Last Pirate: Survival Island Mod Apk

Last Pirate: Survival Island ハック - Mod Apk 1.13.15

開発者: RetroStyle Games UA
カテゴリー: アクション
価格: 無料です


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失われた島へようこそ、孤独なサバイバー!あなたは難破して小さな島に取り残されました。リアルアドベンチャーオフラインゲーム「Last Pirate: Island Survival」で最も強力な海賊になりましょう。ここの黙示録後の厳しい世界は、ゾンビ、モンスター、ゴジラやクラーケンなどのボスでいっぱいで、常にあなたを殺し、あなたの生存計画を壊そうとします。


覚えておいてください:あなたの人生はあなたの手の中にあるので、難破した獲物から海賊の王へのあなたの生存体験と進化の責任があるのはあなただけです。ゴジラ、ゾンビ、そして不穏な魂の襲撃があなたを殺す瞬間を待っているので、注意して、死から身を守るためにできる限りのことをしてください。島で遊牧民になり、7 日間生存を延長する時が来ました!さて、あなたは何を選びますか?生きるか死ぬか?

🏴?‍☠️🏝? Last Pirate: Island Survival の特徴:

* 貴重な資源を集める:この危険な島で生き残り、モンスターから身を守るために、木材、石、果物、その他の必要な戦利品を集めます。
* 十分な栄養を補給し、喉が渇かないようにしましょう:生存者の世話をし、十分な食べ物と飲み物を与えてください。島を探索して、食べられる動物、果物、水、またはユニークなものを見つけてください。
* 必要なものをすべて作る:集めたリソースから、衣服、道具など、生き残るために必要なものすべてを作ることができます。
* Build Your Ark:自分の船を持たない海賊を想像できますか?クエストを受け、収集したリソースを使用して強力な船を段階的に作成し、深海を航海します。
* 島を探索:島の秘密を明らかにし、隠された宝の場所が記載された死海の泥棒の地図を見つけ、地元の部族と一緒に森を調べ、身を守るためのすべてを見つけてください。
* 自分だけの武器を作ろう:斧から銃まで、この海賊シューティングゲームで最強の武器と鎧を作ろう。スキルを向上させて、ゴジラ、クラーケン、来世のゾンビなど、地球と海のモンスターを倒しましょう。
* 島の動植物に会う:サバイバル島は、素晴らしい風景を作り出す美しい木々や花でいっぱいです。また、友達にも敵にもなる野生動物がたくさんいます。それとも食べ物...
* 釣りに行く:退屈を感じていますか?いかだを作って、あとは釣りに行くだけ。食べ物を手に入れるためにラフトサバイバルを練習しましょう!
* 昼と夜のサイクルをお楽しみください:昼と夜にはモンスターがいます。モンスターと戦い、環境に適応する準備をしてください。注意してください:悪は夜が大好きで、あなたを狙っています!

🛠?️🔧? Last Pirate: Island Survival のプレイ方法⚙️💡?

この海賊シミュレーターでは、取り残された海賊として失われた島で旅が始まります。プレイするには 2 つの手が必要です。1 つは海賊を任意の方向に動かすためのもので、もう 1 つは木を切ったり、石を叩いたり、モンスターと戦ったり、その他のアクションを実行したりするためのものです。盗賊の探索の合間に、必要なタスクに従って船を建造することを忘れないでください。

バックパックのサイズには制限があることを忘れないでください。リソースを賢く使用してください。昼の光を使って資源や食料を集め、箱舟を作り、夜の闇を使ってモンスター、ゴジラ、クラーケンと戦い、貴重な宝物を見つけよう。Last Pirate には、さまざまな生き物がたくさんいるので、できるだけ長く生き残るために彼らがどのように攻撃するかを学びましょう。武器を定期的に改良することを忘れないでください。先に進むほど、モンスターはより危険になります。彼らがあなたを倒すことはできません!野生の島を探索し、ウォーキングデッドモンスターと戦い、真の海賊の伝説になる準備はできていますか?

🏴?‍☠️⚙️ 最後の海賊に追いつく:アイランドサバイバル RPG ゲーム 🎮?🌟?


Discord で開発者とチャット -




- All hands on deck!
Get ready for a global update
- We did a complete rebalance of the game. Enemies, crafting, and logic are completely rebuilt
- Added functionality so that you can get weapons from defeated skeletons
- Added temporary new specials to the store that will help you in completing quests
- Bug fixes
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, are you ready for epic battles? We are releasing a major AI enhancement:

* Skeletons have gained new combat skills, as well as new behavior in battle
* It's now possible to dodge skeletons with pistols
* Animal logic has been improved
* Bed mechanics have been changed
* Global bug fix
* Added ability to track activities on the map
* Rebalanced repair costs
* Empty graves are not displayed on the map and mini-map

Set sails and go on exciting adventures!
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, are you ready for epic battles? We are releasing a major AI enhancement:

* Skeletons have gained new combat skills, as well as new behavior in battle
* It's now possible to dodge skeletons with pistols
* Animal logic has been improved
* Bed mechanics have been changed
* Global bug fix
* Added ability to track activities on the map
* Rebalanced repair costs
* Empty graves are not displayed on the map and mini-map

Set sails and go on exciting adventures!
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, are you ready for epic battles? We are releasing a major AI enhancement:

* Skeletons have gained new combat skills, as well as new behavior in battle
* It's now possible to dodge skeletons with pistols
* Animal logic has been improved
* Bed mechanics have been changed
* Global bug fix
* Added ability to track activities on the map
* Rebalanced repair costs
* Empty graves are not displayed on the map and mini-map

Set sails and go on exciting adventures!
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, are you ready for epic battles? We are releasing a major AI enhancement:

* Skeletons have gained new combat skills, as well as new behavior in battle
* It's now possible to dodge skeletons with pistols
* Animal logic has been improved
* Bed mechanics have been changed
* Global bug fix
* Added ability to track activities on the map
* Rebalanced repair costs
* Empty graves are not displayed on the map and mini-map

Set sails and go on exciting adventures!
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, are you ready for epic battles? We are releasing a major AI enhancement:

* Skeletons have gained new combat skills, as well as new behavior in battle
* It's now possible to dodge skeletons with pistols
* Animal logic has been improved
* Bed mechanics have been changed
* Global bug fix
* Added ability to track activities on the map
* Rebalanced repair costs
* Empty graves are not displayed on the map and mini-map

Set sails and go on exciting adventures!
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, are you ready for epic battles? We are releasing a major AI enhancement:

* Skeletons have gained new combat skills, as well as new behavior in battle
* It's now possible to dodge skeletons with pistols
* Animal logic has been improved
* Bed mechanics have been changed
* Global bug fix
* Added ability to track activities on the map
* Rebalanced repair costs
* Empty graves are not displayed on the map and mini-map

Set sails and go on exciting adventures!
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, are you ready for epic battles? We are releasing a major AI enhancement:

* Skeletons have gained new combat skills, as well as new behavior in battle
* It's now possible to dodge skeletons with pistols
* Animal logic has been improved
* Bed mechanics have been changed
* Global bug fix
* Added ability to track activities on the map
* Rebalanced repair costs
* Empty graves are not displayed on the map and mini-map

Set sails and go on exciting adventures!
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, are you ready for epic battles? We are releasing a major AI enhancement:

* Skeletons have gained new combat skills, as well as new behavior in battle
* It's now possible to dodge skeletons with pistols
* Animal logic has been improved
* Bed mechanics have been changed
* Global bug fix
* Added ability to track activities on the map
* Rebalanced repair costs
* Empty graves are not displayed on the map and mini-map

Set sails and go on exciting adventures!
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, are you ready for epic battles? We are releasing a major AI enhancement:

- Skeletons have acquired new combat skills and also received new behavior in battle
- It is now possible to dodge shots from skeletons with pistol
- Improved animal logic
- Global bug fixes
- Added the ability to track activities on the map
- Improved icons display on the mini-map
- Rebalanced repair costs
- Empty tombs are no longer displayed on the map

Set sails and go on exciting adventures!
Yo-ho-ho, pirates, the skeleton thief will no longer steal the charge of your battery. We are releasing a global optimization upgrade and much more!

* Added map and mini-map
* An updated and more convenient HUD awaits you
* Improved UX from collecting rewards in the journal
* Improved UX from interacting with the map
* Changed the sorting of items in the crafting menu
* Improved display of wild boar stun
* And a massive bug-fix as well

Set sail and head towards adventure!
- Optimized game size for different devices;
- Added promocode menu;
- Added automatic selection of ammunition in a special cell;
- Ammo count shows all ammo in inventory;
- The tutorial has been shorter;
- Added location transition window;
- Added an indicator for Empty Loot;
- Animated player status indicator;
- Fixed the skeleton animation of chest interaction;
- Fixed the chicken loot process;
- Other bug fixes.
Now you can earn coins and receive a special reward at the end of the week. Log in everyday to not miss an opportunity to become the richest pirate!
- Added subscription
- Rebalanced boar stun mechanic;
- Fixed item drag locked for same items in workshops;
- Fixed game pausing on hotbar tooltip;
- Fixed broken items in inventories;
- Fixed skeletons regenerating hp in waterfall;
- Multiple small fixes.
- Fixed chests spawning alongside barrels
- Fixed store crashing the game
- Fixed wolf and boar event quests not progressing
- Fixed a bug with the loss of items after the death of a character;
- Changes have been made in interaction with the chest;
- Fixed a bug with non-breakable items;
- Fixed a bug with the transfer of ore to the furnace;
- Fixed a bug in interaction with skeletons in quest №7;
- Fixed a bug with the incorrect display of the hit button;
- Fixed a bug with endless farming of Halloween coins.
Back from the grave to spook you again! Are you ready to meet the risen from the dead?

- The dark Halloween moon curses your enemies, making them less predictable and more powerful.
- Now your weapon is infused with the power of spirits. Can you conquer her.
- A mysterious scarecrow awaits you in the depths of the island. Might be packing some goodies for you.
- Pop into the store on one of those long nights for new offers to assist you against the spooks!
- Fixed invisible skeletons.
- Fix weapon damage;
- Bug fixes.
* Tooltip bug fix;
* Bug fixes with weapon damage;
* Fix textures on the cemetery location;
* Removed transparent roofs in the buildings;
* HP bar fix;
* Other bug fixes.
* Added damage numbers for mobs.
* Improved AI (can now stun the player).
* Bug fixes.
* Added damage numbers for mobs.
* Improved AI (can now stun the player).
* Bug fixes.

ハッキング方法 Last Pirate: Survival Island

ダウンロード Last Pirate: Survival Island MOD APK 1.13.15

ダウンロード MOD APK


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