Beekeeper - Frontline Success Mod Apk

Beekeeper - Frontline Success ハック - Mod Apk 11.0.0b360

開発者: Beekeeper AG
カテゴリー: 仕事効率化
価格: 無料です


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オールインワンのフロントライン サクセス システムである Beekeeper は、フロントライン ビジネスの働き方を変革しています。当社のモバイルファーストプラットフォームは、企業が紙や手作業のプロセスを廃止して従業員のエンゲージメント、定着率、パフォーマンスを向上させるのに役立ちます。

従業員が最高の仕事をするために必要な人材、プロセス、システムに直接アクセスできるようにします。世界中の企業が Beekeeper を使用してチームを接続し、システムを統合し、ビジネスを推進しています。

従業員がシフト スケジュール、給与明細、オンボーディング、トレーニング、タスク、安全チェックリスト、お知らせなどを 1 か所で検索できるようにします。


· リアルタイムのコミュニケーションとコラボレーション - チャット、ストリーム、アンケート、投票、キャンペーンを使用して、最前線との緊密な連携を図ります。コミュニケーションはリアルタイムで行われます。また、インライン翻訳を使用すると、いつでもどこからでもチーム間のコラボレーションを行うことができます。

· 現場の生産性の向上 - 紙と手作業のプロセスを最新の方法で置き換えて作業を完了します。日々のタスク、チェックリスト、フォームをデジタル化して、間違いを防ぎ、チームの時間を節約します。重要なプロセスを自動化して、チームの生産性を向上させます。

· ファイル共有 - ドキュメント、写真、ビデオを同僚と共有します。

· シフト管理 - 最前線のチーム向けに構築されたモバイルファーストのシフト通知。従業員のリクエストに簡単に対応して、シフトの柔軟性を提供します。

· 従業員サービスの合理化 - 既存の HRIS システムを拡張して、チーム メンバーが携帯電話の 1 つのアプリからシフト、給与明細、トレーニングにすべてアクセスできるようにします。 PTO リクエストからオンボーディングまたはオフボーディング プロセスへのシフト変更まで、これまでは数日かかっていたサービスが数分で完了するようになります。 Workday、ADP、Microsoft Azure、SAP など、すでに使用しているツールやサービスを統合してワークフローを自動化します。

· 最前線でのデータ主導の洞察の取得 - これまで紙のフォームやスプレッドシートに隠されていたデータをキャプチャします。マネージャーは、可能な限り最高の従業員エクスペリエンスを提供しながら、より適切な意思決定を行います。

· 従業員のエンゲージメントを高め、離職率を削減 - 簡単な従業員アンケートにより、重要なフィードバックを数分で収集し、影響力のある変更を加えることができます。

· 最前線のデジタル変革を迅速に実行 - すぐに使える簡単な統合、専用の構成サポート、自動化されたワークフローにより、時間と IT コストを節約します。 Beekeeper のオープン API や開発者向けツール スイートを使用して、カスタム統合やワークフローを作成することもできます。

· エンタープライズ レベルのセキュリティとコンプライアンス - データとプライバシーは最先端の暗号化によって保護されます。



🚀 New features and improvements!

🎥 Video Sharing in Chats* – Send videos seamlessly.
🤖 AI Comment Suggestions* – Smart replies for effortless engagement.
📂 Improved File Attachment UI – Easier file selection.
🔄 Redesigned Chat Menu – Now a bottom sheet.
🌐 Enhanced WebView Support – Better embedded content handling.

🐞 Bug fixes, crash resolutions, and performance improvements! Update now!

* subject to tenant availability
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app! We regularly update it to improve your experience. This release introduces commenting with images, new offline capabilities, fixes bugs, and improves the user interface.

Key Changes:
- Increased image size limit for chats to 15 MBs.
- Added a badge icon on the Streams tab.
- Enabled the ability to paste images into comments.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed SSO login flow via external browser.
- Fixed sporadic infinite comment loader.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
You can now search for chat titles and filter them by unread, direct or group messages, to make it easier to find the chat that you're looking for.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.
Thank you for using our app. To make the app better for you, we release updates regularly.
Every update of the app includes improvements for speed and reliability. As new features become available, we will highlight those for you in the app.
If you are enjoying the app, please consider leaving a positive rating & review. If you have any feedback please reach out to us.

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