Augment - 3D 拡張現実 Mod Apk

Augment - 3D 拡張現実 ハック - Mod Apk 5.6.1+30711

開発者: StayinFront (Asia Pacific) Limited
カテゴリー: ビジネス
価格: 無料です


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The application Augment runs ARCore* to provide you with a great AR experience.
Smoothly add and browse your own 3D models. Manipulate models horizontally and vertically in the same AR Session with improved precision and stability, capture and share your composition.
*compatible device and Android 9+ required.

Update 5.6.1:
Various bug corrections.
The application Augment runs ARCore* to provide you with a great AR experience.
Smoothly add and browse your own 3D models. Manipulate models horizontally and vertically in the same AR Session with improved precision and stability, capture and share your composition.
*compatible device and Android 9+ required.

Update 5.5.3:
Various bug corrections.
The application Augment runs ARCore* to provide you with a great AR experience.
Smoothly add and browse your own 3D models. Manipulate models horizontally and vertically in the same AR Session with improved precision and stability, capture and share your composition.
*compatible device and Android 9+ required.

Update 5.4.1:
Support of new types of materials.
Important fix regarding object manipulation. Various bug corrections.

ハッキング方法 Augment - 3D 拡張現実

ダウンロード Augment - 3D 拡張現実 MOD APK 5.6.1+30711

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.2 点満点中 5
2.96万 件のレビュー