Baaz Mod Apk

Baaz ハック - Mod Apk 3.118.0

開発者: Baaz Inc
カテゴリー: ソーシャルネットワーク
価格: 無料です


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Baaz は、ユーザーが同様の興味、趣味、情熱を共有する他のユーザーとつながるためのコミュニティを提供する最初のアラビア語ソーシャル メディア プラットフォームです。

Baaz を使用すると、志を同じくする個人のコミュニティに参加し、考えやコンテンツを共有し、他のユーザーとリアルタイムでやり取りできます。

私たちのアプリは、ユーザーフレンドリーでナビゲートしやすいように設計されており、あらゆる年齢のユーザーにとって完璧なプラットフォームとなっています。友人や家族とのつながりを求めている場合でも、熱狂的な仲間のコミュニティに参加したい場合でも、Baaz にはすべての人が楽しめるものがあります。

では、なぜ待つのですか?今すぐ Baaz をダウンロードして、コミュニティの世界を探索しましょう!

ここで Baaz コミュニティの重要性が生まれます。Baaz コミュニティは、興味や情熱を共有する人々をダイナミックで安全な空間に引き付けることを目的としており、意見を交換し、自分に関係のある問題やトピックについて話し合う場所です。

Baaz は、エンターテインメント、スポーツ、芸術、政治、ニュース、人文科学など、さまざまなカテゴリにわたってユーザーが価値のあるコンテンツを作成するのを支援し、著名なコンテンツ クリエーターが可能な限り多くのユーザーにリーチするのにも役立ちます。

Baaz は、あなたのコミュニティや他のコミュニティ内で有名なコンテンツ クリエーターになる機会を与えてくれます。貴重なアラブのコンテンツとアラブのユーザーに焦点を当てたアラブのプラットフォームとして、アラブのコンテンツが他のプラットフォームよりも簡単に成功を収めることができます。クリエイターは、アラブのユーザーの幅広い視聴者にリーチする際に多くの困難に直面することがよくあります。

Baaz は、世界中のユーザー、コミュニティ リーダー、およびコンテンツ クリエーターを安全な環境に集めます。この環境は、文書、ビジュアル、オーディオのいずれであっても貴重なコンテンツを公開できる一連の利点と、その最も顕著な利点を提供します。 Baaz プラットフォームは次のとおりです。



オンライン コミュニティは、新しい友達と出会い、意見や興味について話し合う機会を提供します。ユニークで多様なコミュニティに今すぐ参加してください。

今すぐオーディオ ルームを作成し、アイデアを自由に表現してください。

多様で焦点を絞ったトピックを持つオーディオ ルームの大規模なグループに参加し、その分野の多数のユーザー、専門家、才能あるゲストとアイデアや意見を話し合います。ユーザーが作成したオーディオ ルームに参加することもできます。

バズ ポイント
毎日のタスクを完了し、できるだけ多くのポイントを獲得して、ブロンズ レベルからシルバー、ゴールド、プラチナ レベルに進みます。

毎日のタスクを完了し、友達を Baaz に招待して報酬を獲得しましょう。

アカウントをアップグレードしてより多くのポイントを獲得し、シルバー、ゴールド、プラチナ レベルに到達して、Baz 報酬プログラムから金銭的報酬を受け取る資格を得てください。

自分のコミュニティや他のコミュニティ内で #ハッシュタグを使用して、さまざまなトレンド トピックを参照できます。

毎日 500 万人以上のユーザーがコンテンツを共有しており、興味のあるコンテンツを見つけることができます。


We are excited to launch our new Questions and Answers Feature!

Users can actively engage within their communities by posing questions, providing answers, and participating in voting to highlight the most valuable content.

Key Highlights:

- Seek advice, gather knowledge, or simply collect opinions by posting your questions
- Share your experiences and knowledge by submitting answers to questions.
- Elevate the most insightful and helpful questions by casting your votes

Try it out now!
Community Search Enhancement
- Users can now choose to search for communities and posts within a specific community, providing a better user experience.
Community feed
-To make it easier for users to view content under communities they joined or created, we added the community feed screen, where users can follow up and engage with their communities in one place.
- Bug fixes and UI enhancements.
Community Search Enhancement
- Users can now choose to search for communities and posts within a specific community, providing a better user experience.
Community feed
-To make it easier for users to view content under communities they joined or created, we added the community feed screen, where users can follow up and engage with their communities in one place.
- Bug fixes and UI enhancements.
Community Search Enhancement
- Users can now choose to search for communities and posts within a specific community, providing a better user experience.
Community feed
-To make it easier for users to view content under communities they joined or created, we added the community feed screen, where users can follow up and engage with their communities in one place.
- Bug fixes and UI enhancements.
Community Search Enhancement
- Users can now choose to search for communities and posts within a specific community, providing a better user experience.
Community feed
-To make it easier for users to view content under communities they joined or created, we added the community feed screen, where users can follow up and engage with their communities in one place.
- Bug fixes and UI enhancements.
Community Search Enhancement
- Users can now choose to search for communities and posts within a specific community, providing a better user experience.
Community feed
-To make it easier for users to view content under communities they joined or created, we added the community feed screen, where users can follow up and engage with their communities in one place.
- Bug fixes and UI enhancements.
Community Search Enhancement
- Users can now choose to search for communities and posts within a specific community, providing a better user experience.
Community feed
-To make it easier for users to view content under communities they joined or created, we added the community feed screen, where users can follow up and engage with their communities in one place.
- Bug fixes and UI enhancements.
Privacy Enhancement for Community

- Non-members can only view a limited number of posts in closed community.
- Only members can engage with content and speak in closed community audio rooms.
Privacy Enhancement for Community

- Non-members can only view a limited number of posts in closed community.
- Only members can engage with content and speak in closed community audio rooms.
Privacy Enhancement for Community

- Non-members can only view a limited number of posts in closed community.
- Only members can engage with content and speak in closed community audio rooms.
Privacy Enhancement for Community

- Non-members can only view a limited number of posts in closed community.
- Only members can engage with content and speak in closed community audio rooms.
Privacy Enhancement for Community

- Non-members can only view a limited number of posts in closed community.
- Only members can engage with content and speak in closed community audio rooms.
Privacy Enhancement for Community

- Non-members can only view a limited number of posts in closed community.
- Only members can engage with content and speak in closed community audio rooms.
Privacy Enhancement for Community

- Non-members can only view a limited number of posts in closed community.
- Only members can engage with content and speak in closed community audio rooms.
Community Privacy
- Users can now create Closed communities.
- Users need to Ask to join private communities and get approval from the owner to join closed communities.
- Ui enhancements and bug fixes.
Audio Rooms under Community
- Silver and Gold level users can now create their own communities on Baaz
- Discover audio rooms created under communities you joined
- Bug fixes and UI enhancements
- Better user experience in discovering communities.
- Communities owners have the tools to moderate content within their community.
- Baaz Reward program: Level up to Bronze and be part of Baaz reward program.
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements.
- Baaz communities: Enhancing user experience and discovering communities.
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements
- Baaz Points: Enjoy exploring Baaz and start collecting points by completing the required tasks and challenges
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements
- Audio Rooms: Users can now schedule their audio room to start at a later time, Where subscribers can set a reminder to join when the room starts
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements
- Share post: Ability to add a caption to your shared post
- Stories: Higher exposure to stories, ability to view stories on user profile.
- UX/UI enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
Baaz's new update includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and enhanced user experience.
Enjoy the new update!
- The host can assign up to 3 co-hosts from the speaker's list, for a more engaging conversation
- Ability for the Co-host to help in room moderation, inviting, accepting, removing, mute and unmute speakers
- Host ability to leave the room without ending it, as the co-host will be automatically assigned as a host
- Increase speakers invitations to up to 50 users
- UX/UI enhancements, bug fixes, and performance enhancements
- The host can assign up to 3 co-hosts from the speaker's list, for a more engaging conversation
- Ability for the Co-host to help in room moderation, inviting, accepting, removing, mute and unmute speakers
- Host ability to leave the room without ending it, as the co-host will be automatically assigned as a host
- Increase speakers invitations to up to 50 users
- UX/UI enhancements, bug fixes, and performance enhancements
- The host can assign up to 3 co-hosts from the speaker's list, for a more engaging conversation
- Ability for the Co-host to help in room moderation, inviting, accepting, removing, mute and unmute speakers
- Host ability to leave the room without ending it, as the co-host will be automatically assigned as a host
- Increase speakers invitations to up to 50 users
- UX/UI enhancements, bug fixes, and performance enhancements

ハッキング方法 Baaz

ダウンロード Baaz MOD APK 3.118.0

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.5 点満点中 5
6.44万 件のレビュー