Audiomack Creator-Upload Music Mod Apk

Audiomack Creator-Upload Music ハック - Mod Apk 2.10.3

開発者: Audiomack Music Apps
カテゴリー: 仕事効率化
価格: 無料です


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Audiomack での音楽キャリアの成長は、クリエイター アプリを使用することでさらに簡単になります。トラックのアップロードやリリースの管理から、アーティストの統計情報の確認やファンへのメッセージ送信まで、すべてを無料で行うことができます。

- 好きなだけトラックをアップロード - アーティスト用の無制限のストレージがあり、サブスクリプションや支払いは必要ありません。 MP3、WAV、M4A、AAC、その他のローカル ファイルを使用し、曲がリリースされる前にプライベート リスニング リンクを共有します。
- 再生、お気に入り、プレイリストの追加、再アップなどのリリースに関する統計を表示します
- あなたの音楽がどの都市や国で最も注目されているか、そしてあなたのトップファンが誰であるかを確認します
- あなたのトラックについてのファンの意見を確認し、コメントに直接返信します
- フォロワーにメッセージを送信 - 新しいリリースについてフィードバックを受け取り、今後のリリースを予告し、グッズを共有し、コンサートに招待します
- プロモート タブを使用して音楽を簡単に宣伝します (ソーシャル メディアで共有するためのカスタム画像を自動生成します)
- アーティスト収益化プログラムを通じて、配信から直接収益を得ることができます。ディストリビューターやレーベルは必要ありません。
- ストリームを超えて収益化 - 音楽を早期にリリースし、正式リリース前にファンにお金を払って聴いてもらいます

Audiomack は、新進気鋭のアーティストを発見するのに最適なアプリです。私たちは、今人気のあるアーティストだけでなく、次にどんなアーティストが誕生するかを重視しており、Yeat、Rod Wave、Joeboy などのアーティストは、Audiomack でキャリアをスタートさせました。私たちは、あなたの将来のファンにあなたを見つけてもらえるよう支援したいと考えています。私たちは、トレンドに合わせて音楽を厳選するキュレーターの世界的なネットワークを持っています。また、クールな新人アーティストを見つけるために世界中の音楽愛好家と協力する Tastemakers のようなプログラムもあります。

Audiomack アプリと無料アップロード機能の使用には、当社のプライバシー ポリシー/TOS への同意が必要です。



Welcome to Creator v2!

This version makes major improvements to stability and performance.

Questions? Reach out at @audiomack.
Welcome to Creator v2!

This version makes major improvements to stability and performance.

Questions? Reach out at @audiomack.
Welcome to Creator v2!

This version makes major improvements to stability and performance.

Questions? Reach out at @audiomack.
Welcome to Creator v2!

This version makes major improvements to stability and performance.

Questions? Reach out at @audiomack.
Welcome to Creator v2!

This version makes major improvements to stability and performance.

Questions? Reach out at @audiomack.
Welcome to Creator v2!

This version makes major improvements to stability and performance.

Questions? Reach out at @audiomack.
Welcome to Creator v1.6.2!

This version allows you to view the aggregate demographics of your listeners. Check out your breakdown of age ranges, gender, and more.

Questions? Reach out on Twitter at @audiomack.
Welcome to Creator v1.6!

We are incredibly proud to announce Connect. This brand-new tab allows artists to directly message followers and supporters, as well as reply to all comments on messages, songs, albums, and playlists. Artists can use follower messages to reach all fans, and supporters messages to send exclusive missives only to fans who back them financially. With Connect, artists and fans can be in constant contact.

Questions? Reach out on Twitter at @audiomack.
Welcome to Creator v1.6!

We are incredibly proud to announce Connect. This brand-new tab allows artists to directly message followers and supporters, as well as reply to all comments on messages, songs, albums, and playlists. Artists can use follower messages to reach all fans, and supporters messages to send exclusive missives only to fans who back them financially. With Connect, artists and fans can be in constant contact.

Questions? Reach out on Twitter at @audiomack.
Bug fixes and performance enhancements.
Users now have the ability to share marketing assets from the Promote Tab to spread the word to their fans about their releases.
Creators now have the ability to share audio files directly from other apps to the Creator App for upload via the Android Share Sheet. Now you can go straight from recording to uploading all from your mobile device.
In this release we are introducing the new Promote tab! The promote tab hosts shareable assets and links you can use to spread the word about your release to your fans. Each profile and release includes it's own array of images, which expands with each milestone achieved. Share to your fans to hype up your music directly from the Creator app via the Promote tab.
• Improved editorial content
• Preview for Feed captions on Uploads
• Bug fixes and performance enhancements
In this version of the Creator App you'll be able to become an Authenticated artist, join AMP, and take advantage of our monetization program on the go. You'll be able to see your daily revenue, earnings from Supporters, previous performance, as well as withdraw your earnings to your preferred payment method. Additionally there are key performance enhancements and bug fixes included in this version of the Creator App.
In this version of the Creator App you'll be able to become an Authenticated artist, join AMP, and take advantage of our monetization program on the go. You'll be able to see your daily revenue, earnings from Supporters, previous performance, as well as withdraw your earnings to your preferred payment method. Additionally there are key performance enhancements and bug fixes included in this version of the Creator App.
In this version of the Creator App you'll be able to become an Authenticated artist, join AMP, and take advantage of our monetization program on the go. You'll be able to see your daily revenue, earnings from Supporters, previous performance, as well as withdraw your earnings to your preferred payment method. Additionally there are key performance enhancements and bug fixes included in this version of the Creator App.
In this version of the Creator App you'll be able to become an Authenticated artist, join AMP, and take advantage of our monetization program on the go. You'll be able to see your daily revenue, earnings from Supporters, previous performance, as well as withdraw your earnings to your preferred payment method. Additionally there are key performance enhancements and bug fixes included in this version of the Creator App.
With Premiere Access, artists can make music available exclusively to their supporters prior to its general release date. When you encounter Premiere Access music, you'll be able to directly support the artist and listen to their music on Audiomack before it is available anywhere else. Proceeds from Supporters go directly to the artist or their distributor.

Eligible artists can now set a future release as Premiere Access directly from the upload flow in the Creator App.
Bug fixes and performance enhancements.

ハッキング方法 Audiomack Creator-Upload Music

ダウンロード Audiomack Creator-Upload Music MOD APK 2.10.3

ダウンロード MOD APK


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