In this release:
- Carnival returns to Social District
- New Toss Confetti emote to unlock! (Carnival Shop or Emotes Shop)
- New Heroic Boost (30 day XP and CXP boost; stacks with other boosts)
- Monthly Server XP/CXP boost
- Barber Shop update!
- Updated to allow custom colour choices from a colour picker!
- Eyebrows can now be coloured separately from hair
Lunar New Year leaves (Saber, Moonlight stuff, Fruitwood stuff)
Darkon leaves from the Social District
Release 1.138.0:
- Heroes Heart Day returns!
- disabled SpellForged procs and effects in PvP
- increase character limit for guild MOTD
- fix for mail delete buttons
Release 1.137.0
- Sir Lanceler and the Vorpal Blade
- New Back Accessory: Burning Wings of Valor for a limited time!
1.136.4 Hotfix:
- Fix mounts breaking the equipping of cosmetics after dismounting
Release 1.136.0
- 2024 Frostval Collection!
- 3 Armor Sets, 2 Mounts and 2 Pets!
- Frostval Housing Kit (collection)
- Frostval Decorations (a la carte shop)
- Mail improvements / fixes
1.136.2 Fixes:
- Change 'Hide Other Mount Riders' default setting to off
- Show Travel Speed in the item details page of Mounts
- Fix for emote objects persisting
in this release:
- Frostval returns!
- Frost Labyrinth
- Frostlorn Raiders
- Winter's Grasp
- Seasonal Quests
- Frostval Gifting
- Gifting Runes
- Bush Faction Gold Cards
- Gifting Leaderboard
- Zoria Guardian Daily Quest
- December Monthly Promo Item
- New Treasure Chest Item
- Frostval Seasonal Treasure Chest items
- Battleon Frost Siege
- Frostfang returns to Battleon Social District
- Black Friday
- Cyber Monday
- Inventory Slot Sale
Release 1.133.0
- "Host your own Feast!" Thanksgiving questline
- Cyber Monday House items
- Spooky Organs
- Mogloween leaves
- Server Boost: 150% XP annd Class XP + Double Daily Quest rewards
- You can now unlock the new "Thankful" emote!
1.133.1 Hotfix:
- Fix "Thankful" emote not appearing when unlocked
- New set added as rewards in Doomwood Forest
- Equipping multiple cross skills to your bar is now possible
- Some PvP Skills are being re-introduced as Base Skills which are available to use in PvE as well as PvP
- Your custom skill configurations are now saved in the database rather than per device, syncing your character's skill configuration across all of your devices
1.132.2 Fixes
- Class ranks menu is no longer blank
- Fix target button
- Always show swap icon
1.103.1 Patch Notes
-some more improvements to the Guild panel
Talk Like A Pirate Day has landed in Battleon! Join ye fellow landlubbers! Updated Guilds!
1.103.0 fixes and updates
-new Guild panels and features
-fixed a display issue for some icons
-fixed an issue with Quests telling the player to return to the wrong NPC
-bonus gold and xp from server events will now be displayed in the Quest panel
-fixed damage and damage reduction calculations to be more consistent
Item Augments are now live! Get a chance to add cool new stats to your items!
1.102.2 fixes and updates
-Orange is now one of the options for hair color! Get your hair did!
-some visual display issues fixed for the Item Augment system
Item Augments are now live! Get a chance to add cool new stats to your items!
1.102.0 fixes and updates
-Item Augments: stat modifiers can now appear on new items you get
-more tweaks to fix monsters falling through the floor
-added improvements for future Quests
-various fixes
Continue your journey to face Nulgath...
1.101.0 Changes
-minor fixes
-brand new Sheathing feature!
-Players can now sheathe their weapons to leave their hands free to do all kinds of other adventuring activities!
-Option added to auto-sheathe your weapon
-some weapons cannot be sheathed; including bows and certain dual equipped items (ie. a sword and shield)
1.98.0 Patch Notes
- Minor fixes
The portal to the Oversoul has opened! Continue your journey to face Nulgath...
1.97.3 fixes and updates
-minor fixes
The portal to the Oversoul has opened! Continue your journey to face Nulgath...
1.97.2 fixes and updates
-added additional security measures to in-game shops
-fixed an issue where NPCs could not be 'Talk To'd for some quests
-additional updated visual notifications for quests
The portal to the Oversoul has opened! Continue your journey to face Nulgath...
1.97.0 fixes and updates
-added additional security measures to in-game shops
-fixed an issue where NPCs could not be 'Talk To'd for some quests
-additional updated visual notifications for quests
1.95.0 Patch Notes
-fixed an issue with the health marker showing when Samurai Class was not equipped
-some menu loading optimization fixes and updates
1.94.3 Hotfix Notes
- Updated app icon and loading screens
- Various other minor fixes
Join us for Artix Entertainment's 20th Anniversary Event! Log in for all kinds of special spooky events! 2022 Mogloween Collection is also now available; check it out!
1.93.1 fixes and updates
-New title screen!
-Fixed an issue where Daily Chest art was not appearing
Join us for Artix Entertainment's 20th Anniversary Event! Log in for all kinds of special spooky events! 2022 Mogloween Collection is also now available; check it out!
1.93.0 updates
-Ads are disabled until further notice
-Added some new SFX support
New Samurai Class is now live! Log in now to earn your new Class!
Continue the story in Nulgath Part II and check out the new TLAPD Collection 2022 items!
1.92.0 updates
-fixed an exploit where dynamically scaled mob HP was not updating properly
-Samurai Class with brand new Skills, Quests, Ranks and Class Skin!
Nulgath Saga Part II and TLAPD Collection 2022 are now available!
-fixed an issue with B.U.I.L.D. quests not dropping their items
-fixed an issue with pirates and rangers with default weapons being generated
-minor UI fixes for quest panels
-added screen vignette option
Nulgath Saga Part I and the 2022 Summer Collection are now available!
1.90.0 updates
-fixed a bug where crafting recipes in scaled maps would show the wrong item stats and level
-fixed an issue with cosmetic classes and class ranks
-cleaned up some quest progress notification text popups
Nulgath Saga Part I is now live! Travel to the mysterious Seleden Forest to aid the Paladins.
1.89.0 updates
-loot bags will now remain if you reconnect before they expire
-crafting recipes now show the correct power offset
-fixed an issue with NPC panels when showing Quests
-fixed some scaling issues with Item names
-special helmets / head items will now allow beards and facial hair again
-fixed menu back button
Nulgath Saga Part I is now live! Travel to the mysterious Seleden Forest to aid the Paladins.
1.89.0 updates
-loot bags will now remain if you reconnect before they expire
-crafting recipes now show the correct power offset
-fixed an issue with NPC panels when showing Quests
-fixed some scaling issues with Item names
-special helmets / head items will now allow beards and facial hair again
Curse Weaver Mage skin is now available! Head to the Class Trainers now to purchase!
A new Starter Pack with Dire Dragon Travel Form has also been added!
1.88.0 Updates
-Updated many old consumable items to fix an exploit to certain buffs being brought into PvP Matches
-Quests with Unique items can now always be accepted and turned in, with a warning if you cannot receive the item rewards
-Fixed an issue with opening the Quest Log via the currently tracked Quest
Whispers have arisen about a mysterious island that has appeared! Could it be the infamous Skullpunch Island? Mysterious Johnson would be the one to know about such mysteries; visit him for clues!
1.87.0 Fixes and updates
-Updated news and promo screen!
-Swiftcast PvP Action has been removed from the game.
-XP required to level at higher levels has been increased.