baraka: Buy US Stocks & ETFs Mod Apk

baraka: Buy US Stocks & ETFs ハック - Mod Apk 2.29.3

開発者: Baraka Financial Limited (“Baraka”)
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


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baraka は、GCC の投資家が情報に基づいた戦略的な長期的な投資決定を行えるようにする投資プラットフォームです。当社の包括的な製品スイートと最先端の自動化ツールから、当社が提供する専門家の洞察とリソースに至るまで、当社はお客様の財務目標と価値に沿った方法で資産を構築および管理することをサポートすることをお約束します。



🔑 6,000 以上の米国株と ETF へのアクセス
Apple、Google、Tesla、Rivian、Lucid、SPUS など、何千もの人気のある米国の株式や ETF に手数料なしで投資できます。

わずか 1 分で、プラットフォーム上の米国株または ETF に投資できます。わずか 1 ドルからの取引手数料で、カストディ、スプレッド、または非アクティブ手数料はゼロです。

バラカを通じて投資することで、原資産を所有し、実際の配当を得る機会を得ることができます。 CFDや複雑で手数料のかかる商品は販売していません。

📝 配当再投資計画 (DRIP)
DRIP では、現金配当を追加の株式または端数株式に再投資できます。

⌛ 取引時間の延長
ニュース速報などに反応し、合計 16 時間の取引時間で投資機会を逃すことはありません。

🔘 シャリアフィルター

📈 端数株

🤖 自動投資
選択した頻度で定期的な投資を設定すると、定期的な金額を一貫して投資することでポートフォリオを着実に成長させ、ドル コスト平均法戦略の恩恵を受けることができます。

📈 投資テーマ
バラカは 6,000 を超える米国株式と ETF にアクセスできるため、ESG (環境、社会、コーポレート ガバナンス) ゲームや電気自動車などの新たなトレンドに従うセクターに投資する機会を提供します。

💰 複数の資金調達オプション
3 つの支払いオプションを使用して入金し、アカウントを補充します。すぐに資金を追加する必要がある場合は、Apple Pay またはデビットカードを使用できます。さらに、アカウントへの自動資金転送の自動入金を有効にします。

ポートフォリオに追加したい株式や ETF を監視します。

🧐 株式分析

📜 教育コンテンツ

🔒 投資保証:

• お客様の資金は、最高 $500,000 まで、証券投資家保護公社 (SIPC) によって保護されています。

• 生体認証指紋または Face ID テクノロジーを使用して、あなただけがアカウントに簡単にアクセスできるようにします。

• データ プライバシー コントロールにより、サインアップした瞬間から個人情報を安全に保つことができます。

baraka Financial Limited (「baraka」) は、ドバイ国際金融センター (「DIFC」) に登録されており、ドバイ金融サービス庁 (「DFSA」) によって規制されています。

連絡先とソーシャル メディア


• Bug fixes and performance improvements to enhance stability
• General improvements to provide a smoother trading experience
• Refactoring of code for better reliability and efficiency
• Streamlined processes for faster transactions
• Fixed minor issues reported by users
• Updated dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest Android version
• Improved error handling to prevent disruptions during trading
• Overall enhancements to bring you a more seamless trading experience
• Bug fixes and performance improvements to enhance stability
• General improvements to provide a smoother trading experience
• Refactoring of code for better reliability and efficiency
• Streamlined processes for faster transactions
• Fixed minor issues reported by users
• Updated dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest Android version
• Improved error handling to prevent disruptions during trading
• Overall enhancements to bring you a more seamless trading experience
• Bug fixes and performance improvements to enhance stability
• General improvements to provide a smoother trading experience
• Refactoring of code for better reliability and efficiency
• Streamlined processes for faster transactions
• Fixed minor issues reported by users
• Updated dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest Android version
• Improved error handling to prevent disruptions during trading
• Overall enhancements to bring you a more seamless trading experience
• Bug fixes and performance improvements to enhance stability
• General improvements to provide a smoother trading experience
• Refactoring of code for better reliability and efficiency
• Streamlined processes for faster transactions
• Fixed minor issues reported by users
• Updated dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest Android version
• Improved error handling to prevent disruptions during trading
• Overall enhancements to bring you a more seamless trading experience
• Bug fixes and performance improvements to enhance stability
• General improvements to provide a smoother trading experience
• Refactoring of code for better reliability and efficiency
• Streamlined processes for faster transactions
• Fixed minor issues reported by users
• Updated dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest Android version
• Improved error handling to prevent disruptions during trading
• Overall enhancements to bring you a more seamless trading experience
• Bug fixes and performance improvements to enhance stability
• General improvements to provide a smoother trading experience
• Refactoring of code for better reliability and efficiency
• Streamlined processes for faster transactions
• Fixed minor issues reported by users
• Updated dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest Android version
• Improved error handling to prevent disruptions during trading
• Overall enhancements to bring you a more seamless trading experience
Introducing the Investor Calendar feature in the Discover section, which allows users to easily view upcoming dividends and earnings information for a variety of stocks.

Users can now and manage watchlists with filtering by date to easily find relevant information.

Introducing a new feature that allows users to view real-time performance of their investments on the Portfolio page. This feature includes information such as current value, gain or loss for the day, and percentage change.
With a new year comes new resolutions, and with it, new investment goals. In our latest update, we've added a few new products and upgraded a few features to provide you with the premium investing experience you deserve.
New Features:

Investor Wrap. It’s that time of year again. Let's get resolutions into gear and start investing in yourself by looking back at your investing year in review. Check out what where your favourite products and how your portfolio performed in 2022.
Bug fixes and improvements
This week, we’re bringing you the new and redefined baraka.

From start to finish, the new app provides users with a seamless investing journey. Upon opening the app, you will experience a more dynamic baraka, redefined. The new baraka is faster, slicker, simplified and easy to use, levelling the playing field for both experienced and beginner investors.
This week, we’re bringing you the new and redefined baraka.

From start to finish, the new app provides users with a seamless investing journey. Upon opening the app, you will experience a more dynamic baraka, redefined. The new baraka is faster, slicker, simplified and easy to use, levelling the playing field for both experienced and beginner investors.
This week, we’re bringing you the new and redefined baraka.

From start to finish, the new app provides users with a seamless investing journey. Upon opening the app, you will experience a more dynamic baraka, redefined. The new baraka is faster, slicker, simplified and easy to use, levelling the playing field for both experienced and beginner investors.
Google Pay error for Huawei users is fixed.

Camera Permission Error in some devices is fixed.

The City edit text in Address declaration screens, replaced with dropdown menu where app fetches all the cities for correspondent country.

Google Pay button is now visible even user didn't configure it.
Instant Funding with Google Pay is implemented.

ハッキング方法 baraka: Buy US Stocks & ETFs

ダウンロード baraka: Buy US Stocks & ETFs MOD APK 2.29.3

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