StashAway: Simple Investing Mod Apk

StashAway: Simple Investing ハック - Mod Apk 18.782.0

開発者: Asia Wealth Platform Pte Ltd
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


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当社は投資をシンプルにします。最小値も最大値も、ロックアップも、大騒ぎもありません。 StashAway は、長期的な富の構築に役立つ、世界的に分散されたポートフォリオへのアクセスを提供するデジタル投資プラットフォームです。私たちはあらゆる投資スタイル、リスクの好み、ライフステージに合わせて最適なポートフォリオを設計しました。

• 低コストのETFで構築された世界的に分散されたポートフォリオに投資します。
• 超低リスクと競争力のあるレートで現金から利益を獲得
• 現金を増やしながら自動的にドルコスト平均を取得
• 毎週更新される市場解説を読む
• 金融と投資に関する一口サイズのビデオを見る
• 計算ツールを使用して経済的自由を計画する
• 電子メール、電話、WhatsApp、またはメッセンジャーでご連絡ください。
• 投資パフォーマンスを外出先でも監視

• 最小値も最大値もなく、手間もかかりません
• ロックアップなし、無制限の無料送金と出金
• 2017年の立ち上げ以来、実証済みで透明性のある投資実績
• 投資ポートフォリオに対する単一の管理手数料は年間わずか 0.2% ~ 0.8%
• あらゆる経済状況を乗り切るためのインテリジェントなリスク管理
• あなたの資金は別の保管口座に安全に保管されます
• お客様のデータを保護する安全なサーバー インフラストラクチャを維持します。
• 直感的なアプリのユーザー インターフェイスとエクスペリエンス
• 無料の高品質な投資教育リソース
• シンガポール、マレーシア、アラブ首長国連邦では、全地域で年中無休の信頼できるカスタマー サポートをご利用いただけます。

StashAway は、当社が事業を展開している地域の関連金融当局によって規制およびライセンスを受けています。当社は最も厳格な国際資本、コンプライアンス、監査、および報告要件を遵守し、SFC ガイドラインに従います。

一般利用規約が適用されます。 を参照してください。
BlackRock® は BlackRock, Inc. およびその関連会社 (「BlackRock」) の登録商標であり、ライセンスに基づいて使用されています。 BlackRock は StashAway と提携していないため、StashAway が提供する製品またはサービスへの投資の妥当性に関していかなる表明も保証も行いません。 BlackRock は、かかる製品またはサービスの運営、マーケティング、取引または販売に関連する義務または責任を負わず、また StashAway のクライアントまたは顧客に対していかなる義務または責任も負いません。
BlackRock を利用した StashAway 一般投資ポートフォリオについては、BlackRock は StashAway に拘束力のない資産配分ガイダンスを提供します。 StashAway はこれらのポートフォリオを管理し、お客様に提供します。つまり、BlackRock はお客様にサービスや製品を提供せず、お客様の個別のニーズ、目的、リスク許容度に対する資産配分の適合性を考慮していません。したがって、ブラックロックが提供する資産配分は、投資アドバイスや有価証券の売買の提案を構成するものではありません。


With this update, it’s even simpler to explore our popular investment products, with:
• Portfolio previews: Get a summary of a portfolio’s top features
• Full transparency: View a portfolio’s returns, low fees, breakdowns by asset class and geography, and FAQs and more
• Rename your portfolios: Customise your portfolio names and keep them clearly organised
We’re always listening to your feedback to enhance your investing experience!
Features will be progressively available in different regions.
With this update, it’s even simpler to explore our popular investment products, with:
• Portfolio previews: Get a summary of a portfolio’s top features
• Full transparency: View a portfolio’s returns, low fees, breakdowns by asset class and geography, and FAQs and more
• Rename your portfolios: Customise your portfolio names and keep them clearly organised
We’re always listening to your feedback to enhance your investing experience!
Features will be progressively available in different regions.
With this update, it’s even simpler to explore our popular investment products, with:
• Portfolio previews: Get a summary of a portfolio’s top features
• Full transparency: View a portfolio’s returns, low fees, breakdowns by asset class and geography, and FAQs and more
• Rename your portfolios: Customise your portfolio names and keep them clearly organised
We’re always listening to your feedback to enhance your investing experience!
Features will be progressively available in different regions.
With this update, it’s even simpler to explore our popular investment products, with:
• Portfolio previews: Get a summary of a portfolio’s top features
• Full transparency: View a portfolio’s returns, low fees, breakdowns by asset class and geography, and FAQs and more
• Rename your portfolios: Customise your portfolio names and keep them clearly organised
We’re always listening to your feedback to enhance your investing experience!
Features will be progressively available in different regions.
With this update, it’s even simpler to explore our popular investment products, with:
• Portfolio previews: Get a summary of a portfolio’s top features
• Full transparency: View a portfolio’s returns, low fees, breakdowns by asset class and geography, and FAQs and more
• Rename your portfolios: Customise your portfolio names and keep them clearly organised
We’re always listening to your feedback to enhance your investing experience!
Features will be progressively available in different regions.
With this update, it’s even simpler to explore our popular investment products, with:
• Portfolio previews: Get a summary of a portfolio’s top features
• Full transparency: View a portfolio’s returns, low fees, breakdowns by asset class and geography, and FAQs and more
• Rename your portfolios: Customise your portfolio names and keep them clearly organised
We’re always listening to your feedback to enhance your investing experience!
Features will be progressively available in different regions.
With this update, it’s even simpler to explore our popular investment products, with:
• Portfolio previews: Get a summary of a portfolio’s top features
• Full transparency: View a portfolio’s returns, low fees, breakdowns by asset class and geography, and FAQs and more
• Rename your portfolios: Customise your portfolio names and keep them clearly organised
We’re always listening to your feedback to enhance your investing experience!

Features will be progressively available in different regions.
You’re on a mission to invest for your future, and we’re on a quest to make it easier for you. We’ve made small improvements for this release, which will make your journey smooth sailing. Update to the latest version. Bon voyage!
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, those were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, those were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, those were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, those were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
New year, new you, new deposit method! eGIRO is here - a fast, secure, and automated way to deposit, and more importantly, DCA, into StashAway. Download the latest version to access the new feature.
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, those were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, those were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, those were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, those were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, those were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
Introducing General Investing powered by BlackRock®

We have just launched a number of new portfolios powered by BlackRock®. Investors can now invest in globally-diversified portfolios powered by the analytics from one of the world’s leading asset managers right from the StashAway app. StashAway will make the portfolio available to all regions over the coming weeks.

The portfolios, General Investing powered by BlackRock, are managed by StashAway, and all insights are provided by BlackRock.
Made some minor UI improvements. In other words, we made it more good-looking, just like you. Also fixed some bugs. Not that there were any bugs before of course, they were just features. But regardless, there are fewer bugs now.
@SG and MY: You asked, we listened. Introducing Flexible Portfolios! Want to make adjustments to a StashAway portfolio? Or perhaps you prefer to build your own portfolio from scratch? Flexible Portfolios gives you that, well, flexibility. Now you can pick the asset classes you want, decide their exact allocations, and change them any time. Update your app to start customising!

@MENA, HK and TH: Stay tuned, we haven't forgotten about you.
A release with no new features?! Why aren't we working harder?! This release just has a few tweaks here and there to improve usability, discoverability, and feedback submissions. But we'll leave you with a cliffhanger: We've got something BIG for you coming very, very, very soon.

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