deposit page optimized network sorting, L2 network display.
- P2P added new flow of NGN to NGN with experience upgraded.
- P2P added new layout of ongoing order page.
- Support Good Till Date orders
-P2P added activity banner in P2P zone
-P2P added fast convert for USDT order on place order page
-Grid Bots setting can be previewed on the chart
-Feed creators can now showcase more badges on their profile page, search their past authored content, and pin excellent comments in article details. They can also add links when posting new content.
-The reporting reasons in Feed have been improved to allow for clearer reporting of inappropriate content
-Becoming a feed creator is now simpler!
-Convert page optimization.
-P2P added non-merchant condition in posting advertisement process.
-P2P added replying order feedback for receiver.
-Futures supports TP/SL based on PNL&ROI%.
-Futures supports TP/SL setting in confirmation popups.
-Fees will display before placing Spot orders.
-Heatmap - View visual snapshot of an asset's performance.
-Scaled Order-Manage the quantity, price and distribution of your orders with ease.
-Add popular content to provide users with high-quality content.
-Prioritize new zones and hot zones on the zone page.
-Add notice of upcoming delisted coins on the Lite portfolio and earn holdings page.
-P2P added selecting payment time limit in the filter window.
-P2P added sending advertisement in the chat room.
-Feed added advanced data analytics in the creator center.
-Convert page optimization.
-P2P added ad price alert with specific payment method.
-P2P added convenient user interface on express zone.
-Feed optimized the entrance of the Secretary messenger to be more prominent.
-Added 6 Year Anniversary theme for feed.
- Market: Add filter on the top movers page
- P2P adds sharing function on payment method detail page
- P2P adds popular and new tags on convertible coins in express zone
- Fiat transaction history now is available to look up for 1 year
- Support jumping to corresponding candle when viewing trigger or activate time of Spot&Margin orders
- Support switching Entry Price to calculate future ROE
- Spot and Margin support iceberg orders for limit and stop-limit orders
- Ranking List: Add new coin launch countdown
- Lite version: New Feed and Service tabs (only for supported languages)
- Lite version: Add Buy, Sell, and Earn entry points on the coin detail page
- P2P adds advertisement recently reviewed in user center
- P2P adds merchant recommendation list on P2P homepage
- Buy Crypto dynamic payment recommend
- Add share feature for Position History
- Provide new trading features of Reverse Trading and Market Close
- Feed adds LIVE tab
-Market Page: data Center EW index supports four-month data interval.
-P2P: add quick switch of trading zones on homepage, showing online status of advertiser on homepage.
-Feed: News tab adds automatic translation features, allow creators to upload multiple images, add the live broadcast status of the creators' avatar, optimize the experience of creator's experience
- Lite version adds subscription and redemption history of Earn
- P2P adds positive rate and pay time limit on advertisements
- P2P adds recall notifications of online advertisements based on payment method
- Spot&Margin Kline Display Ranking Tags
- Easy Options is Live: simple and easy-to-trade
- Options positions can generate poster and share to the community
- Rate Arbitrage Data adds step-by-step tutorial
- Spot Trade Analysis Adds Fee Field
-P2P added previewing multiple images in chat room.
-Break even price of futures positions.
-Futures brief display mode for open position.
-Spot Heatmap is available.
-Options real-time Open Interest info is available.
- Lite version adds ETH 2.0
- P2P adds term tab on placing order
- P2P adds merchant background design on profile page
- Add the Entry of Recurring Buy history
- TradingView chart supports more Kline styles
- Add Time Activated &Time Worked for Spot&Margin Trailing Stop orders
- Add Time Worked for Spot&Margin Stop Limit orders
- Add Feed page on trading pair page
- Feed adds featured content card & setting content language & change the logic of banner
- Market page: content adds academy tab
-Simplified Pro Homepage
-Android floating window supports transparency setting and currency information
-Market Data page adds Equal Weighted Index and Ranking lists
-Notification center adds Announcement
-Feed Adds new animation for likes, translation tools, hot topic card and coin labels
-P2P adds Christmas design
-P2P adds sorting advertisement by completion rate and trade
-Leaderboard adds Featured Traders ranking
-Original chart supports SAR/WR/StochRSI/OBV indicators
-Market page adds "Options" list on the Futures.
-Optimize Pro homepage, add banner and announcement to "Discover”.
-P2P adds searchbox for the payment method.
-P2P adds comment self-deletion by user.
-Buy with Fiat token purchased last time will be selected by default.
-Spot Adds Adjust Order Function.
-Leaderboard adds new home page and strategy trading rank, my following page add trader's data display.
-Strategy Trading adds Leaderboard and Copy Parameters.
Homepage adds "New Listings" ranking list.
Market page adds "Data" dashboard.
P2P adds fundpass for releasing order.
P2P adds duplication of advertisements.
Fiat service supports Google Pay to buy crypto.
Optimize the user flow for buy crypto with cash.
Provide guidance in buy crypto with cash.
Support switching change(%) basis.
K-line page supports selecting TradingView and Original chart.
Customize columns on Options symbol list. Options fee rate and trading rules information is available.
-P2P added batch online/offline advertisement
-P2P added spot / gift card entrance in buy-order complete page
-New interval '1s' is available now on Spot&Margin chart
-P2P added batch online/offline advertisement
-P2P added spot / gift card entrance in buy-order complete page
-New interval '1s' is available now on Spot&Margin chart
P2P added trading history condition in express zone.
P2P added anti-fraud hint in chat room.
P2P added progress bar in appeal process.
Buy crypto added top bank list when adding new card.
Futures Grid supports native APP experience.
Spot Trade Analysis Add PNL Indicator.
Add the "Favorites" coin list on the homepage of Pro version.
P2P added calendar alert for recurring buy or sell
P2P added real time online status of counter-party
P2P added order history with counter-party
Add Token Info and Funding History in Info tab
Supports selecting multiple main indicators at the same time
Added today's changes (%) and other intervals calculated according to user's time zone
Crypto Loan supports to keep the collateral in the order during repayment to maintain lower LTV
Add the "Favorites" coin list on the homepage of Pro version.
P2P added calendar alert for recurring buy or sell
P2P added real time online status of counter-party
P2P added order history with counter-party
Add Token Info and Funding History in Info tab
Supports selecting multiple main indicators at the same time
Added today's changes (%) and other intervals calculated according to user's time zone
Crypto Loan supports to keep the collateral in the order during repayment to maintain lower LTV
- Optimize K line page on Lite version. Add volatility ratio for selected duration.
- Add price alert on Lite version. User can set up price alert for each coin.
- P2P added message read status in chatroom
- P2P added user friendly guidance for new features
- P2P added loan entrance after complete buy-order
- Buy & sell crypto support real-time calculator
- Convert added limit order function
- P2P added replay guidance entry in dropdown on P2P zone and Express zone
- P2P added short cut entry on home screen of Android system
- Optimized choose crypto page for buy crypto with cash
- Optimized buy with card flow
- Fiat service supports buy and sell EUR/BUSD with SEPA
- Search results support NFT on the homepage
- Add "Announcements" in more menu for Spot&Margin trade page
- Futures Grand Tournament
- Support filtering spot/margin orders by status and type
- Funding Rate arbitrage data now available on Futures Trading Data page
- P2P added user follow feature
- P2P added coin convert integration for VND and PHP Market
- Fiat service support Sell all cryptocurrency directly to your bank card
- Fiat service CLP/PEN/CRC support buy crypto with Online Banking

ハッキング方法 バイナンス:ビットコイン/暗号資産(仮想通貨)を購入

ダウンロード バイナンス:ビットコイン/暗号資産(仮想通貨)を購入 MOD APK 2.95.3

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