Avenza Maps をご利用いただきありがとうございます。このバージョンの新機能:
- ピン、トラック、ライン、エリアのUIが刷新されました
- サードパーティのサインインサポート
- マップ機能ごとに複数のジオフェンス
- バグ修正とパフォーマンスの向上
Avenza Mapsをご利用いただきありがとうございます!このバージョンの新機能:
- PlusおよびProサブスクリプションのユーザー向けに衛星画像ベースマップが利用可能
- OSMベースマップのスタイル改善
- 地図とレイヤーの複製機能
- パフォーマンス、UIの改善と小さなバグ修正
Thanks for using Avenza Maps! What's new in this version:
- Multi-page PDF support.
- GeoPackage import.
- Notification center for in-app alerts.
- Contextual action menus for layers and features.
- Showing distance to placemarks in navigation mode.
- Ability to manually fetch placemark elevation values.
- Various bug fixes and UI improvements.
Thanks for using Avenza Maps! What's new in this version:
- Basemaps beta.
- Elevation in the draw and measure panel.
- PDF map files load up to 60% faster.
- TIFF and JPEG map files load up to 80% faster.
- Maps can now be shared using Nearby Share.
- Improved Map Store search functionality.
- Clickable hyperlinks in feature descriptions.
- Various UI fixes and improvements.
Thanks for using Avenza Maps! What’s new in this version:
- Elevation now available in the Draw and Measure panel.
- Imported placemarks can get updated elevation values.
- Improved error messaging in the Edit Placemark screen.
- Fixed error where elevation was displayed as 0.0 for all placemarks.
- Fixed error displaying incorrect elevation status in the Edit Placemark screen.
- Fixed error retrieving elevation while Draw and Measure is open.
Thanks for using Avenza Maps! What's new in this version:
- Fixed crashes on app start in some cases.
- Fixed elevation values not being kept after import.
- Fixed location and tracking tool permissions issues.
- Fixed some Shapefiles importing as empty.
Thanks for using Avenza Maps! What's new in this version:
- External elevation service for placemarks.
- Scale bar added to map view.
- Ability to change placemark scale from setting.
- Classic placemark pins were added as a symbol set.
- Search history added to the map store.
- Fixed issue related to attribute schemas not maintaining order.
- Fixed issue related to layer content visibility in map collections.
- Placemark aggregation disabled by default.
Thanks for using Avenza Maps! What's new in this version:
- Fixed issues related to colours changing on migration.
- Fixed issue with spaces not being accepted for feature names.
- Fixed issue with search for layer name.
- Fixed issues with attribute schemas.
- Fixed an issue with track distance not showing correctly in the callout when distance is set to feet.