Astonishing Baseball Manager Mod Apk

Astonishing Baseball Manager ハック - Mod Apk 4.4.2

開発者: Studio Zero Games
カテゴリー: スポーツ, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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AB24 が利用可能になりました!

Astonishing Baseball(AB)は、広告なしの毎日無料の野球マネージャーシミュレーターです。スターだらけのスポーツチームの野球監督兼コーチになり、GM として選手たちを究極の報酬であるベースボールカップに導きましょう!

Astonishing Baseball Manager は、よくあるシミュレーターゲームではありません。統計と WAR 予測が満載のテーブルだけではありません。選手をトレードしたり、フリーエージェントのスターと契約したり、球場をアップグレードしたり、優秀な GM スカウトを雇ったりするだけではありません。Astonishing Baseball Manager では、すべてを勝ち取るという 1 つの目標を念頭に置いて、独自の野球コーチの物語を書いています。そのためには、優れたコーチ、GM/マネージャーになる必要があります。物語性のあるスポーツシミュレーターゲームのようなものです!ストアで最高の野球ゲームの 1 つです!


Astonishing Baseball では、いつも夢見ていたチームを作ることができます。貪欲なリーグの他のチームとトレードしたり、オフシーズン中にフリーエージェントのスターと契約したりできます。レジェンドコンテスト中に、完璧なプロスペクトをスカウトしてドラフトし、野球スターのランクに育成します。あなたは野球のマネージャーです。最高の野球 GM になれることを証明してください!

Astonishing Baseball simulator はオフラインでも好きなだけプレイできます。9 イニングゲームをプレイし、チームのマネージャーとして行動するために、広告を待ったり見たりする必要はありません。プレイするのに Wi-Fi は必要ありません。チームを構築するためにアカウントを作成する必要はありません。今すぐタップしてプレイしてください!

Astonishing Baseball Manager は非常に簡単に学ぶことができます。ゲームのルールを知っていれば、遊び方やコーチになる方法がわかります!しかし、あなたがセイバーメトリクスの達人なら、完璧なゲーム数から戦争予測まで、オタクの本能を満たすあらゆる種類の統計をタップするだけで見つけることができます!

Astonishing Baseball Manager は、完全にカスタマイズ可能な世界で深い伝承を特徴としています。スポーツファンがゲームとあなたの新人について投稿しています。レポーターはクローザーのパフォーマンスと完璧なイニングについて記事を書きます。プレイヤーは、自分の懸念事項や契約についてメッセージを送ってきます... あるいは、コーチであるあなたをディナーショーに招待しているかもしれません!



ソロモード全体がオフラインでプレイできる場合でも、いつでもオンラインで他のマネージャーと対戦したり、多数のマルチプレイヤーモードの 1 つでゲームをプレイしたりすることもできます!王になるか、世界チャンピオンのタイトルを征服しよう。

おそらく、あなたはチームで成功するつもりですが、名声の頂点に達すると、才能のあるコーチがあなたの王座を盗みに来るかもしれません!Dargor ファミリーがあなたと衝突する準備ができているので、気をつけてください。

コーチやマネージャーとして、あなたにも人生があります!AB では、チームをハンバーガーレストランに連れて行ったり、地元の協会を手伝ったりするだけでなく、お気に入りの作家に会ったり、ロックスターになったり、最愛の人と結婚したりすることもできます!

ファンタジースポーツやコーチシミュレーターゲームが好きなら、Astonishing Baseball Manager を気に入るはずです!ダウンロードボタンをタップして、今すぐプレイしましょう。球場でお会いしましょう!

Discord サーバーに参加してください:


New rosters are now available!
New team logos have been added, so you can customize your style even more!
Improved UI for the Franchise Player mode
Improved UI for universities
Improved help for the minor team
Bug fixes for the tutorial and the Owner DLC
You can now decide to enable the new negotiation flow or not!
Bug fixes for Franchise Player, draft filters and multiplayer (Thanks Rose and Ewan!)
Improved tutorial
You can now decide to enable the new negotiation flow or not!
Bug fixes for Franchise Player, draft filters and multiplayer (Thanks Rose and Ewan!)
Your legendary player can now be improved thanks to the new tiers system. Train them to the max to see for yourself!
We have a brand new game engine used for friendly online games. Give it a try now before it reaches ranked!
Our dark mode has been improved, and it's now more epic than ever!
The Legends Contest selection for pitchers has been refined.
Improved management of stats for franchise players
The Hall of Fame screen now displays the "Best player of all time" title.
Bug fixes for high school and minor team training
Our rosters have been updated!
Improved player picker in trades.
Improved UI for trades and the front office
Legends can now become superstars!
New help sections about pitching and batting attributes
Bug fixes for the Greenville High school. Thank you Mr Dean!
Bug fixes for the daily bonus, transactions, high school and draft picks (Thanks Yk!)
You can now unlock skills to improve your minor team coach!
Team records have been added to the awards screen.
The Astonishing Zoo is here, ready to make your ballpark even better!
Improved injury management for minor team players
Defense and IP are now available as lineup stats.
Improved UI for random events
Bug fixes for expeditions
The Rings Update is here! Win the Baseball Cup, and receive one of our amazing collectable rings!
We've redesigned the player's page. It looks so great now!
The help section has been reorganized. How fancy!
You can now pick your "handness" when creating a franchise player.
Bug fixes for the search screen and switch hitters (many thanks to the community for that!)
The side-job of your dreams is now available: become a high school coach! Sort of.
History for relievers now displays their saves
Contract rewards in franchise player mode have been doubled
Improved dark mode and UI for universities
Bug fixes for custom avatars, the field view and college mode (thanks Moose!)
You can now select avatars for your front office members. More customization, yay!
Legendary players now have a special icon in the lineup screen
Unlocking Bleachers features is now cheaper!
Improved logo loading for custom mods
Bug fixes for the Prodigy and scouts
Welcome to the first version of AB23!
We're testing a new UI for the franchise player mode. Yay \o/
You can now sort the listing when picking a team
Improved tutorial
Bug fixes
Team ERA calculations have been changed, thanks to the input of the community. Better rankings, better advice, better game!
You can now enable skills while playing the regular mode. Just enable the option when creating your new team!
You can now reverse results in the search screen
The Baseball Cup MVP of each season is now displayed in the history screen!
Improved tutorial
Improved color selection
A lot of bug fixes
Improved navigation for the free agency, based on the community's feedback!
Improved UI for the logo picker
The Epic Cap of Coach John in franchise player mode is finally fixed
The new rosters are now available \o/
New students generation has been fixed in college mode
Unlocking a logo now works properly when done from a team's lineup page
The new rosters are now available \o/
New students generation has been fixed in college mode
Unlocking a logo now works properly when done from a team's lineup page
Missing school? Rejoice, because you can now become the coach of a college team! Shorter season, brutal free agency and epic playoffs are waiting for you!
New team logos have been added!
A few bug fixes and improvements
The press will now tell you when the child of an Hall of Famer decides to join the draft.
Legends will now longer appear as old-version of themselves
Various UI improvements and bug fixes
WAR is now part of players history! That's for you, Andy and mxcokoko!
The history screen has been improved, with the addition of best record of the season and coach of the year
You can now enable "extreme injuries" from the game settings! This might hurt.
Some improvements and bug fixes for the franchise pitcher mode (Thanks Nham)
Improvements for the superstar (Thanks Night)
You can finally create your own pitcher in my franchise player mode! Improve your player, train pitches and win the Baseball Cup!
You can now unlock skills for pitchers in both epic and my franchise player mode, along new skills for everybody.
Improved UI for my franchise player mode
More options are now available to customize your lineup stats columns! Sabermetrics overload!
Players in the minor team can now rest (probability depends on your minor coach's skills). The minors are finally starting to look like proper holidays!
Franchise players have been buffed! Even more power for you all!
You can once again disable multiplayer notifications from the settings
Your stadium chef will now stay at least 3 years instead of one. Yay!
A few minor improvements and bug fixes.
The Epic mode is here, with increasing difficulty and skills to unlock! Believe me, you're going to have new stories to tell, and skill points to spend!
Skills are now also available in my franchise player mode!
A new Baseball Cup screen has been added, to properly celebrate your achievements!
Duplicated players in some teams have been removed (for new saves)
Bug fix for children of HOFers who appeared in the draft with an incorrect age
The injury setting has been fixed

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