EasyCoder : Learn Java Mod Apk

EasyCoder : Learn Java ハック - Mod Apk 6.3.3

開発者: AMensah - Learn to code
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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EASY CODER: Learn Java Programming は、優れた Java コーディング学習アプリ、コーディング コース、またはコーディング チュートリアルを探している人のための革新的なアプリです。

わかりやすいコーディング チュートリアル アプリを通じてプログラミングを学び、Java プログラミング言語を使用してアプリケーションの構築を始めましょう。 Javaコーディングコースは、スムーズに学習できるよう、いくつかの基本的なカテゴリーに分かれています。これは、基本的なコーディングから始めて、徐々に高度なレベルの内容を学べる Java チュートリアル アプリです。誰でも楽しめる完全な Java コーディング学習コースを備えた Java プログラミング アプリをお探しなら、EasyCoder が最適です。

このアプリは、Java に関連するビデオ チュートリアルとクイズを提供します。特定のテクノロジに関連するすべての基礎を説明するので、自分でコーディングを始めることができます。このアプリはコーディング/プログラミングを楽しく学べるので、飽きることはありません。コード学習アプリがこれほど素晴らしいことはかつてありませんでした。これはオンラインで最高の Java 学習 Android アプリです。


ビデオチュートリアルから学ぶことは、何かを学ぶための最も簡単で楽しい方法の 1 つです。この Java コード学習アプリには、いつでも視聴して簡単に学習できる優れたビデオ チュートリアルが含まれています。また、このアプリには、Java の質問に答えて知識をテストできるクイズも含まれています。ビデオチュートリアルやクイズを備えたオンラインの Java 学習 Android アプリをお探しなら、これが最適です。

👨‍💻シンプルな UI:
何よりもプログラミングのレッスンに重点を置いた Java コーディング学習アプリを探しているなら、Easy Coder が最適です。一切の複雑さを排除したシンプルなUIを採用しているので、アプリの操作方法に悩むことなく、実際の学習に集中していただけます。

あなたがプログラミングの初心者で、初心者向けのコンピューター プログラミングのチュートリアルを探していて、このアプリを見つけたとします。ここでは Java プログラミングを学ぶだけでなく、他の学習者と一緒にチャレンジに参加して楽しく学習し、自分のスキルをテストすることもできます。また、アプリ内で独自のプロジェクトを作成して自分がどれだけ上手に作業できるかを確認することもできます。

👨‍💻Java コーディングを無料で学習:
EasyCoder は完全に無料なので、無料のコーディング アプリを探している場合、または PC または Android アプリの開発を無料で学ぼうとしている場合は、ぜひこれを試してみてください。

これは、Java を学びたい人のための完全なコーディングおよびプログラミング アプリです。初心者向けの Java コーディング アプリ、またはベテラン プログラマー向けの高度な Java コーディング チュートリアル アプリをお探しの場合は、誰にとっても役立つものが見つかります。 EASY CODER: Learn Java Programming アプリをダウンロードしてインストールし、楽しく効果的な方法で学習を始めてください。


* Lesson Completion Bug Fix: Finished lessons now update instantly with a crisp checkmark
* Sleeker AI UI: Our AI now generates an even more intuitive, polished interface for your code.
* Smarter Code Testing & Corrections: Enhanced A.I. accuracy and speed!
* 🛠️ Upgrade Fix: Resolved an issue that prevented some users from upgrading.
* ⚡ Smarter Code Testing & Corrections: Enhanced A.I. accuracy and speed!
- ✨ Sleek New Look: A redesigned learning interface for a smoother experience!
* ✨ Sleek New Look: A redesigned learning interface for a smoother experience!
* 📋 Copy Output: You can now copy your code output to the clipboard.
- Smarter Code Testing & Correction: Enhanced A.I. accuracy and speed!
* Smarter Code Testing & Correction: Enhanced A.I. accuracy and speed!
- Lessons are now skippable for users with an upgraded version
- Improved onboarding experience & interface
* Improved onboarding experience & interface
* Improved landscape video quality
* Smarter Code Testing & Correction: Enhanced A.I. accuracy and speed!
- More ways to share: You now have more control over who sees your published code.
More ways to share: You now have more control over who sees your published code.
Smarter Code Corrections: Enhanced A.I. accuracy and speed!
Improved UI: Made the user experience more intuitive & pleasant
Community Boost: More ways to reach us on social media
- Your Java code gets converted to an interactive user interface when you solve a challenge
- New module: Learn about the essential java concepts
- Video Hints: Enhanced code corrections with dynamic video guidance.
- Faster Video Downloads: Lightning-fast, efficient video downloads for uninterrupted learning.
- Android App Dev Preview: Get a sneak peek into Android app development.
- Flexible Video Viewing: Most videos now support landscape and portrait modes.
- New module: Learn about the essential java concepts
- Video Hints: Enhanced code corrections with dynamic video guidance.
- Faster Video Downloads: Lightning-fast, efficient video downloads for uninterrupted learning.
- Android App Dev Preview: Get a sneak peek into Android app development.
- JavaScript Support: Easily open external JavaScript files.
- Flexible Video Viewing: Most videos now support landscape and portrait modes.
- Video Hints: Enhanced code corrections with dynamic video guidance.
- Faster Video Downloads: Lightning-fast, efficient video downloads for uninterrupted learning.
- Android App Dev Preview: Get a sneak peek into Android app development.
- JavaScript Support: Easily open external JavaScript files.
- Flexible Video Viewing: Most videos now support landscape and portrait modes.
- Fixed a critical bug that was affecting the IDE for some users
- Improved user experience
- Fixed a critical bug that was affecting the IDE for some users
- Improved user experience
- Fixed a critical bug that was affecting the IDE for some users
- Improved user experience
- Prepare to be blown away by a major UI redesign that introduces enhanced support for both Dark and Light Mode, ensuring a visually stunning experience tailored to your preferences.
- Say goodbye to pesky bugs as we've diligently resolved them (Especially that annoying login bug).
- Unlock bonus content by simply referring two or more friends to join the app's fantastic community.
- Prepare to be blown away by a major UI redesign that introduces enhanced support for both Dark and Light Mode, ensuring a visually stunning experience tailored to your preferences.
- Say goodbye to pesky bugs as we've diligently resolved them (Especially that annoying login bug).
- Unlock bonus content by simply referring two or more friends to join the app's fantastic community.
Significantly improved AI code corrections: Get help with your code in real-time
Bug Fix: Resolved the endless loading of corrupt videos
* Introducing Intelligent Code Assessment: Your code can now be checked in real-time to identify issues. An explanation of the problem and suggestions for fixing your code is provided in real-time.
*Video Loading bug fixed
New game (spin the wheel) to earn credits
New code films
* Introducing Intelligent Code Assessment: Your code can now be checked in real-time to identify issues. An explanation of the problem and suggestions for fixing your code is provided in real-time.
* The out-of-Memory issue has been resolved: If you accidentally create an infinite loop or create massive data, it will be detected and stopped before your device runs out of memory.
*Improved Tablet experience
*Faster Video Loading: You will notice a significant improvement in video load speed
* Introducing Intelligent Code Assessment: Your code can now be checked in real-time to identify issues. An explanation of the problem and suggestions for fixing your code is provided in real-time.
* The out-of-Memory issue has been resolved: If you accidentally create an infinite loop or create massive data, it will be detected and stopped before your device runs out of memory.
*Improved Tablet experience
*Faster Video Loading: You will notice a significant improvement in video load speed
*As popularly requested, the app can now be viewed in landscape mode.
The app has now been designed to support tablet/laptop screens in addition to mobile phone screens.
Some bugs related to app performance have been resolved.
* New Lessons about Algorithms
More efficient use of internet data, which makes the app much faster and reduces the use of your internet connection.
* New Lessons about Algorithms
More efficient use of internet data, which makes the app much faster and reduces the use of your internet connection.
Connectivity error fix
New video about what to do when you get stuck
Several User Interface improvements to provide a better experience
Fixed a bug that made a lesson show a wrong completion status
The feedback messaging bug fixed
*Due to popular demand, course certificates are now available upon completion of lessons
*You can now save your code files to a folder, that can be accessed from outside the app
Fixed some bugs
New video about ways to make money as a programmer
*New video about ways to make money as a programmer
The profile section has been re-designed to provide a better user experience.
You can now delete your profile by yourself. (An email request is no longer needed)
* The profile section has been re-designed to provide a better user experience.
You can now delete your profile by yourself. (An email request is no longer needed)
* The profile section has been re-designed to provide a better user experience.
You can now delete your profile by yourself. (An email request is no longer needed)

ハッキング方法 EasyCoder : Learn Java

ダウンロード EasyCoder : Learn Java MOD APK 6.3.3

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