Sidekick by Sorted Food Mod Apk

Sidekick by Sorted Food ハック - Mod Apk 2.26.3

開発者: Sorted Club
カテゴリー: フード&ドリンク
価格: 無料です


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Sidekick は、家庭料理をする人が退屈な夕食を中止できるように設計された毎週の食事プランナー アプリです。私たちはすべての考えを完璧にまとめているため、自宅で簡単な食事を作ることが簡単になり、ストレスがなく、共有するのが楽しくなります。


さらに、1 か月の無料トライアルでは、完全に無料でその仕組みを確認し、素晴らしい食事を調理することができます。

Sidekick でできることは次のとおりです。

1. キッチンの自信を解き放つ
Sidekick は、食事の好みに関係なく、エキサイティングな新しいレシピ、おいしいフレーバーを発見し、さまざまな材料を試し、新しい調理テクニックを学ぶのに役立ちます。突然、料理をすることがパートナー、友人、家族と楽しい共有体験になり、週の半ばが簡単な食事、シンプルな食事計画、素晴らしい料理のお祝いに変わります。

2. ストレスフリーで楽しい家庭料理
Sidekick に好みやすでに持っている食材を伝えることで、食事計画を立てたり、毎週何を作るかを決める手間が軽減されます。私たちのシェフが、食事の準備と簡単な料理のレシピを段階的にご案内します。創作した料理の成果を満喫する時間をさらに増やします。

3. 食料品の買い物リストをシンプルに
Sidekick は、その週のレシピを 1 つの食材の買い物リストにまとめ、生鮮食品と店の食器棚の定番品を組み合わせて、他のたくさんのレシピに使用できます。将来的にはさらにお金を節約できます。クレイジーな味の食事を作るには、思っているよりも少ない材料リストが必要です。

4. 持続可能な生活を簡単に
Sorted では、食品廃棄物の削減に全力で取り組んでいます。当社のユニークなレシピ パックは、複数のレシピで材料を共有するのに役立ちます。そのため、週ごとの食事計画がより適切になり、ほうれん草が袋半分に残ることがなくなります。私たちのレシピでは、店舗の食器棚にある食品も最大限に活用できるため、購入する食品が減り、食料品の買い物でさらにお金を節約できます。


- 500 以上のレシピから選択可能
- 食事に関係なく、肉、魚、野菜の食事が可能です
- 簡単で健康的なレシピ
- 主に2名様向けのお食事
- 画像付きの分かりやすく書かれたステップバイステップの調理手順
- メートル法またはインペリアル測定法を使用して調理します
- 音声ガイドが「ハンズフリー」で食事の準備の手順を説明します
- 便利なクッキングタイマーが調理中の食べ物を追跡します
- 毎週の食事をさらに安くするために購入するストア食器棚の食料品の推奨食料品リスト
- ウィークリーメニューは、毎日何を作るかを計画し、食事の計画をより良くするのに役立ちます
- 食料品や食品の買い物をより良くするための、新鮮な食材の分かりやすい買い物リスト
- レシピ内で材料を追加または置換するための他の Sidekick ユーザーからの推奨ツイスト

Sidekick を使用すると、500 以上のレシピが含まれる Sorted Food の Cookbooks アプリにもアクセスできます。


Sidekick は、アプリ内で自動更新の月額サブスクリプションとして年間 £49.99 または月額 £4.99 で利用できます。

Sidekick を購入すると、支払いは Google Play アカウントに請求され、現在の期間が終了する 24 時間以内にアカウントに更新の請求が行われます。自動更新は、購入後に Google Play ストアの設定に移動していつでもオフにできます。



We’ve made a few subtle improvements behind the scenes, ensuring your cooking adventures continue to run seamlessly every time you fire up a recipe.
We’ve made a few subtle improvements behind the scenes, ensuring your cooking adventures continue to run seamlessly every time you fire up a recipe.
We’ve made a few subtle improvements behind the scenes, ensuring your cooking adventures continue to run seamlessly every time you fire up a recipe.
We've cooked up some behind-the-scenes improvements to make your Sidekick experience smoother than ever!
We've cooked up some behind-the-scenes improvements to make your Sidekick experience smoother than ever!
This update reminds us of the humble blueberry - small, but full of goodness. Update now to get the latest bug fixes.
This update reminds us of the humble blueberry - small, but full of goodness. Update now to get the latest bug fixes.
This update is un-beet-able! We've improved Sidekick Home to make the experience more seamless and fixed some bugs too.
Teamwork makes the dream work thanks to Sidekick Home! Collaborate on weekly menus and conquer the shopping together. We've improved Sidekick Home to make the experience more seamless.

What do you call a peanut in a spacesuit? An astronut!
We've fixed some pesky bugs, and made a few improvements.

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot.
Spice up your kitchen game with the latest Sidekick release! We've fixed some pesky bugs, and made a few improvements.

Here's something to make your day better -

Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
Our app just got a tasty update. We've sliced the bugs, seasoned it with some major improvements, and added a pinch of new features. Update now!
Get ready to spice up your life with related recipes! And hey, our shopping list has transformed into a genius sous chef, showing you how to use up those store cupboard essentials. Bon appétit!
Our app just got a tasty update. We've sliced the bugs, seasoned it with some major improvements, and added a pinch of new features. Update now!
You've asked, and we've listened - you can now explore recipes, packs, and YouTube recipes within the app. Say goodbye to boring dinners, and expand your culinary horizons!
For our new users, we’ve created a beautiful new onboarding experience to help get you cooking right away. Plus we’ve squashed some of your pesky bugs.
Have you ever wondered what to cook with those ingredients going off in the fridge? Well we've made it easier than ever. Head to the search screen, tell us what you've got, and we'll recommend some super tasty recipes that you can cook straight away.
Bugs be gone! With Sidekick 2.12.2 we’ve swatted some pesky critters ruining your experience. Plus, say hello to lightning-fast image loading AND a new UX for timers that’ll have you as organised as our very own Ebbers
For this version we focused our dev efforts in cleaning up some pesky bugs you reported especially around the new Search screen we recently updated. Happy cooking!
This release is all about you! Download it to enjoy…
- A whole new search and filtering experience putting YOUR tastes right front and centre. Remember those preferences you set up a moment ago?
- Customise your “Cooking preferences” in Settings. Since you’re there, don’t forget to set up your household size and dietary requirements!
- Reducing your food waste! Look out for our Freshness Alert in your ingredients, planner and shopping list.
- Planning and shopping on Sidekick just got (even) smarter! How? Pick your pack and get on with your day-by-day weekly planning as usual. Unsure when to have what? Let the freshness score help you out by prioritising what could go bad first!
- A brand new way to display the full method, making it easier to follow a recipe guide for those of you who (somehow!) can’t stand the guys’ voices.
This is a huge one!

- A whole new editorial Explore experience to help your inspiration. Have a look out for our Chef’s top Recipe Packs or Seasonal choices
- “I wish Sidekick could allow a week of planned meals to be modified.” > DONE. You can now edit your week straight from the Planner
- Tap on each ingredient image to see its enlarged version.
- We got rid of that cooked/uncooked logic in the Planner that was making you sad.
- Finally, more pesky bugs solved for a much smoother experience
This update includes:

- Love the pack you made last week? You can now rate your completed packs out of 5 stars in-app.
- Changed your mind? You can now change any rating you’ve previously given to a recipe.
- Some more improvements to your shopping list - look out for ingredient weights!
- Improvements to the planner - You can now toggle between your current AND your past week!

And as usual, we’ve been squashing some of those pesky bugs.
Take a look at our all-new and improved recipe guide! We’ve made it easier for you to navigate as well as keep track of your timers. Get cooking and give it a go!
We’ve upgraded the shopping list - this will now remember what ingredients you already have at home!
Having issues with your shopping list? You can now let us know by tapping the three dots in the top left corner.
We’ve also fixed a few pesky bugs
What’s new you ask?
- Time to tell us what you really think... you'll now be able to rate your recipes out of 5 stars. Go on, go cook something and give it a try.
- Craving something spicy? Or a pasta bake? Whatever it is, head to settings to send us your menu requests.
- A new and improved onboarding experience designed to make sure you get 101% out of your very first pack!
- The prep screen now lists the quantity for each equipment in the recipe, making it EVEN more informative and useful.
What’s new you ask?

So far, Sidekick has helped you choose WHAT to eat, but how about WHEN? 🤔 We’ve now made planning your weekly cooking super easy:

1. Select up to 2 Recipe Packs per week
2. Plan which day to cook each recipe
3. Shop with even more ease, with a re-designed shopping list

All combining to help you become a better home cook!
What’s new you ask?
- A brand new prep screen sporting EVERYTHING you need to get started with all your favourite dishes; and
- We kinda forgot to ask you how you found your recipe when exiting from the full method. It’s fixed now 🙃✅

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