Beast Brawl: Monster ARPG Mod Apk

Beast Brawl: Monster ARPG ハック - Mod Apk 494

開発者: Baikun Interactive
カテゴリー: ロールプレイング
価格: 無料です


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Beast Brawl は、冒険者が召喚士と獣を操作する無料のモバイルダンジョンクローラーです。サモナーの間を回転し、新しく孵化した獣を育て、手続き的に生成されたすべてのユニークなマップを征服し、その略奪山を集め、最も重要なことに、グローバルランキングであなたの場所を賭けてください!


60 以上のユニークな獣と 250 以上のユニークなスキルを孵化させ、打ち上げ時に育てます。

探索する 15 のユニークな環境。各アドベンチャーマップは、独自のモンスターと環境効果で手続き的に生成されます。

5 つの異なる装備品質。5 つの異なる装備タイプ。アップグレードする 15 のレベル。ランダムに生成された統計など!同じ獣はいません。



Reduced beast evolution costs for rank 6-10
New beast LUNARIS
Available next month in the Beast Pass and Summoning Event!
New Legendary Gear now Craftable!

Sources of Lifeleech converted to Thorns. Leech 50% of Thorns damage as health

(New Effect) Critical and Crushing hit multipliers now affect Life Leech
Revamped Unicorn and Kirin
Increases Status Durations on some Skills
Improved early game experience
Brawl Mode
Defending team now configurable for Brawl Mode
Rating now deducted for losing team
Reduced Stun/Freeze duration by 50% (Brawl Mode only)

Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug with gem infusion exp
Fixed a bug with account flagging
Fixed a bug when loading a profile with invalid runes
Fixed a bug where projectile effects can linger
Fixed some issues with beast movements (not attacking and not returning to hero)

NEW Brawl Mode (auto-battle PVP)
Brawl Reward Track: Gain Valor and other rewards for each Win in Brawl Mode
Vanguard's Armory: Features a nat 5* Beast and a full Green set, purchasable with Valor
Brawl Rankings: Increase you rating with each Win in Brawl Mode and gain Glimmer rewards

NEW Rune Crafting
Salvage runes for "Rune Shards"
Fuse Rune Shards to create a complete rune of your choice
NEW Runes item type
- Unlocked by reaching Extreme Mode
- Obtained by defeating power foes in Extreme Mode and beyond, most notably in Chaos Tower, Chaos Labyrinth.

Ranch Mechanic
- Visit Rykavi in Sanctuary who will nurture your Beasts helping them gain experience even when you are offline! (unlock at Spirit Vale)

- Fixed a bug where game get's stuck at Glyph room in co-op
- Fixed a bug where gear upgrade chance increase was reset incorrectly
- Energy costs reduced for higher levels
NEW Runes item type
- Unlocked by reaching Extreme Mode
- Obtained by defeating power foes in Extreme Mode and beyond, most notably in Chaos Tower, Chaos Labyrinth.

Ranch Mechanic
- Visit Rykavi in Sanctuary who will nurture your Beasts helping them gain experience even when you are offline! (unlock at Spirit Vale)

- Fixed a bug where game get's stuck at Glyph room in co-op
- Fixed a bug where gear upgrade chance increase was reset incorrectly
- Energy costs reduced for higher levels
NEW 5* Beast SOLARIS now hatchable in 5* Eggs!

Farming Mechanic
- Visit Splish in Sanctuary to grow your own Elemental Flora from seeds (unlock at Thundersnow Peak).

Gear Upgrades
- Failing an upgrade will now grant +1% success chance for your next upgrade

Galaxy Shards
- Gain shards for hatching beasts (3* = 1 shard, 4* = 5 shards)
- Exchange 200 shards for a 5* Galaxy Egg!

Premium Shop
- Increased Glimmer from Daily, Weekly & Premium Packs
- Reduced price of Chaos Pact & Galaxy Egg
NEW Winterland Event!
- Monthly event with Frost themed gear
- Exclusive 4* Frostzilla Beast

Chaos Energy and Infections Revamp (Unlocked on Hard difficulty)
- Chaos Infections now appear around Nevaris every 30 minutes and award Chaos Energy for clearing them
- Mystery Gear, Clovers and Relic Shards can now be purchased from the Chaos Wanderer

Balance Improvements
- Enemies are now much stronger in Uber and Chaos, the goal was to better match power rating requirements to difficulty
NEW Breeding Mechanic!
Complete Spirit Vale and visit Enoki in Sanctuary for more details.
Around 20 new species to collect and a few existing ones are now available via Breeding only.

More LOOT!
Chest and Boss drops have been buffed, with more loot from chests and higher chance of getting Rares and above gear.

Better Scaling
Champions and Bosses are now easier in Normal, and get harder scaling with higher difficulties.
Chaos Arena HP and rewards rebalanced.
- Since real-time multiplayer is not working well yet, for now bots have been implemented for co-op play
- "Invite Friend" option will create a bot of your friend's team to play with you
- "Matchmaking" option will create a random bot

Bug Fixes / Improvements
- Fixed a bug where power rating can be unusually high when putting end game gear on a low level beast
- Fixed issues with challenge screen indicators not updating
Journey Rewards
- New milestones and rewards have been added for Uber and Chaos difficulty.
- Rewards include a selection of a piece of 5* Unique Gear and a selection of a 5* Beast.

- Fixed a bug where Chaos Infection map does not end
- All adventures will now be structured as a short maze with some branching areas for extra loot
- New flora spawns will now appear on any map, they can be collected for extra elemental energy
Harvest Event
- Exclusive beast Golden Hydra

- Premium Pass users can now enjoy autoloot

Drop Rate Increases
- 4 and 5* drop rates have been doubled for BP 50K - 200K areas

New Gear Conversion Mechanics
- Gear substats can now be converted to a new substat.
- Gear set effect can now be converted to a random new set effect
- Mythic (green) gear can now be converted to a new item belonging to the same set.

- Improvements and changes to Solar, Storm and Frost traitlines
Harvest Event
- Exclusive beast Golden Hydra
- Free skin Forest Sanctuary

Uber and Chaos Difficulty
- Uber difficulty (scaled to 100K)
- Chaos difficulty (scale to 200K)
- All game modes are scaled appropriately in new difficulties

More Chaos Arena and Relic Shards!
- New milestones and rewards! (Up to 500M health) + Up to 300 Relic Shards weekly
- Reforge and Crafting prices reduced by around 50%

- Premium Pass users can now enjoy autoloot buff (All loot is picked up automatically)
V211 (Hotfix)
Fixed a bug where unlocked difficulty mode was not saved.
Fixed a bug where continue did not have an ad option.

Increased exp gained during gear upgrading by 100%.
Fixed a bug where incubator inventory capacity was not saving correctly.
Fixed a bug where ads did not work after the first one.
Removed daily limits from most ad options.
NEW Journey Quest additions
NEW Egg Strikes
NEW 5* Egg IAP
Reduced energy cost of gear crafting
Reduced difficulty of Normal mode (disabled Portal rooms)

ハッキング方法 Beast Brawl: Monster ARPG

ダウンロード Beast Brawl: Monster ARPG MOD APK 494

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