Ascension | Bible & Catechism Mod Apk

Ascension | Bible & Catechism ハック - Mod Apk 1.14.10

開発者: Ascension Publishing Group
カテゴリー: 書籍&参考書
価格: 無料です


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新規: 神父と一緒に「一年間のロザリオ」ポッドキャストを聞いてください。マーク・メアリー・エイムズ、CFR は、アプリ限定の特別なコンテンツや機能をお楽しみいただけます。



アセンション アプリは、神父と一年に聖書を結びつける世界で唯一のアプリです。マイク・シュミッツとジェフ・キャビンズ、大冒険カトリック聖書、一年間のカテキズム、およびカトリック教会のカテキズムが同じ場所にあります。


NAB translations from USCCB are now available in Daily Readings;
Your email address will be prefilled on the login screen if you log out;
We have updated the tutorial shown when you register with Ascension;
Let the author of your favorite Study Plan hear how much you have enjoyed it via a new feedback button;
See more details up close while zooming in on the Sacred Art while praying the Rosary.
Access The Rosary in a Year podcast with a new Home screen shortcut and jump straight into the Rosary Prayer from any episode;
More podcast transcripts are now available, making it easier to follow every word.
- Enjoy the streamlined the onboarding experience – we have made it even easier for you to enjoy Ascension content after you sign up by removing the tutorial and unnecessary popups;
- Improved Progress Tracking: Fixed issues with saving progress in Bible and Catechism books;
- Enhanced Calendar Performance: Improved the performance and stability of Calendar, making it easier to access and enjoy your daily content seamlessly;
- Fixed issue with player animation
- improve tablet user interface
- related Bible Answers added to the podcast episode detail screen and expanded podcast player
- fixed Catechism blockquote text being duplicated
- Night Mode is now available! Choose the light, night or system theme in your profile settings.
- Fix users not being able to scroll a transcript
- Return transcript audio player controls with an arrow icon toggle to optionally hide them
- Change email screen text for new users to clarify which Ascension account to use
- Podcast cards are fully pressable, previously only See all episodes was
- Option to download an episode and listen to it later when offline
- A new episode list filter for downloaded episodes
- Fix companions for Messianic Intro episodes
- Fix some episodes not playing after pressing Play button
- Notes and bookmarks for podcasts are split into Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year categories
- fixed app crashing when opening a Bible companion

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1.29万 件のレビュー