- Fixes to improve app stable operation; support for features that will become available with upcoming hub OS update.
- Fixes to improve app stable operation; support for features that will become available with upcoming hub OS update.
- For automation scenarios by arming/disarming added the ability to set the scenario execution after the exit delay. Available with OS Malevich 2.26.
- Support for new security system devices that will become available soon.
- For native cameras added a setting that allows to rotate the image from the device.
- For devices connected via automation relays, we’ve added new operating modes: blocking element and electric lock. Settings are available with hub OS Malevich 2.26 version.
- Also new operating modes added for devices connected via integration modules: control of blocking element or bolt lock. Settings are available with hub OS Malevich 2.26 version.
- New design for notifications tab and folders for notifications to sort them depending on the event type.
- Support for new security system devices.
- Minor fixes improving app performance.
- Minor fixes improving app performance.
- Added new events about keypad blocking (if the corresponding setting is enabled) after 3 attempts of password guessing or using unauthorised access devices.
- With new OS Malevich 2.16 firmware version, we’ve updated settings for Delays when Entering/Leaving.
- With new OS Malevich 2.16 firmware version, in Monitoring Station settings appears the ability to set different IP addresses for each alarm channel.
- Support for new devices.
- Redesigned Control screen.
- For all system users, added ability to run ‘Detection Zone Test’ from hub settings.
- Ability to deactivate devices for one time until the system is disarmed. New deactivation type is available in each device settings.
- Support for new devices.
Added new devices support. We will notify you as soon as they become available.
Important: all new features will become available after hub updates to OS Malevich 2.15.
- For LifeQuality added the support of charts, showing the fluctuation of air quality values.
- Opportunity to disable notifications from automation devices (new Notifications menu in device settings).
- In notifications from automation devices, added the information of the triggering reason.
- The new type of push notifications in User settings (hub > settings > Users > user name > Notification settings).
New security system devices support. We will notify you as soon as they become available.
- Minor fixes improving app performance.
- Added an ability to manage installation and security companies' access to photos from motion detectors and video from surveillance cameras (Privacy menu in hub settings).
- Minor fixes improving app performance.
- Scenarios by temperature for automation devices. Becomes available with OS Malevich 2.14 version.
- Updated fonts and icons colour.
- Updated design for list of devices, rooms, and hub notifications feed.
- Updated user notification settings screen (hub > settings > Users > user name > Notifications settings).
- Updated colours for security states of the system. Now the colour of the Armed state is red, the Disarmed state is green, and the Night Mode is presented with purple.
- Fixed an issue when notifications about lid opening from Fibra wired sirens, opening detectors, and glass break detectors were displayed incorrectly.
- To comply with international security regulations, we had to remove the ability to clear hub notifications history from the app.
- Other fixes, improving app performance.
- Keypad access codes to arm/disarm the system. Create codes in hub with OS Malevich 2.13.1 firmware settings for temporary users of the system or for users without account. Not available for the first generation Hub.
- Ability to delete your account in the app using the “App Settings” → “Edit Account” menu.
- With hub version OS Malevich 2.13.1, ReX 2 connected via Ethernet and devices paired with it can be transferred to a new hub during data import even without connection via Jeweller.
◇ Ethernet as an additional communication channel for ReX 2.
◇ New event types for Button, Transmitter, and wired devices connected to MultiTransmitter: leakage, malfunction, custom.
◇ New Privacy menu in hub settings and a Privacy Manager position for hub admins.
◇ Minor fixes improving operation of the new features related to installation companies.
New features are available for hubs with firmware version OS Malevich 2.13 and later.