Bring! Grocery Shopping List Mod Apk

Bring! Grocery Shopping List ハック - Mod Apk 4.75.1

開発者: Bring! Labs AG
カテゴリー: ショッピング
価格: 無料です


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Bring を使って食料品の計画を簡単にしましょう! – 食料品店リストの作成と共有に最適なショッピング リスト アプリ。無料で、Wear OS を含むすべてのデバイスで利用できます。



1. いつでもどこでも必要なときに利用できる食料品の買い物リスト
Bring! を使用すると、食料品と買い物リストをいつでもすぐに利用でき、いつでも商品を追加できます。これで、食料品を忘れることはもうありません。

2. 食料品の買い物リストをリアルタイムで共有する

3. 音声コマンドまたはスマート検索による簡単入力
作成して持ってきてください!スマート検索機能を使用すると、食料品の買い物リストをすぐに作成できます。これにより、入力が自動的に完了し、パーソナライズされた製品の推奨が提供されます。または、音声コマンドで無料のショッピング リストを作成することもできます。

4. 詳細と数量を追加します

5. 自動的に整理されたリスト
食料品ショッピング アプリは、リスト上の商品を自動的にグループ化して整理することで、買い物の時間を節約します。スーパーマーケットの通路に合わせてアプリ内の製品カテゴリをカスタマイズすることもできます。

6. おいしいレシピを見つけて保存する

7. オンラインレシピから材料をインポートする
ワンクリックで、レシピの材料をウェブサイトから Bring! にインポートできます。同期機能付きの無料食料品リスト。レシピはレシピブックに自動的に保存され、いつでもアクセスできます。

8. 食料品の買い物をより持続可能なものにする

9. 特別オファーを利用する

10. 複数の無料食料品リストのおかげで概要がわかりやすくなる
さまざまな店舗、特別な機会、またはさまざまな人々のグループ用に共有の買い物リストを作成します (例: 家族の買い物リスト、オフィス用など)

11. すべてのポイントカードをすぐに利用可能
ポイントカードを Bring! の中央に安全に保管します。財布。

ダーク モードとライト モード、タイル ビューとリスト ビューを選択して、アプリをカスタマイズします。独自の商品を追加し、さまざまなテンプレートを選択し、食料品店リストのレイアウトをカスタマイズします。

持ってきて!簡単な食料品リスト オーガナイザーは、ショッピングをスムーズでストレスのない体験に変えます。無料のショッピング リスト アプリを今すぐ入手して、どこにいても共有の食料品リストを簡単に作成しましょう。持ち込みもご利用いただけます!食料品ショッピング アプリは、スマートフォン、タブレット、Apple Watch 上で、あるいは Web バージョンとして無料でご利用いただけます。共有デジタル ショッピング リストを必要なときにいつでもどこでも利用できるため、忘れられた食料品は過去のものになります。持ってくる!食料品リストメーカーは、時間、お金、ストレスを節約します。

ヒント: 便利な Bring! を使用して、iPhone のホーム画面にショッピング リストを無料で追加することもできます。 iOS ウィジェット。

Bring! に関するフィードバックをお寄せいただきありがとうございます。食料品の買い物リストアプリです。改善のための提案を歓迎します。ご質問がある場合、またはサポートが必要な場合は、[email protected] までお問い合わせください。




We have bravely fought against small, annoying bugs and protected the veggies and fruits on your shopping list from being infested. You can continue to shop unhindered – completely pest-free! Have fun!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
We have bravely fought against small, annoying bugs and protected the veggies and fruits on your shopping list from being infested. You can continue to shop unhindered – completely pest-free! Have fun!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
We have bravely fought against small, annoying bugs and protected the veggies and fruits on your shopping list from being infested. You can continue to shop unhindered – completely pest-free! Have fun!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
With every update Bring gets a little bit better because we are always working on the smallest details. In this case, we have fixed bugs and improved the performance. You will probably not notice anything immediately, but the app really does work better with this update – promise! Your Bring! Team

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
Do you use your Wear OS for shopping planning? Then try out a few new features:
- A scroll bar shows you how long your shopping list is.
- The most important thing at a glance: The time is always displayed!
We’ve also made the design smarter here and there - so that you will keep having fun with shopping planning with Bring!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
Do you use your Wear OS for shopping planning? Then try out a few new features:
- A scroll bar shows you how long your shopping list is.
- The most important thing at a glance: The time is always displayed!
We’ve also made the design smarter here and there - so that you will keep having fun with shopping planning with Bring!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
Do you use your Wear OS for shopping planning? Then try out a few new features:
- A scroll bar shows you how long your shopping list is.
- The most important thing at a glance: The time is always displayed!
We’ve also made the design smarter here and there - so that you will keep having fun with shopping planning with Bring!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
With this version you can not only add items to an existing list, but also create a new one. Easy, fast, uncomplicated - this is how grocery shopping works with Bring!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
With every update Bring gets a little bit better because we are always working on the smallest details. In this case, we have fixed bugs and improved the performance. You will probably not notice anything immediately, but the app really does work better with this update – promise! Your Bring! Team

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
A long-awaited feature is finally here:
With this update you can move articles from one list to the next.

To do this, open the detailed view of an item and select a new list via the settings.

Don’t have a second list yet? Then create a new list and sort your drugstore items there - our insider tip for a better overview when planning your shopping!

Have fun shopping!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
A long-awaited feature is finally here:
With this update you can move articles from one list to the next.

To do this, open the detailed view of an item and select a new list via the settings.

Don’t have a second list yet? Then create a new list and sort your drugstore items there - our insider tip for a better overview when planning your shopping!

Have fun shopping!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
A long-awaited feature is finally here:
With this update you can move articles from one list to the next.

To do this, open the detailed view of an item and select a new list via the settings.

Don’t have a second list yet? Then create a new list and sort your drugstore items there - our insider tip for a better overview when planning your shopping!

Have fun shopping!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
A long-awaited feature is finally here:
With this update you can move articles from one list to the next.

To do this, open the detailed view of an item and select a new list via the settings.

Don’t have a second list yet? Then create a new list and sort your drugstore items there - our insider tip for a better overview when planning your shopping!

Have fun shopping!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
Long desired and finally here: With this update you can:
- Set the double-tap gesture to select and deselect items. No more accidentally removed items from your list!
- See the detail page in the list view if you long-click on an item.

Have fun shopping!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
With every update Bring gets a little bit better because we are always working on the smallest details. In this case, we have fixed bugs and improved the performance. You will probably not notice anything immediately, but the app really does work better with this update – promise! Your Bring! Team

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
We are always working on optimizing your shopping experience with Bring! With this update, we have fixed some bugs and improved the performance. Now all that is left for us to do is wish you lots of fun planning and shopping. Your Bring! team

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
We want to create the best shopping list app for you. With this new version, we have come a little closer to our goal. Bring! now supports you even better in planning your shopping.

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
We want to create the best shopping list app for you. With this new version, we have come a little closer to our goal. Bring! now supports you even better in planning your shopping.

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
We are always working on optimizing your shopping experience with Bring! With this update, we have fixed some bugs and improved the performance. Now all that is left for us to do is wish you lots of fun planning and shopping. Your Bring! team

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
We want to create the best shopping list app for you. With this new version, we have come a little closer to our goal. Bring! now supports you even better in planning your shopping.

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
With each update, Bring! gets a little bit better, because we are always working on the smallest details. You might not notice anything immediately, but the app works even better with this update – promise!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
With each update, Bring! gets a little bit better, because we are always working on the smallest details. You might not notice anything immediately, but the app works even better with this update – promise!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]
With each update, Bring! gets a little bit better, because we are always working on the smallest details. You might not notice anything immediately, but the app works even better with this update – promise!

We are always grateful for ideas, suggestions and feedback! Feel free to write to us at: [email protected]

ハッキング方法 Bring! Grocery Shopping List

ダウンロード Bring! Grocery Shopping List MOD APK 4.75.1

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.4 点満点中 5
13.7万 件のレビュー