○ Restored the annotation button to the document toolbar for songs that have no documents or lyrics.
○ Updated the document viewer to stop disabling scrolling when you view a one page document with the two column presentation.
○ Updated the Roman numerals function to ignore any currently applied transposition.
○ Fixed a crash when reloading the layout after changing from a song with a recording to a song without a recording.
○ Updated the table row drag and drop functionality to be more responsive.
○ Fixed a problem that skipped the pre-roll when starting auto-scroll for a document with a saved zoom position.
○ Fixed a problem that made the recording loop end button unresponsive.
○ Updated the chord coloring and transposing functions to ignore text in parentheses when identifying lines of chords. You can use this to place directives like "(x2)" into a line of chords without interfering with these functions.
○ Fixed a problem that sometimes added extra spaces between chords when transposing.
○ Fixed the initial text size and scroll position of lyrics in a two-column display.
• Fixed a problem where empty lines in the Lyrics or Chords field would display instead of an attached document.
• Restored the sending of pinned MIDI presets before song MIDI presets when sending both from the same app control action.
• In the Settings > App Control > Actions > Common list, added Start Auto-Scroll and replaced Start/Stop Automation with Start Automation.
• Fixed a crash when sending pinned MIDI presets from a layout that contains the Multiple MIDI Buttons item and a song that contains enough MIDI presets to make that button scroll and no MIDI presets are pinned.
• Stopped MIDI buttons in song lists from showing pinned MIDI presets twice.
• Updated the document, recording and MIDI buttons in song lists to be active if only pinned items are available for a song.
• Updated the Settings > App Control page to correctly save the Speak Text field.
★ Added a text background color button to the text formatting toolbar.
○ Added a Bass Drum tempo click sound.
○ Updated the display of bracketed chords to ignore bold, italic or underline applied to the surrounding text, but to use the color of the surrounding text if no chords color is set.
○ Updated the set list sort and shuffle functions to keep linked songs together.
○ Increased the compression in transmitted screen images to make the screen sharing function more responsive.
○ Cropped URLs in custom fields to their domain names when displayed in a song list.
○ Fixed a crash when viewing the last song in a set list when the layout includes a +2 field.
○ Fixed incorrectly placed checkmarks when adding a new song or searching for songs from the song picker.
○ Fixed a problem that caused tags in smart copies to not save or inherit correctly.
- Fixed a problem that stopped documents and recordings from loading on some devices.
- Restored line wrapping in the Lyrics field when viewed from the song edit page.
- Fixed the search field on the Shows list and the Quick Add popup.
- Added Help > Utilities > Show Automation Waveforms to allow turning these off if they cause problems on slower devices.
- Fixed a crash on the Share Songs page when songs contain more content in the Chords field than will fit on a page.
- Simplified the behavior of the layout display when resizing the app window in multi-window mode.
- Placed parentheses around the names of scalable layouts.
- Fixed a crash on the Share Set List page when more fields are selected than can fit on the page.
- Added Export Settings, Email Settings and Import Settings buttons to the database export/import options.
- Added a Follow Remote Control Messages option to the Settings > Live Sharing page.
- Added remote control actions View Page/Marker 1-10.
- Updated the document annotation function to remember the last-used tool.
- Added a Search For Video function to the song edit page.
- Updated the set list Share Songs page to not split a line of chords and a following line of lyrics across a page break.
Plus more changed listed in the release notes on our website.
- Added support for FLAC audio files.
- Updated automation tracks to stop a recording that's still playing from a previous song when it's time to play a recording for the current song.
- Fixed the saving of text formatting in the Notes field on the show Edit Details page.
- Replaced sharp and flat symbols with simplified characters to avoid spacing and coloring issues.
- Fixed a problem where copying a show and then clicking the Edit Songs button would edit the songs for the original show.
- Fixed a problem where document and recording settings, including document annotations, weren't included when importing a database.
- Stopped attempting to filter the Import Database file picker for .sqlite files, since the file type recognition often fails.
- Fixed a problem that caused the Load Standard Layouts function to create duplicate layouts.
- Fixed a problem that caused the standard layout not to use the full screen height on some devices without a software navigation bar.
- Fixed a crash after manually editing an automation track with a device language that uses commas for decimal numbers.
- Fixed a crash when importing MIDI presets from a data file.
- Fixed a problem that caused documents to not attach to songs when importing songs from a batch of documents.
- Updated the tag picker to sort tags by name if they don't have sort orders defined.
- Updated all empty sort orders to 0 for consistent sorting.
- Fixed a problem that left smart copies of songs out of the database conversion if the smart copy had the same name as the original copy. If this problem affects you, please contact us for a fix.
- Updated the Shows list to not move shows to the archive folders until the day after they are scheduled.
- Fixed a problem that showed every past show in every archive folder.
- Fixed an empty set heading on the show Edit Songs page for shows with only one set.